A collection of coding assignments, projects, and exercises from my coursework at the University of Kigali. This repository reflects my learning journey across various programming modules and serves as a showcase of my coding skills and progress.
This repository is organized by module, containing practical implementations, assignments, and projects. Each folder represents a specific module or topic studied during my academic program.
- Internet Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP-based assignments.
- JavaScript Exercises: Hands-on practice with JavaScript fundamentals and advanced topics.
- PHP Projects: Basic and advanced server-side programming tasks.
- Additional modules as part of the academic program.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/elyse502/UoK.git
- Navigate through the folders for specific modules and exercises.
- Feel free to suggest improvements or fork the repo for your own use.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me:
📧 Email: elyseniyibizi502@gmail.com