Display SF MUNI transit times on an epd2in13 e-ink display with an esp32c6 board
. G 3v3 . VCC
. TX RST .
. RX 4 . din
. 15 5 . cs
dc . 23 6 . busy
rst . 22 7 .
. 21 0 . clk
. 20 1 .
. 19 8 .
. 18 10 .
. 9 11 .
. G 2 .
. 13 3 .
. 12 5V .
. NC NC .
Install cargo-espflash
cargo install cargo-espflash
Connect to the board via the UART port.
cargo flash --monitor
- A flashing utility for esp32 boards
- Wifi
- esp32c6-hal docs
- epd2in13 manual
- epd-waveshare docs
- Pins from a different board that may be useful