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Portfolio of materials created during my Georgia Tech Cybersecurity bootcamp in 2022.


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Portfolio Table of Contents

  • Red vs Blue Capstone Project Report
    • A detailed write-up (in PDF form, based on slides) of a project where I infiltrated a target device, and then later looked at logs to identify the various exploitations from Kibana
    • Tools used includes: Kibana, Elasticsearch, dirbuster, hydra, metasploit, msfvenom, meterpreter, Kali
  • Automated ELK Stack Deployment
    • A detailed write-up (in markdown form) for a cloud deployment of a full, redundant ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack on virtual machines
    • Tools used includes: Ansible, Azure, SSH, and the aforementioned ELK stack

Automated ELK Stack Deployment

The files in this repository were used to configure the network depicted below.

ELK Stack

These files have been tested and used to generate a live ELK deployment on Azure. They can be used to either recreate the entire deployment pictured above.

This document contains the following details:

How to Use This Repository

All commands assume you're using a Debian flavor of Linux, and are meant as an example of one possible setup. Adjust as needed.

Download your first copy

  1. Install git: sudo apt install git
  2. Move to the desired directory to copy these files: cd ~/repositories
  3. Clone the repo: git clone /~


  1. Move to the cybersecurity_bootcamp directory: cd ~/repositories/cybersecurity_bootcamp
  2. Pull the changes down: git pull

Description of the Topology

The main purpose of this network is to expose a load-balanced and monitored instance of DVWA, the D*mn Vulnerable Web Application.

Load balancing ensures that the application will be highly available, in addition to restricting access to the network. Using a jump box gives us a centralized location for administering to all other machines on the network.

Integrating an ELK server allows users to easily monitor the vulnerable VMs for changes to the metrics and system logs. Specifically, Filebeat collects, parses, and helps you visualize logs. Meanwhile, Metricbeat keeps an eye on system resources like CPU usage and file systems.

The configuration details of each machine may be found below.

Name Function IP Address Operating System
Jump-Box-Provisioner Gateway Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
Web-1 Webserver Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
Web-2 Webserver Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
Web-3 Webserver Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
RedTeam2.LoadBalancer Load Balancer Linux (?)
RedTeam-ELKServer ELK Server Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

Access Policies

The machines on the internal network are not exposed to the public Internet.

Only the Jump-Box-Provisioner and the RedTeam-ELKServer machines can accept connections from the Internet. Access to these machines is only allowed from the following IP addresses:

  • **.**.***.102

Note that the RedTeam-ELKServer is only internet-accessible on port 80 for Kibana. Otherwise, machines within the network can only be accessed by Jump-Box-Provisioner.

A summary of the access policies in place can be found in the table below.

Name Publicly Accessible Allowed IP Addresses
Jump-Box-Provisioner Yes (port 22) **.**.***.102
RedTeam-ELKServer Yes (port 80) **.**.***.102
Web-* No Internal Subnet Only
RedTeam2.LoadBalancer Yes (port 80) **.**.***.102

Elk Configuration

Ansible was used to automate configuration of the ELK machine. No configuration was performed manually, which is advantageous because we can quickly bring a drop-in replacement up in case of accessibility issues with the current ELK machine.

The playbook implements the following tasks:

  • Increase available system memory
  • Install docker, python-3, pip, and finally docker for python
  • Install ELK-stack docker container
  • Enable docker service to restart automatically upon reboot

The following screenshot displays the result of running docker ps after successfully configuring the ELK instance.

Docker Output

Target Machines & Beats

This ELK server is configured to monitor the following machines:

  • Web-1 |
  • Web-2 |
  • Web-3 |

We have installed the following Beats on these machines:

These Beats allow us to collect the following information from each machine:

  • MetricBeat collects "system-level CPU usage, memory, file system, disk IO, and network IO statistics, as well as top-like statistics for every process running on your systems"1
  • FileBeat simplifies "the collection, parsing, and visualization of common log formats"2

Using the Playbook

In order to use the ELK playbook, you will need to have an Ansible control node already configured. Assuming you have such a control node provisioned with access controls configured correctly:

SSH into the control node and follow the steps below:

  • Copy the ELK install file to /etc/ansible.
  • Update the hosts file to include the IP of your ELK machine as well as the IPs of the machines you plan to monitor (eg. [elk] and [webservers] in my [hosts](Ansible/hosts) file).
  • Run the playbook, and navigate to http://[ELK-server-IP]:5061/app/kibana to check that the installation worked as expected.

In order to install the beats, SSH into the control node and:

  • Copy the beats folder into /etc/ansible
  • Update the filebeat-config.yml lines 1106, 1806 to match your configuration details
  • Run the filebeat-playbook.yml playbook
  • Update the metricbeat.yml file
  • Run the metricbeat-playbook.yml playbook





Portfolio of materials created during my Georgia Tech Cybersecurity bootcamp in 2022.







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