SMBExec implementation in Nim - SMBv2 using NTLM Authentication with Pass-The-Hash technique
nimble install SMBExec
import SMBExec
Create SMB object, connect to target and execute a command under specified service name:
let hash = toNTLMHash("SecretPassword") # Returns NTLMHash => e.g 47bf8039a8506cd67c524a03ff84ba4e
var smb = newSMB2("IP Address/Hostname", "Domain", "Username", "Password Hash", "ServiceName (Optional)") # Creates SMB object
let response = smb.connect() # Connect and authenticate to the target via SMB
smb.exec("cmd command", response) # Response from the negotiation
smb.close() # Close socket
Powershell: Invoke-SMBExec - /~