Unity3D, SignalR real-time multiplayer
UnityR is a smaple multiplayer game. This project consist of two main parts: Server and Game.
Server part made with SignalR technology and Game part is a Unity3D project. Unity game uses BestHttp library to connect the SignalR server.
The server consists of two classes: Startup.cs
and GameHub.cs
Here is an overview of Stratup.cs
public class Startup
/// <summary>
/// Configure the signalR program
/// </summary>
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
// Maps signalR hubs to the app builder pipeline at "/signalr"
enables you to call methods on connected clients from the server. In this class, you define methods that are called by clients. Here is an overview of this class:
public class GameHub : Hub
// Players list that save the players connection id and group id
private static Dictionary<string, string> players = new Dictionary<string, string>();
/// <summary>
/// When player join in the game
/// </summary>
public override Task OnConnected()
// Add player to the players list and set the group id to -2
players.Add(Context.ConnectionId, "-2");
return base.OnConnected();
/// <summary>
/// When player disconnected
/// </summary>
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
string groupName = players[Context.ConnectionId];
// Remove player from the players list and send message to other player to tell him the opponent left
return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
// And other methods...
For more information, read SignalR documentation.
The game consist of a main class called SignalRClient.cs
. By this class, the game communicate with the server. Here is an overview of SignalRClient.cs
public class SignalRClient : MonoBehaviour
// SignalR variables
private static Uri uri = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/signalr/");
private static GameHub gameHub;
private static Connection signalRConnection;
public void Connect()
// Initialize the connection
gameHub = new GameHub();
signalRConnection = new Connection(uri, gameHub);
signalRConnection.OnConnected += (conn) =>
Debug.Log("Connect Successfully!");
/// <summary>
/// A class for connection with server hub
/// </summary>
public class GameHub : Hub
public GameHub() : base("GameHub")
// Register callback functions that received from the server
base.On("JoinToOpponent", Joined);
/// <summary>
/// Return the join state from server - -1: Opponent not found, Otherwise: Opponent found
/// </summary>
private void Joined(Hub hub, MethodCallMessage msg)
int playerId = int.Parse(msg.Arguments[0].ToString());
if (playerId == -1)
Debug.Log("Waiting for an opponent...");
Debug.Log("Player joined!");
For more information, read BestHttp documentation.
- Clone a copy of the repo:
git clone "/~https://github.com/ehsan-mohammadi/UnityR.git"
- Open the server project with Visual Studio 2013 or above; Then run the server.
- Open the Game project with Unity3D 5.5.1f1 or above and run it.
Note 1: Because of the BestHttp
is a purchased library, I should to ignore this in my repo. So you need to download it from Unity Asset Store and extract it in the Game\Assets\Plugins
directory of the game. (Read BestHttp.md
Note 2: You can build the game, then open two windows of it to test the server.
UnityR is available to anybody free of charge, under the terms of MIT License (See LICENSE).