Docker Logging Driver Plugin. Sends the Docker container’s logs to the specified RELP server.
These can be modified via the --log-opt KEY=VALUE
command-line argument when using docker run
Log option | Description | Default value | Possible values |
relpHostname |
Set the RELP server’s hostname | |
any IP address |
relpPort |
Set the RELP server’s port |
1601 |
any valid port |
relpTls |
Use TLS connection instead of unencrypted to RELP server |
false |
true OR false |
syslogHostname |
Hostname in syslog message |
Actual hostname |
any string |
syslogAppName |
App name in syslog message |
teragrep |
any string |
tags |
View docker info in "dkr_01@48577" structured data |
off |
off, minimal OR full |
k8sMetadata |
Enrich syslog message with dkr_01_k8s@48577 structured data containing kubernetes metadata |
false |
true OR false |
kubeletUrl |
URL used to connect to the kubernetes metadata API |
any valid URL |
k8sClientAuthEnabled |
Authenticate the client for Kubernetes metadata |
true |
true OR false |
k8sClientAuthCertPath |
Path for the client.crt file for kubernetes metadata, must be accessible
from the mount specified in |
valid path for PEM cert |
k8sClientAuthKeyPath |
Path for the client.key file for kubernetes metadata, must be accessible
from the mount specified in |
valid path for PEM key |
k8sServerCertValidationEnabled |
Validate the server certificate |
false |
true OR false |
k8sServerCertPath |
Path for the server certificate, must be accessible
from the mount specified in |
(empty) |
valid path for cert |
k8sMetadataRefreshInterval |
Metadata refresh interval in seconds, 0 is always. |
0 |
valid positive integer (>=0) |
k8sMetadataRefreshEnabled |
Enable data refresh more than once in the beginning |
false |
true OR false |
In git root, run:
$ chmod +x && bash
Will make the plugin and enable it. You can check if it was successful with the docker plugin ls
The plugin’s logs can be accessed from the /run/docker/plugins/<id>/
To attach the log driver to a container, run the container with the --log-driver=teragrep/dkr_01:v1
$ docker run --log-driver=teragrep/dkr_01:v1 \
--log-opt relpHostname= \
--log-opt relpPort=1234 \
--log-opt relpTls=false
If using the docker-compose
command, you can customize the docker-compose.yaml
to contain the
relpHostname: ""
relpPort: "1601"
driver: teragrep/dkr_01:v1
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
logging: *default-logging
To build and use the plugin in Minikube, follow the instructions below.
(Note: In the commands below, [host]$
means that the command should be run in the
host machine’s terminal, [minikube]$
means that it should be run in minikube ssh, and
means that it should be run in the pod’s terminal.)
Start your Minikube environment with
[host]$ minikube start
Eval the docker-env to in your host machine’s terminal
[host]$ eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
Build the plugin
[host]$ chmod +x && bash
If necessary, build the test server
[host]$ cd testserver && docker build . -t testserver:latest --no-cache
SSH to the minikube
[host]$ minikube ssh
You need to add the log driver into the dockerd launch command in the
[minikube]$ sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
Change the line "ExecStart=" to contain the --log-driver=teragrep/dkr_01:v1
option and any possible
log opts.
Reload the daemon, restart docker service and restart kubelet to save these changes.
[minikube]$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
[minikube]$ sudo service docker restart
[minikube]$ sudo systemctl restart kubelet
You can check if the logging driver is functioning with the command below in minikube ssh terminal:
[minikube]$ docker info | grep -i "logging driver"
It should display dkr_01 instead of the default jsonfile logging driver, if the plugin has been loaded correctly.
If you built the test server, you can run it with (in your host machine terminal):
[host]$ kubectl run dkrpod --image=testserver:latest --image-pull-policy=Never --restart=Never
To print logs, you can use the pod’s terminal and curl
[host]$ kubectl exec -i -t dkrpod -- /bin/bash
and enter
[testserver-pod]$ curl localhost:9003/foobar
to generate log output in the testserver pod.