This project consists of a dockerised JMX Exporter image, based on the original project created by sscaling (sscaling/docker-jmx-prometheus-exporter), using alpine-java, dumb-init and fetching the official released version of jmx_exporter from the maven central repository
The version of the official prometheus jmx-exporter currently built and supported is 0.9 (and the http version, not used as java agent).
This version of the docker includes the following extra features:
- Automatic Configuration: config.xml creation based on environment variables and templates.
- Static Configuration: if config.xml is mapped into /opt/jmx_exporter/config/, then environment variables won't be considered, and the provided configuration will be used.
- Flexible rules: via environment variables we can select the rules to apply to the configuration (only if Automatic Configuration feature is used and only 1 rules file allowed).
- check_init : With check init enabled (by default is disabled), jmx_exporter will wait until the remote jmx port is available (this feature uses nagios check_jmx plugin) before starting the exporter itself.
Environment variables supported to get different behavior/configuration:
- SERVICE_PORT -- Port to receive http /metrics requests from Prometheus.
- DEST_HOST -- Host to monitor via jmx.
- DEST_PORT -- JMX port of destination host.
- RULES_MODULE -- Rules to apply.
- JVM_LOCAL_OPTS -- Options for local jvm.
- JMX_LOCAL_PORT -- Port for local jmxremote.
- CHECK_INIT -- (true | false) - Enable/disable check_init feature.
- CHECK_INIT_ACTION -- (exit | continue) -- What to do in case of failing checks.
- CHECK_INIT_MAX_DELAY -- Maximum time to spend checking remote JVM.
- CHECK_INIT_INTERVAL -- Interval between attempts (in seconds).
Supported modules in current version (only one can be selected):
- default (this will translate all mbeans to metrics)
- kafka-0-2-8
The objectives of implementing these features are:
- Being able to use the same docker image of jmx_exporter for different scenarios, as the configuration can be built from environment variables.
- In a Kubernetes environment, run jmx_exporter docker as an extra container (sidecar) in the pod to monitor (in this case DEST_HOST should be localhost).
- In a Kubernetes environment, run jmx_exporter docker in a dedicated pod, in order to monitor another pod (in this case DEST_HOST should be the name of a k8s service pointing to the pod).
If no environment variables or volumes are provided to the image, the exporter will have the following default behavior:
- HTTP listening port: 9072
- Remote JVM to connect to: localhost: 7072
- Rules to apply: default (which means a simple pattern: ".*" )
- Local jmxremote port: 7071 (in case someone wants to check this JVM)
- CHECK_INIT module will be disabled by default.
docker build -t eedugon/jmx-exporter .
docker run --rm -p "9072:9072" eedugon/jmx-exporter
Then you can visit the metrics endpoint: (assuming docker is running on localhost)
Note: If you want to test jmx_exporter monitoring it's own metrics, you could set DEST_PORT to 7071, which is the jmx port of the jmx_exporter itself.
docker run --rm -e "DEST_PORT=7071" -p "9072:9072" eedugon/jmx-exporter
This docker allows 2 configuration modes, automatic generation of config.xml (default) or providing a static configuration file via volume mount.
Example of setting our own config:
docker run --rm -p "9072:9072" -v "$PWD/config.yml:/opt/jmx_exporter/config/config.yml" eedugon/jmx-exporter
The configuration options are documented: /~
Additionally, the following environment variables can be defined
- SERVICE_PORT -- port to receive http /metrics requests
- DEST_HOST -- host to monitor via jmx
- DEST_PORT -- jmx port of destination host
- RULES_MODULE -- rules to apply
- JVM_LOCAL_OPTS -- options for local jvm
- JMX_LOCAL_PORT -- port for local jmxremote
I still need to check if we can use nagios check_jmx plugin inside this project. Anyway, it can be removed from the code easily:
- Remove from the block of CHECK_INIT feature plus all CHECK_INIT variables definition.
- Remove from Dockerfile the copy of resources/check_jmx to the docker.