Development environment for pals using vagrant and VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant for your system from
- Install VirtualBox for your system from
- Clone this repo 'git clone /~'
- Start up the virtual machine 'cd palsvagrant' 'vagrant up'. This will take a while as it will download the precise64 base box.
- Log into the pals machine with 'vagrant ssh'.
- Swap to root 'sudo su'.
- 'source ~/.bashrc'.
- cd /vagrant/palsnoder/server
- 'node sendmessage.js'
- 'node server.js'
- Open a new terminal and 'cd palsvagrant' 'vagrant ssh'.
- 'cd /vagrant/palsweb/pals'
- 'mrt'
- ^C
- 'meteor --port=80'
- If you get complaints about missing packages type 'npm install packagename' for each packagename complained about. (e.g. ampq).
- PALS should then be available on your host machine via http://localhost:8080.