This is the repository for the Ops settings of the 'Eclipse Keyple' project.
This is a Docker container used to build all Keyple java-based modules.
To build locally, use:
docker build -t eclipsekeyple/java-builder:2.0 .
To simulate Eclipse's usage when using Jenkins containers, use this command:
docker run -it --rm -u $((1000100000 + RANDOM % 100000)):0 eclipsekeyple/java-builder:2.0 bash
This is a Docker container used to build all Keyple cpp-based modules.
To build locally, use:
docker build -t eclipsekeyple/cpp-builder:7.0 .
To simulate Eclipse's usage when using Jenkins containers, use this command:
docker run -it --rm -u $((1000100000 + RANDOM % 100000)):0 eclipsekeyple/cpp-builder:7.0 bash
Artifacts : keyple-java-core, keyple-java-calypso, keyple-java-plugin-stub, keyple-java-plugin-pcsc, keyple-java-plugin-remotese, keyple-android-plugin-nfc, keyple-android-plugin-omapi
- create branch:release_X.Y.Z+1 from branch:release_X.Y.Z with :
- Change all artifacts version to X.Y.Z+1
- make keyple-java-example, android examples apk point to version "X.Y.Z+1"
- edit
- edit release note
- set release flag to false
Add code fix then follow Release process
Artifacts : keyple-java-core, keyple-java-calypso, keyple-java-plugin-stub, keyple-java-plugin-pcsc, keyple-java-plugin-remotese, keyple-android-plugin-nfc, keyple-android-plugin-omapi
- create branch:release_X.Y.Z from branch:develop with :
- make keyple-java-example, android examples apk point to version "X.Y.Z"
- edit
- edit release note
- set release flag to true
- tag source code with tag : "vX.Y.Z" and push to repo
- merge branch:release_X.Y.Z into branch:master
- generate artifacts with release version "X.Y.Z" with jenkins pipeline
- artifacts are uploaded to staging repository with. Promote artifacts as release in sonatype to publish them into Maven Central
- locate staging repo at : with account : keyple_bot
- close and release artifacts following instructions :
- create a github release and upload artifacts manually.
- modify link in to point to release in github
- create branch:init_new_version from branch:master with:
- increment artifacts version
- make keyple-java-example point to "+"
- set release flag to false
- add a new section for new_version in release note
- merge branch:init_new_version into branch:develop
- Fork the eclipse-keyple/keyple-ops repository
- Clone repository:
git clone /~[your_github_username]/keyple-ops.git
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Make your changes
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add some feature" -s
- Push feature branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
- Eclipse Keyple and the Eclipse Keyple project are Trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
- Eclipse® is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
- Eclipse Foundation is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Copyright 2020 the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and the Keyple OPS authors. Code released under the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (EPL-2.0).