SILOT is Variational Autoencoder for videos that models videos as collections of moving objects. It is able to scale to many 10s of objects (and likely even beyond that), and achieves this through extensive use of spatially invariant representations and computations. Examples of what SILOT can achieve can be found here.
This repo contains code for running experiments found in the following paper:
Exploiting Spatial Invariance for Scalable Unsupervised Object Tracking.
Eric Crawford and Joelle Pineau.
AAAI (2020).
title={Exploiting Spatial Invariance for Scalable Unsupervised Object Tracking},
author={Crawford, Eric and Pineau, Joelle},
booktitle={Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
This repo, and some of those it depends on (dps
and auto_yolo
), will likely undergo further
development in the future. We will always attempt to keep the experiments from
the above paper runnable. However, failing that, one can checkout the branch
before running the installation procedure below to get the code
exactly as it was for the paper. Repo dps
and auto_yolo
should also be
on branch aaai_2020
(the install script
installs these repositories
as well, and will attempt to checkout branches in those repos with the same
name as the current branch for this repo).
Install tensorflow with GPU support. SILOT was developed with tensorflow 1.13.2 and CUDA 10.0; no guarantees that it will work with other versions. In particular, versions of tensorflow >= 1.14 introduce changes to the process of building custom tensorflow ops (of which this repo relies on 2, both in the
dependency, see below) which this repo does not yet take into account.Example:
pip install tensorflow_gpu==1.13.2
This downloads a number of dependency repos and installs them and their dependencies. These repos are created inside the SILOT repo, but are not tracked by the SILOT repo (achieved by .gitignore).
: custom framework for managing datasets and the training loop.auto_yolo
: tensorflow implementation of SPAIR, which is used roughly as a sub-module within SILOT.sqair
: tensorflow implementation of Sequential Attend, Infer, Repeat, a predecessor of SILOT.
Install a version of
that matches your version of tensorflow (0.6 works for tensorflow 1.13, increment by 0.1 for each 0.1 increment of tf version).Example:
pip install tensorflow_probability==0.6
cd silot
python moving_mnist silot
When this is run for the first time, dps
will download EMNIST data required
for building the Moving MNIST dataset. It will also create a dataset of 60,000
examples, which can take a while. To use fewer examples, one can do:
python moving_mnist silot --n-train=1000
cd silot
python shapes shapes_silot
This will create a dataset of 60,000 examples, which can take a while. To use fewer examples, one can do:
python shapes shapes_silot --n-train=1000
We first need to download the atari data and unzip it before we can run silot on it.
This downloads atari data (in the form of a github repo called atari_rollouts
into the current working directory; silot assumes this is done inside the silot/silot
(i.e. the same directory where the
script lives). If you want to download the data
into another location, you'll need to tell silot where the data lives, which
can be achieved by editing the atari_data_dir
variable in
We can then run silot on any of asteroids, carnival, space_invaders, wizard_of_wor
python space_invaders atari_train_silot
SILOT uses a custom framework called dps
to manage datasets and run the training loop.
By default, dps will store data (cached datasets and experiment results) in
a directory created at path "./dps_data" (i.e. will create a directory called
inside the current working directory when you run the experiment).
To change this location, find the scratch_dir
entry in silot/, and edit it to point at your desired location.
Hereafter we will refer to this location as dps_data
Experimental results are stored in dps_data/local_experiments
. Within
, a directory will be created for each environment
(e.g. mnist, shapes, atari) as the relevant experiments are run.
Within those directories, a new directory will be created for each new experiment.
Each experiment directory contains a number of files, including a log of stdout and
stderr for the experiment, the config that the experiment was run under,
weights saved at various points, visualizations, etc.
Looking at the visualizations generated as the model trains is probably the most useful
way to diagnose model performance. The frequency with which visualizations are
created is controlled by render_step
in silot/
. These are stored in
the plots
sub-directory of each experiment.
A number of diagnostic values are recorded throughout training and may be viewed using tensorboard
These values are stored inside the summaries
sub-directory of each experiment
directory. By default dps
spins up tensorboard for each new experiment;
results may be accessed by navigating to localhost:6006
in your browser. The
frequency with which dps writes tensorboard-viewable summaries can be controlled
by eval_step
in silot/