Those are my personal playbooks and scripts to install a laptop from scratch including some dotfiles.
Based on Fedora 30
# Replace /dev/null with your drive
sudo dd if=${ISO} of=/dev/null status=progress
Simple kickstart with just the minimum to get started. Modify as you see fit and upload it to some http server.
I have mines here and used a shortened version to avoid typing too much (use the raw version).
Press enter to abort regular booting, then press F12 to show the boot menu. Select the USB with the arrow keys and press enter to boot
F12 or ESC should work for almost any computer.
- Select the regular boot option
- Press "e" to edit the boot option
- Add
to the kernel line - Save and boot
- Prerrequisites
$ sh -c "$(curl -sSL"
$ sudo dnf install -y ansible git dnf-plugins-core libselinux-python
$ mkdir -p ~/git
$ git clone /~ ~/git/laptop_install
$ cd ~/git/laptop_install
- Configure wifi connection:
$ ./basic_network <ap> <password>
- Edit myvars.yaml to fit your needs and run
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -e @myvars.yaml ansible/all.yaml
- Configure your password:
$ passwd
- Root's password
$ sudo passwd
- Encrypted device password
$ sudo cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/$(lsblk --fs -l | awk '/crypto_LUKS/ { print $1 }') -S 0
- Restore cryptoluks password prompt (as root)
$ sudo mv /etc/default/grub{.old,}
$ sudo mv /etc/crypttab{.old,}
$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
$ sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
$ sudo dracut -f --regenerate-all
$ sudo rm -f /boot/keyfile
- Disable passwordless sudo:
# rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/wheel
- Configure Firefox
Menu -> Add-ons -> Plugins and enable OpenH264 plugin
Configure all the accounts, etc. (like google account, kerberos, etc.)
Restore your backups
Relabel and reboot!
$ sudo touch /.autorelabel
$ sudo reboot
Packer is used to create a VM simulating the different environments
$ cd packer/
$ PACKER_LOG=1 packerio build fedora-30-x230.json
- Idempotent ansible roles
- Single playbook instead small roles ?
- Tests (shellcheck for bash? ansible lint?)