Bull queue command line REPL.
npm install bull-repl -g
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
connect [options] <queue> connect to bull queue
stats count of jobs by groups
active [options] fetch active jobs
waiting [options] fetch waiting jobs
completed [options] fetch completed jobs
failed [options] fetch failed jobs
delayed [options] fetch delayed jobs
pause pause current queue
resume resume current queue from pause
get <jobId...> get job
add [options] <data> add job to queue
rm <jobId...> remove job
retry <jobId...> retry job
retry-failed retry all failed jobs
promote <jobId...> promote job
fail <jobId> <reason> fail job
complete <jobId> <data> complete job
clean [options] <period> Clean queue for period ago, period format - ms
logs [options] <jobId> get logs of job
log <jobId> <data> add log to job
You can see help on each command, for example: connect --help