Applications of reinforcement learning to selection strategies in Buchberger's algorithm.
This is the main code repository for Dylan Peifer's 2021 PhD thesis at Cornell University and the paper
- Dylan Peifer, Michael Stillman, and Daniel Halpern-Leistner. Learning selection strategies in Buchberger's algorithm. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020). arXiv:2005.01917
with corresponding precomputed statistics and training data available at 10.5281/zenodo.3676043 and 10.5281/zenodo.4724144. Refer to these archives for the exact version of the code used to generate results, and see also the releases. This repository is still in active development.
The main codebase is a Python package in the deepgroebner/
directory. To install dependencies create a
conda environment from the included YAML file with
conda env create -f deepgroebner.yml
conda activate deepgroebner
and then install the deepgroebner
package with
pip install -e .
Macaulay2 packages in the m2/
directory are used for generating statistics
and experimenting with known strategies. To generate the statistics, first follow the installation
instructions for Macaulay2 and then verify that you can enter the
Macaulay2 interpreter by typing
at the command line in this directory. Finally, type
i1: needsPackage("Ideals", FileName => "m2/Ideals.m2");
i2: needsPackage("SelectionStrategies", FileName => "m2/SelectionStrategies.m2");
to verify that the packages are available.
After installation, basic tests of the Python code can be run with
python -m pytest
Basic tests for the Macaulay2 packages can be run inside the Macaulay2 interpreter as
i1: needsPackage("Ideals", FileName => "m2/Ideals.m2");
i2: needsPackage("SelectionStrategies", FileName => "m2/SelectionStrategies.m2");
i3: check Ideals
i4: check SelectionStrategies
The main training script can be called on the OpenAI Gym environments CartPole-v0
, CartPole-v1
, and
, which provides a way to check the PPO implementation on known benchmarks. The commands
python scripts/ --environment CartPole-v0 --value_model mlp --epochs 25 --verbose 2
python scripts/ --environment CartPole-v1 --value_model mlp --epochs 50 --verbose 2
python scripts/ --environment LunarLander-v2 --value_model mlp --epochs 500 --verbose 2
should take a couple minutes, several minutes, and a few hours respectively. Final performance should match or exceed
of 195.0, 475.0, and 200.0 on these environments.
All experiments start with the
script in the scripts
directory. For a list of arguments type
python scripts/ --help
Defaults are provided for all arguments in the script.
For example, we can train an agent on 3-20-10-weighted using
python scripts/ --distribution 3-20-10-weighted --value_model degree
By default, the script will create a subdirectory in data/train/
where it will store TensorBoard logs, model
checkpoints, and a complete list of script arguments in the file args.txt
. After copying this file to the top
directory, we can rerun the same experiment with
python scripts/ @args.txt
Evaluation of trained models is performed with the
script in the scripts
directory, which has similar
arguments. In particular, --policy_weights
should receive the file containing the trained model weights.
To generate statistics, use the make_dist.m2
, make_stats.m2
, and make_strat.m2
scripts in the script
directory. The basic workflow is to create a file of sampled ideals with
M2 --script scripts/make_dist.m2 <distribution> <samples> <seed>
and then use this sample to compute values with
M2 --script scripts/make_stats.m2 <distribution>
or compute performance of strategies with
M2 --script scripts/make_strat.m2 <distribution> <strategy> <seed>
where seeding is only important for Random selection. Output is stored in CSV files in the data/stats/
For example, we can compute statistics and run Degree selection on 10000 samples from 3-20-10-weighted with
M2 --script scripts/make_dist.m2 3-20-10-weighted 10000 123
M2 --script scripts/make_stats.m2 3-20-10-weighted
M2 --script scripts/make_strat.m2 3-20-10-weighted degree