A redis-based session backend for Fastapi apps
pip install -U fastapi-redis-session
from typing import Any
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi_redis_session import deleteSession, getSession, getSessionId, getSessionStorage, setSession, SessionStorage
app = FastAPI(title=__name__)
async def _setSession(
request: Request, response: Response, sessionStorage: SessionStorage = Depends(getSessionStorage)
sessionData = await request.json()
setSession(response, sessionData, sessionStorage)
async def _setSession(session: Any = Depends(getSession)):
return session
async def _deleteSession(
sessionId: str = Depends(getSessionId), sessionStorage: SessionStorage = Depends(getSessionStorage)
deleteSession(sessionId, sessionStorage)
return None
- url of Redis: redis://localhost:6379/0
- name of sessionId: ssid
- generator function of sessionId:
lambda :uuid.uuid4().hex
- expire time of session in redis: 6 hours
from fastapi_redis_session.config import basicConfig
sessionIdGenerator=lambda: str(random.randint(1000, 9999)),