Script sample for pulling AAD b2b users into on-premises AD
Log into the Azure AD Management Portal: App Registrations and Click "+ New application registration" and enter the name of your app
Select "Web app / API", and enter the Sign-on URL. If you're setting this up before you deploy the app to Azure, you can enter https://loopback as a placeholder. Click "Create".
From the application list, find the app you just created and click to open and edit it
Click on "Required permissions", then click "+ Add". On "Select an API", click and select "Windows Azure Active Directory"
Click "Select permissions". On the "Enable Access" panel that appears, check the following items:
- Read Directory Data
Click "Select"
Back on the "Required permissions" panel, click the "Grant Permissions" button at the top.
Back on the Settings panel, click "Keys". Under Description, enter a name for the application key, like "Key 1". Under Expires, select 1 or 2 years. (NOTE: you or someone in your organization will need to make a note to come back and refresh this key before it expires.)
Click "Save". An application secret will be generated and displayed. COPY this key and record it - you'll need it in an minute when setting up the web application.
This key will not be displayed again and cannot be retrieved. If you lose it, you'll have to come back, delete it, and create another one.
Finally, before we are done with the first app, record the "Application ID". You can click to the right of it in the main panel and it will copy it to your clipboard. Record it along with the app secret from above - these two strings will be needed to setup the web app.
Script uses two Powershell Modules:
- Active Directory
Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell
- Azure Active Directory v2 Preview:
install-module azureadpreview `
-Force `
-MinimumVersion `
Above command requires Windows Server 2016 or Windows Management Framework 5.0
To prevent pulling all users into on-premises environment, sample script filters guest users by group membership. You can identify group with PowerShell:
You can verify group membership by using this cmdlet:
Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId <someObjectID>
We recommend using Group Managed Service Accounts.
#running this command requires Domain Administrator Credentials
$cpu = Get-ADComputer ComputerName #Server that will be running the script
$acctName = "gmsa_b2b_script"
New-ADServiceAccount -Description "Account for creating B2B users" `
-DisplayName $acctName `
-DNSHostName "$" `
-Name $acctName `
-PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $cpu
install-adserviceaccount $acctName
Task for running script on a schedule
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute powershell.exe `
-Argument "-NonInteractive -NoLogo -NoProfile -File c:\scripts\AppProxy-GuestShadowAccountCreation-v1.0.2.ps1"
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At 7:00 -Daily
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId corp\gmsa_b2b_script$ -LogonType Password
Register-ScheduledTask ShadowB2BUsers `
-Principal $principal `
-Action $action `
-Trigger $trigger
Script requires editing. Run it manually before running the scheduled task
Account running script requires write permissions for OU dedicated for shadow accounts
dsacls.exe "OU=ShadowAccounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com" /G 'corp\gmsa_b2b_script$:GA' /I:T
For increased security consider modifying script to use certificate-based authentication to impersonate Service principal in Azure AD: Using a Service Principal to connect to a directory in PowerShell