The release notes in the PowerShell Module manifest cannot exceed 10000 characters. Due to a bug in the CI deploy pipeline this is not handled. This file is to temporary move the older change log history to keep the change log short.
- Changes to xWebAdministration
- Changes to
- Improving descriptive text around the entry.
- Adding note that entry in is mandatory for all PRs.
- Resolved custom Script Analyzer rules that was added to the test framework.
- Moved change log from to a separate (issue #446).
- Remove example 'Creating the default website using configuration data' from (issue #488).
- Removed examples as it was obsolete (issue #482).
- Updated
property description forxIisHandler
resource to match schema.mof - Moved examples from to respective
folders (issue #486). - Created new folder structure for examples so that examples will be
placed in
(issue #483). - Added a table of contents for the resource list (issue #450).
- Alphabetized the resource list in the (issue #449).
- Optimized exporting in the module manifest for best performance (issue #448).
- Updated hashtables in the repo to adhere to the style guidelines described at /~ (issue #524)
- Moved example Sample_EndToEndxWebAdministration from to a
separate .ps1 in
(issue #491) - Removed example 'Create and configure an application pool' from (issue #489).
- Changes to
- Changes to xIisHandler
- Updated schema.mof to include descriptions for each property (issue #453).
- Moved MSFT_xIisHandler localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #463).
- Changes to xWebSite
- Fix
so thatLogFlags
are returned as expected array of strings (one for each flag) rather than an array containing a single comma-separated string of flags' (issue #332). - Moved localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #475)
- Updated schema.mof so that each property has an appropriate description (issue #456).
- Updated schema.mof and README so that
properties forMSFT_xLogCustomFieldInformation
are associated with the appropriate descriptions and valuemaps/values (issue #456). - Move examples from to resource examples folder (issue #487).
- Fix case of resource name from
(issue #535).
- Fix
- Changes to xIISLogging
- Fix
so thatLogFlags
are returned as expected array of strings (one for each flag) rather than an array containing a single comma-separated string of flags (issue #332). - Moved MSFT_xIisLogging localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #464).
- Fix
- Changes to xSslSettings
- Updated casing of
in all file names, folder names, schema, and documentation (issue #461). - Updated casing of
in all file names, folder names, schema, and documentation (issue #536). - Moved MSFT_xSslSettings localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #467).
- Updated casing of
- Changes to xWebConfigKeyValue
- Updated schema.mof to include a description for the Ensure property (issue #455).
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #472).
- Changes to xWebAppPoolDefaults
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #470).
key parameter toIsSingleInstance
to bring the resource into compliance with published best practices (issue #462).
- Changes to xWebApplication
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #468)
- Add description on class MSFT_xWebApplicationAuthenticationInformation (issue #454).
- Changes to xIisModule entry
- Moved xIisModule localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #466).
- Changes to xIisMimeTypeMapping
- Moved MSFT_xIisMimeTypeMapping localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #465).
- Changes to xWebVirtualDirectory
- Moved MSFT_xWebVirtualDirectory localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #477).
- Changes to xWebSiteDefaults
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #475).
key parameter toIsSingleInstance
to bring the resource into compliance with published best practices (issue #457). - Fix case of resource name from
(issue #535).
- Changes to xWebConfigProperty
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #473).
- Changes to xWebConfigPropertyCollection
- Move localization strings to strings.psd1 file (issue #474).
- Changes to xIisFeatureDelegation
- Moved MSFT_xIisFeatureDelegation localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #459).
- Changes to xWebAppPool
- Moved MSFT_xWebAppPool localization strings to strings.psd1 (issue #469).
- Fix multiple HTTPS bindings on one xWebsite receiving the first binding's certificate #332
- Added unit regression test
- Changes to xWebsite
- Added ServerAutoStart (controls website autostart) and changed documentation for ServiceAutoStartEnabled (controls application auto-initialization). Fixes #325.
- Fix multiple HTTPS bindings on one xWebsite receiving the first binding's certificate #332
- Added unit regression test
- Changes to xWebAppPool
- Fix false
failure forlogEventOnRecycle
if items in the Configuration property are specified in a different order than IIS natively stores them #434
- Fix false
- Changes to xIisModule
- Fixed the parameters specification for the internal Get-IISHandler and Remove-IISHandler function
- Changes to xWebAdministration
- Opt-in to the following DSC Resource Common Meta Tests:
- Common Tests - Relative Path Length
- Common Tests - Validate Script Files
- Common Tests - Validate Module Files
- Common Tests - Validate Markdown Files
- Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links
- Common Tests - Custom Script Analyzer Rules
- Common Tests - Flagged Script Analyzer Rules
- Common Tests - Required Script Analyzer Rules
- Common Tests - Validate Example Files
- Add ConfigurationPath to xIisMimeTypeMapping examples since it is now a required field.
- Opt-in to the following DSC Resource Common Meta Tests:
- Changed order of classes in schema.mof files to workaround #423
- Fix subject comparison multiple entries for helper function
that could not find the test helper functionInstall-NewSelfSignedCertificateExScript
. - Updated unit test for helper function
to check for multiple subject names in different orders.
- Added SiteId to xWebSite to address [396]
- xWebSite: Full path is used to get list of default documents
- xIISLogging: Added support for LogTargetW3C
- xWebsite: Added support for LogTargetW3C
- Explicitly removed extra hidden files from release package
- Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
- Added default template file .gitattributes, and added default settings for Visual Studio Code.
- Line endings was fixed in files that was committed with wrong line ending.
- Added new parameter 'Location' to WebApplcationHandler extending functionality to address [392]
- Changes to xWebAdministration
- Update section header for WebApplicationHandler in README.
- Fix tests for helper function
in Helper.Tests.ps1 that referenced the wrong path.
- Remove duplication in MSFT_xWebsite.psm1. Krzysztof Morcinek (@kmorcinek)
- Updates xIISMimeTypeMapping to add MIME type mapping for nested paths
- Added new resources xWebConfigProperty and xWebConfigPropertyCollection extending functionality provided by xWebConfigKeyValue, addresses #249.
- Fixed Get-DscConfiguration throw in xWebSite; addresses #372. Reggie Gibson (@regedit32)
- Added WebApplicationHandler resource for creating and modifying IIS Web Handlers. Fixes #337
- Added WebApplicationHandler integration tests
- Added WebApplicationHandler unit tests
- Deprecated xIISHandler resource. This resource will be removed in future release
- Changes to xWebAdministration
- Moved file Codecov.yml that was added to the wrong path in previous release.
- Updated xWebSite to include ability to manage custom logging fields. Reggie Gibson (@regedit32)
- Updated xIISLogging to include ability to manage custom logging fields (issue #267). @ldillonel
- BREAKING CHANGE: Updated xIisFeatureDelegation to be able to manage any configuration section. Reggie Gibson (@regedit32)
- Fix Get-DscConfiguration failure with xWebApplication and xWebSite resources (issue #302 and issue #314).
- Add Codecov support.
- Added .vscode\settings.json so that code can be easily formatted in VSCode closer according to the style guideline.
- Updated with a branches section, and added Codecov badges.
- Fix unit test for helper function
that could not find the test helper functionInstall-NewSelfSignedCertificateExScript
. - Fix unit tests for xWebSite that failed because
and 'Stop-WebStie` wasn't properly mocked.
- xWebAppPoolDefaults now returns values. Fixes #311.
- Added unit tests for xWebAppPoolDefaults. Fixes #183.
- Added sample for xWebVirtualDirectory for creating a new virtual directory. Bugfix for #195.
- Added integration tests for xWebVirtualDirectory. Fixes #188.
- xWebsite:
- Fixed bugs when setting log properties, fixes #299.
- Added removal of self signed certificate to the integration tests of xWebsite, fixes #276.
- Added EnabledProtocols to xWebApplication.
- Changed SSLFlags for xWebApplication to comma seperate multiple SSL flags, fixes #232.
- Log directory configuration on xWebsite used the logPath attribute instead of the directory attribute. Bugfix for #256.
- Changed xWebConfigKeyValue to use the key for changing existing values. Bugfix for #107.
- Changed validation of LogTruncateSize for xIisLogging and xWebsite to UInt64 validation.
- Make PhysicalPath optional in xWebsite. Bugfix for #264.
- Corrected name of AuthenticationInfo parameter in
- Added sample for xWebApplication for adding new web application.
- Corrected description for AuthenticationInfo for xWebApplication and xWebsite.
- Added samples for xWebConfigKeyValue for adding and removing appSettings.
- Added sample for xWebAppPoolDefaults for configuring the application pool defaults.
- Added sample for xWebSiteDefaults for configuring the site defaults.
- Updated for xWebConfigKeyValue. Added xIISHandler and xWebSiteDefaults.
- xWebApplication:
- Fixed bug when setting PhysicalPath and WebAppPool
- Changes to the application pool property are now applied correctly
- Added unit tests for xWebConfigKeyValue and cleaned up style formatting.
- Added a stubs file for the WebAdministration functions so that the unit tests do not require a server to run
- Converted appveyor.yml to install Pester from PSGallery instead of from Chocolatey.
- Updated appveyor.yml to use the default image.
xWebAppPool updates: -Replaced 3 calls to Invoke-Expression with a call to a new helper function - Get-Property
xWebsite updates:
- Bugfix for #131 The site name should be passed in as argument for Test-AuthenticationInfo
- Improved BindingInfo validation: the HostName property is required for use with Server Name Indication (i.e., when the SslFlags property is set to
Adding conditional logic to install the test helper module from the gallery if the user downloaded the module from the gallery.
Added xSslSettings integration tests
Added fixes to xSslSettings. Corrected spelling and formatting in base resource and tests. Added misc comments. Added ValidateSet to bindings param.
Added xIISLogging resource which supports for the following options:
- LogPath
- LogFlags
- LogPeriod
- LogTruncateSize
- LoglocalTimeRollover
- LogFormat
Added IIS Logging to xWebsite which support for the following options:
- LogPath
- LogFlags
- LogPeriod
- LogTruncateSize
- LoglocalTimeRollover
- LogFormat
xWebApplication updates:
- xWebApplication integration tests updated
- Added fixes to xWebApplication. Formatted resources to DSC StyleGuideLines, fixed logging statements, fixed incorrect Get-TargetResource param block, fixed Test-SslFlags validation, fixed unit test mocking of Test-SslFlags, added Ssl128 option to SslFlags
- Added EnabledProtocols
- Fixed:
- Formatted resources to DSC StyleGuideLines
- Logging statements
- Incorrect Get-TargetResource param block
- Test-SslFlags validation
- Unit test mocking of Test-SslFlags
- Formatted resources to DSC StyleGuideLines
- xWebAppPool updates:
- Bug fixes, error handling and input validation improvements.
- The following properties were added: idleTimeoutAction, logEventOnProcessModel, setProfileEnvironment.
- The resource was updated to ensure a specific state only for the explicitly specified properties.
- The type of the following properties was changed to Boolean: autoStart, enable32BitAppOnWin64, enableConfigurationOverride, passAnonymousToken, cpuSmpAffinitized, loadUserProfile, manualGroupMembership, pingingEnabled, setProfileEnvironment, orphanWorkerProcess, rapidFailProtection, disallowOverlappingRotation, disallowRotationOnConfigChange.
- Unit and integration tests updated.
- xWebsite updated to remove invisible Unicode "LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK" character from the *CertificateThumbprint- property value.
- Added Preload and ServiceAutoStart functionality to xWebsite and xWebApplication
- Added AuthenticationInformation to xWebsite and xWebApplication
- Added SslFlags to xWebApplication
- Fixed script analyzer failures in examples
- xWebsite: Fixed an issue in BindingInfo validation that caused multiple bindings with the same port and protocol treated as invalid.
- Changed PhysicalPath in xWebsite to be optional
- Changed WebApplication in xWebVirtualDirectory to accept empty strings for referring to the top-level IIS site
- Added the following resources:
- xSslSettings
- Fixed an issue in xWebApplication where Set-TargetResource attempted to modify a folder instead of an application.
- Added Tests to xWebApplication which will allow more changes if desired.
- Modified README.MD to clean up Code Formatting
- Modified all unit/integration tests to utilize template system.
- xWebAppPool is now has feature parity to cWebAppPool - should now support most changes.
- Added Unit tests to IISFeatureDelegation, general script clean up
- Refactored xIisHandle to load script variables once, added unit tests.
- xWebsite updated:
- Added support for the following binding protocols:
. - Added support for setting the
property. - Fixed an issue in bindings comparison which was causing bindings to be reassigned on every consistency check.
- Fixed an issue where binding conflict was not properly detected and handled. Stopped websites will not be checked for conflicting bindings anymore.
- The qualifier for the Protocol property of the MSFT_xWebBindingInformation CIM class was changed from Write to Required.
- Added support for the following binding protocols:
- Modified xWebsite to allow Server Name Indication when specifiying SSL certificates.
- Change Test Get-Website to match other function
- Removed xDscResourceDesigner tests
- Suppress extra verbose messages when -verbose is specified to Start-DscConfiguration
- Moved tests into child folders Unit and Integration
- Added PSDesiredStateConfiguration to Import-DscResource statement
- Fixed issue where Set-TargetResource was being run unexpectedly
- Added Tests to MSFT_xWebVirtualDirectory
- xWebsite tests updates
- xWebVirtualDirectory tests updates
- Added following resources:
- xIisHandler
- xIisFeatureDelegation
- xIisMimeTypeMapping
- xWebAppPoolDefaults
- xWebSiteDefaults
- Modified xWebsite schema to make PhysicalPath required
- Fixed bug in xWebsite resource regarding incorrect name of personal certificate store.
- xWebsite:
- Fix issue with Get-Website when there are multiple sites.
- Fix issue when trying to add a new website when no websites currently exist.
- Fix typos.
Changed Key property in MSFT_xWebConfigKeyValue to be a Key, instead of Required. This allows multiple keys to be configured within the same web.config file.
- Fixed the confusion with mismatched versions and xWebDeploy resources
- Removed for legal reasons. Please read Examples\ for the workaround.
- Fixed variable name typo in MSFT_xIisModule.
- Added OutputType attribute to Test-TargetResource and Get-TargetResource in MSFT_xWebSite.
- Documentation only change.
Module manifest metadata changed to improve PowerShell Gallery experience.
- Documentation-only change, added metadata to module manifest
- Added xIisModule
- Added the xWebAppPool, xWebApplication, xWebVirtualDirectory, and xWebConfigKeyValue.
- Added support for HTTPS protocol
- Updated binding information to include Certificate information for HTTPS
- Removed protocol property. Protocol is included in binding information
- Bug fixes
- Initial release with the following resources
- xWebsite