Drew Risinger's personal NUR repository
- Install Cachix. This lets you use the pre-built binaries for these Nix expressions (built using Travis).
$ nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install
- Use my cachix cache.
$ cachix use drewrisinger
- Choose one of the two options below:
Follow the instructions on installation and package use at GitHub NUR page
In a Nix script (example):
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
# Option 1 (recommended): Use Niv to manage versions
# /~https://github.com/nmattia/niv/
# niv add drewrisinger/nur-packages -n dr-nur-packages
dr-nur-niv = pkgs.callPackage sources.dr-nur-packages { };
# Option 2: get most recent version
dr-nur-master = import (builtins.fetchTarball "/~https://github.com/drewrisinger/nur-packages/archive/master.tar.gz") {
inherit pkgs;
# Option 3: get a specific version
dr-nur-at-commit = import (builtins.fetchTarball {
# Get the revision by choosing a version from /~https://github.com/drewrisinger/nur-packages/commits/master
url = "/~https://github.com/drewrisinger/nur-packages/archive/ffd7e82fa492ce9c52ffeabb8250c6182b96c482.tar.gz";
# Get the hash by running `nix-prefetch-url --unpack <url>` on the above url
sha256 = "1vs1z05k68hn3mvq8kh68c78zlp417p0bbxw20a9arjb9cdffckn";
}) { inherit pkgs; };
in {
This repository relies on overlaying certain Python packages to provide backwards-compatibility. E.g. qiskit requires scipy>1.4.0, which isn't in NixOS/nixpkgs 19.09, so I overlaid a new scipy version. However, this can cause conflicts if you're combining this repository with outside Python packages. To resolve this issue, do something like the following Nix script:
{ rawpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
drew-nur-master = import (builtins.fetchTarball "/~https://github.com/drewrisinger/nur-packages/archive/master.tar.gz") {
inherit rawpkgs;
pkgs = drew-nur-master.pkgs;
my-python-package = pkgs.python3Packages.callPackage ./PATH/TO/PACKAGE {
# following line may be optional, but included for demonstration
inherit (pkgs.python3Packages) scipy; inherit (drew-nur-master.python3Packages) qiskit;
(pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ my-python-package ] )).env