Authors: Andrew Quartuccio, Brady Lobmeyer, Will Dean
Using Star Data Base from - or Git page - /~
-) Plan presentation -) Highlight Numerical Methods Used -) Exemplify some lines of code *** -) Show/Save Plots/Fits
TO-DO: "Things we have to solve, order and importance not denoted, yet..."
-) Import the data and use 'ci' & 'lum' columns (Color Index and Lumosity, respectively) -) Derive the Temperature from the Color Index. *Still need to learn -) Create a visual for location, distance, & radial veloicity for a Hertzsprung-Russel-type Diagram -) Quantify Lumosity as funcion of temperature and plot with LSqFit (L-R^aT^b) -) Select a narrow range of the data to do the above things to