Dictionary custom component for Home Assistant
Download Latest release: /~https://github.com/dreamtheater39/input_dictionary/releases/download/v0.1.0/input_dictionary.zip
Install by placing this in your 'config/custom_components/input_dictionary' Home Assistant folder
Here's what it does -
- Add a dictionary entity
- Exposes 3 services - Append, Remove, Reset
- Append - adds new key/values, modifies values if any keys already present
- Remove - removes a key/value based on the key provided as input
- Reset - clears the entire dictionary
Here's a configuration.yaml example
name: Global Dictionary
Example input for Append service call -
service: input_dictionary.append_dictionary
keyvalues: '{"bedroom":"scene_relax", "guestroom":"scene_off"}'
entity_id: input_dictionary.global_dictionary
Example for a "condition trigger" to use one of these key/values in an automation
condition: template
value_template: >-
{{ (state_attr('input_dictionary.global_dictionary', 'dictionary').bedroom) ==
"scene_relax" }}
Here's another use case
- Create a dictionary of rooms/areas in your house
- Add each room/area as a key to the dictionary
- The value of the room key can contain another dictionary object describing properties of the room such as (current_scene, occupancy, triggered_by, etc.)
- Use these room properties to add more control to your automations! Example - turn off lights when no_motion only if it was turned on by motion in the first place etc. Restore a scene back to what it was earlier or refer to neighboring room scenes and set scene accordingly etc. Here's a template example of reading from a dictionary object that's set as a value to a key
Set a dictionary as value
service: input_dictionary.append_dictionary
keyvalues: >-
entity_id: input_dictionary.dictionarytest
Get attributes from the dictionary using this template
{{ (state_attr('input_dictionary.dictionarytest', 'dictionary').guest|from_json).occupied }}