This module is intended to run as a python 2.7 module and is provided AS IS under the WTFPL (See LICENSE.TXT).
This module has been tested on Linux and OpenBSD systems ONLY.
However it uses python 2.7 standard modules only and it may run on Windows or MacOS.
Your mileage may vary.
- ./
- ./
- ./screenshot.png
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./doc/ant.html
- ./doc/ant.txt
- ./doc/config.html
- ./doc/config.txt
- ./doc/display.html
- ./doc/display.txt
- ./doc/farm.html
- ./doc/farm.txt
- ./doc/mine.html
- ./doc/mine.txt
- ./doc/playground.html
- ./doc/playground.txt
- ./doc/utils.html
- ./doc/utils.txt
This programm is a pure Computer Assisted Bullshiting project trying to demonstrate that ants may have a life based on random and basic reflexes only.
It also provides a way to understand python multi-thread programming and inter-process communications.
This project is NOT science, it's CAB.
The documentation can be generated by running the shell script from within the module directory:
Generating documentation:
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
[+] ./
The script SHOULD be used as a Git pre-commit hook.
For all details on objects and there method and attributes, see all files in the /doc directory.
A convenient way to close the application and all its threads (See 'Run the application') !- Multiple farms on same map
- War between different ant factions
- Ant subclasses (worker, warrior, ...)
- Allow swarming when farm reach a number of individuals
- SDL2 implementation
- Copy the module directory in any directory of your home dir.
Clone the Github repository with the followning command
$ git clone /~ ants
You'll find a bunch of parameters to play with in the application configuration file
Default values will do fine.
Run the following commands
$ cd ants
$ python -m ants
This application is a massively multi-threaded program.
Closing the main window SHOULD exit the application.
In case the application does not quit properly, run the following command to ensure that all remaining processes are killed:
$ kill -15 $(ps aux | grep "python -m ants" | grep -v grep | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
This application logs many things to stderr.
If you want to keep the logs of your runs, start the application with the following command:
$ python -m ants 2>&1 | tee -a ants.log
This will still display the log to stderr and log this output to the ants.log file.
Simply remove the module directory.