This documentation was created to better understand the underlying layer of swift code execution. Here we'll cover how each Swift "concept" is actually translated into binary form.
You may run the following python script in IDA (Alt+F7) to help you
reverse the code more efficiently:
The script adds the Ctrl+5
HotKey to quickly parse the Swift::String
occurences within the current function.
NOTE: This script is practically is and probably always will be a work-in-progress, adding more and more types to make our lives better at reversing swift. Please submit PRs if you find stuff you're missing.
NOTE: Read this /~ before starting with this section
One of the most important ideas introduced in Swift was the use of "relative pointers". This idea enables these pointers not to be rebased thus improving efficiency. This can be demonstrated in: /~
As stated:
Some data structures emitted by the Swift compiler use relative indirect addresses in order to minimize startup cost for a process. By referring to the offset of the global offset table entry for a symbol, instead of directly referring to the symbol, compiler-emitted data structures avoid requiring unnecessary relocation at dynamic linking time.
These relative pointers make use of int32 types (instead of 8 bytes which would be the traditional pointer!). As a simple pseudocode, you can think of an offset like this:
dstAddress = ptr_auth(currentAddress + (int32)offset)
When analyzing a binary that makes use of the Swift runtime, you will be able to find lots of swift5_*
These segments (together with __const
) provide Swift with all it needs.
Following, you'll see a description of those.
Contains a list of relative pointers that each of them point to a Protocol Descriptor.
Each of them consist of what we know as a Swift Protocol. These pointers point to __TEXT.__const
The implementation of each Protocol Descriptor (Swift Protocol) can be found at: /~ (more on this later when we dig deep into the Swift Protocols). The structure of a Protocol Descriptor is:
type ProtocolDescriptor struct {
Flags uint32
Parent int32
Name int32
NumRequirementsInSignature uint32
NumRequirements uint32
AssociatedTypeNames int32
Or, to be more specific with Swift types:
type ProtocolDescriptor struct {
Flags ContextDescriptorFlags
Parent TargetRelativeContextPointer
Name TargetRelativeDirectPointer
NumRequirementsInSignature uint32
NumRequirements uint32
AssociatedTypeNames RelativeDirectPointer
This section is a list of relative pointers to Protocol Conformance Descriptors (/~
Each of these point to the __TEXT.__const
section. A script to parse this sectio can be found in: /~
/// The Protocol Descriptor being conformed to.
TargetRelativeContextPointer<Runtime, TargetProtocolDescriptor> Protocol;
// Some description of the type that conforms to the protocol.
TargetTypeReference<Runtime> TypeRef;
// The witness table pattern, which may also serve as the witness table.
RelativeDirectPointer<const TargetWitnessTable<Runtime>> WitnessTablePattern;
// Various flags, including the kind of conformance.
ConformanceFlags Flags;
Which can be understood as:
type ProtocolConformanceDescriptor struct {
ProtocolDescriptor int32 //relative ptr
NominalTypeDescriptor int32 //relative ptr
ProtocolWitnessTable int32 //relative ptr
ConformanceFlags uint32
NOTE: Protocol Descriptor is the protocol they conform to.
Types can take many forms (/~ that are resolved in runtime. Thus, even if the structs are the same size they mean different things which means there isn't a unique solution for parsing this segment.
(Again, thanks Scott Knight for his work, this is directly taken from his research)
type EnumDescriptor struct {
Flags uint32
Parent int32
Name int32
AccessFunction int32
FieldDescriptor int32
NumPayloadCasesAndPayloadSizeOffset uint32
NumEmptyCases uint32
type StructDescriptor struct {
Flags uint32
Parent int32
Name int32
AccessFunction int32
FieldDescriptor int32
NumFields uint32
FieldOffsetVectorOffset uint32
type ClassDescriptor struct {
Flags uint32
Parent int32
Name int32
AccessFunction int32
FieldDescriptor int32
SuperclassType int32
MetadataNegativeSizeInWords uint32
MetadataPositiveSizeInWords uint32
NumImmediateMembers uint32
NumFields uint32
The reader is encouraged to find the types of TargetExtensionContextDescriptor, TargetAnonymousContextDescriptor, TargetOpaqueTypeDescriptor.
This section contains the symbolic references needed by the runtime to perform instantiations and reflections.
For instance, the first argument of methods such as swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
(which will return the metadata) will point to the __data
section which will contain a relative pointer to the swift5_typeref
These symbolic references follow a pattern. From our research, we found in Swift docs that depending on the first byte of the symbolic reference what we find has different meanings.
Because a type can contain other types (imagine an array of elements - you have the ContiguousArray type and what is being contained), when we see a symbolic reference definition we may see concatenated references.
(usually we'll see a symbol name referencing the first byte of the symbolic reference which will make our lifes easier when parsing with an ida-script)
case 0x01:
Direct reference to a context type descriptor
1 byte - type (0x01)
4 bytes - relative pointer
1 byte - if value 0x79 it means the symbolic reference is not finished. If it is 0x47 or 0 it means the symbolic reference is complete and no further parsing is needed.
case 0x02:
Indirect reference to a context type descriptor
1 byte - type (0x02)
4 bytes - relative pointer
1 byte - if value 0x79 it means the symbolic reference is not finished. If it is 0x47 or 0 it means the symbolic reference is complete and no further parsing is needed.
case 0xFF:
1 byte - type (0xFF)
1 byte - usually with value 7 but don't know what is that
4 bytes - relative pointer to the metadata access function
NOTE: We don't know what 0x53 type is. If anyone has any idea, please feel free to add it. We know that are more types but atm we'll leave it like this.
(Taken from Scott Knight research)
This section contains an array of field descriptors. A field descriptor contains a collection of field records for a single class, struct or enum declaration. Each field descriptor can be a different length depending on how many field records the type contains.
type FieldRecord struct {
Flags uint32
MangledTypeName int32
FieldName int32
type FieldDescriptor struct {
MangledTypeName int32
Superclass int32
Kind uint16
FieldRecordSize uint16
NumFields uint32
FieldRecords []FieldRecord
typedef long long s64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef s64 Int;
typedef u64 Bool;
struct Swift_String
u64 _countAndFlagsBits;
void *_object;
union Swift_ElementAny {
Swift_String stringElement;
struct Swift_Any {
Swift_ElementAny element;
u64 unknown;
s64 type;
struct Swift_ArrayAny {
s64 length;
Swift_Any *items;
The swift strings specifically are one of the most common types to handle. Though they sound as pretty straight forward, their allocation may be a bit tricky to track for newcomers.
In general, depeding on the _countAndFlagsBits
and the _object
, we can tell where the string is really allocated.
- If
string->_object >> 60 == 0xE
, then it is stored in-place, inside the two_countAndFlagsBits
members - If
string->_countAndFlagsBits >> 60 == 0xD
, then the actual object is in:(string->_object & 0xffffffffffffff) + 0x20
Structs are a kind of "optimized classes", whereas the actual struct data is stored
either on local registers or inside a global residing inside the __common
section of the binary.
In general, as long as the struct's size <= sizeof(u64) * 4
, it's whole data structure is returned on registers X0
from the init method and if we are required to re-purpose this registers, they are then immediately copied to their corresponding global residing inside the __common
Any struct bigger than that, is returned on register X8
and is also immediately copied to the same global region. Meaning - it's enough to declare the global residing in this region with it's correct type in order to correctly reverse usages of that return value.
Please note Swift::String
is also one such example of a Swift struct, whereas it has two members named:
containing it's length OR'ed with flags bitmask_object
containing the actual c-string
This means each time the data structure is returned, it's returned on X0
and passed on two registers each time aswell.
Class representation is somwhat more resembling C++. Each class contains a hidden __allocating_init(RTTI *classRTTI)
method which allocates the required memory using swift_allocObject
and only then calls the user's init()
method. The RTTI reference is passed to the constructor and is stored as the first value inside the class (resembling C++'s vptr
Unlike C++, each declared method is virtual by definition, meaning, in order to reverse the usage of each class we'll have to create a correct struct for it.
For example:
struct SomeClassRTTI {
// This is actually an ObjC type!
Class classObject;
// More metadata about class layout...
Unknown metadata;
// methods
(void (*)(SomeClass *self)) someMethod1;
(void (*)(SomeClass *self)) someMethod2;
struct SomeClass {
SomeClassRTTI *rtti;
u64 ivar1;
u64 ivar2;
// ...
Getters and setters on the other hand, aren't represented their and are compiled as they would in C++ - normal global functions getting their self
objects from X20
Swift Protocols are mere interfaces that define how a type has to be adapted to conform to a protocol.
You can think a protocol like rules that the type has to comply with. As we saw earlier, these can be found in swift5_protos
Apple states that:
A protocol defines a blueprint of methods, properties, and other requirements that suit a particular task or piece of functionality. The protocol can then be adopted by a class, structure, or enumeration to provide an actual implementation of those requirements. Any type that satisfies the requirements of a protocol is said to conform to that protocol.
Note that types can have multiple conforming protocols. These are marked like this:
struct SomeStructure: FirstProtocol, AnotherProtocol {
// structure definition goes here
Once we understood that, we have to understand what can be defined in a protocol. Protocols can have properties and methods.
For instance, here we have a protocol that have only properties:
protocol SomeProtocol {
var mustBeSettable: Int { get set }
var doesNotNeedToBeSettable: Int { get }
When defining properties for protocols, what we are really doing is establishing the Property Requirements for the protocol. These will be the type, name and also specify whether each property must be gettable or gettable and settable.
For example, here we can see a protocol and a class that conforms to that protocol (note that both have to have the same name and type of the property):
protocol FullyNamed {
var fullName: String { get }
struct Person: FullyNamed {
var fullName: String
let john = Person(fullName: "John Appleseed")
// john.fullName is "John Appleseed"
Protocols can also define methods. As previously with the properties, we'll also need to define Method requirements. For example, in the following protocol we will be defining a protocol with a single method that has to return a Double type:
protocol RandomNumberGenerator {
func random() -> Double
Note that the class that conforms to this protocol has no obligations regarding to how the random()
is computed, efficiency, how random is that number or whether Double type can be from 0.0 to 1.0 or -50.0 to 50.0. It's a mere specification of the function name and the return type.
As stated earlier, protocols can be found at swift5_protos
section as a list of relative pointers to __const
Within them, you'll be able to find the raw bytes of what we've just described.
type TargetProtocolDescriptor struct {
NameOffset RelativeDirectPointer // The name of the protocol.
NumRequirementsInSignature uint32 // The number of generic requirements in the requirement signature of the protocol.
NumRequirements uint32 /* The number of requirements in the protocol. If any requirements beyond MinimumWitnessTableSizeInWords are present
* in the witness table template, they will be not be overwritten with defaults. */
AssociatedTypeNamesOffset RelativeDirectPointer // Associated type names, as a space-separated list in the same order as the requirements.
After that definition, you'll encounter the list of generic signature requirements (determined by the NumRequirementsInSignature) and after that, the requirement list of size NumRequirements.
Here are the structures that define both of them:
type TargetGenericRequirementDescriptor struct {
Flags GenericRequirementFlags
ParamOff RelativeDirectPointer
TypeOrProtocolOrConformanceOrLayoutOff RelativeIndirectablePointer
type TargetProtocolRequirement struct {
Flags ProtocolRequirementFlags
DefaultImplementation RelativeDirectPointer // The optional default implementation of the protocol.
Once protocols are defined, classes can conform to them. There may be cases in which default implementations want to be provided. That is why protocol extensions exist. We can create a protocol and afterwards, define an extension for it. Following the previous example:
protocol RandomNumberGenerator {
func random() -> Double
extension RandomNumberGenerator {
func random() {
return 1.0
So, unless if the conforming class provides their own implementation of random()
, 1.0
will be returned when called.
Protocols allow developers to add polymorphism to types through composition, even to value types like structs or enums. Protocol methods are dispatched via Protocol Witness Tables.
The mechanism for these is the same as virtual tables: Protocol-conforming types contain metadata (stored in an existential container*), which includes a pointer to their witness table, which is itself a table of function pointers.
When executing a function on a protocol type, Swift inspects the existential container, looks up the witness table, and dispatches to the memory address of the function to execute.
For example, we may see a situation in which we'll iterate over a list of types that conform to a protocol. Because we won't know at compile time which will be the method to be called, this will have to be dispatched via the PWT (Protocol Witness Tables).
Defines the functions to interact with the type. These functions are defined:
These functions are needed to interact with the ValueBuffer that's inside the Existential Container
When a function or an array (or whatever) needs an argument that adheres to a protocol, Swift needs to adapt stuff to make sure that the argument has the same size regardless of what's passed. Remember that even though two types adhere to a protocol it doesn't mean they have the same size.
Let's imagine we have this protocol:
protocol StructProtocol {
var a: Int { get }
func struct_func_1() -> Int
func struct_func_2() -> Int
And we have these types:
struct StructTest: structs {
var a: Int
var b: Int
var c: Int
func struct_func_1() -> Int{
return 1;
func struct_func_2() -> Int{
return 2;
struct StructTest_second: structs {
var a: Int
var b: Int
var c: Int
var d: Int
func struct_func_1() -> Int{
return 8;
func struct_func_2() -> Int{
return 9;
func struct_func_11() -> Int{
return 10;
Let's assume we have this situation:
var structTesting: StructTest = StructTest(a: 0x41, b: 0x42, c:0x43)
var structsArray:[structs]
What is it going to happen? Since both structs have different sizes how does Swift manage this?
This is where Existential Containers
come into action. Existential Containers
is a form of creating a type with a generic structure that it can adapt to any type to any conforming protocol. A visual representation of this would be:
8 byte - payload_1 // ptr to heap if the attributes do not fit in the ValueBuffer (ptr is created if size >24 bytes)
8 byte - payload_2 // 0 if ptr to heap
8 byte - payload_3 // 0 if ptr to heap
8 byte - pointer to Value Witness Table (VWT)
8 byte - pointer to the Protocol Witness Table (PWT)
To continue with the example, when we first append the structTesting
this will happen:
Because structTesting
attributes can fit in the the Value Buffer
(first 3 - 8 bytes) we can store inline.
A struct will be created in the stack like this:
existentialContainer cont = {}
existentialContainer.vwt = &type metadata for StructTest
existentialContainer.pwt = &protocol witness table for StructTest
existentialContainer.valueBuffer[0] = structTesting.a
existentialContainer.valueBuffer[1] = structTesting.b
existentialContainer.valueBuffer[2] = structTesting.c
Array.append(existentialContainer,array type metadata)
When debugging/reading assembly remember that self
is in x20
in Swift calling convention.
Therefore, when the first append occurs the array will look like this:
0x0 - metadata
0x8 - ?
0x10 - array size
0x18 - ?
0x20 - 0x41
0x28 - 0x42
0x30 - 0x43
0x38 - VWT
0x40 - PWT
Let's assume we create StructTest_second which contains attributes that do not fit the ValueBuffer:
var structTesting2: StructTest_second = StructTest(a: 0x41, b: 0x42, c:0x43, d:0x44)
Which layout are we going to have? Let's see:
0x0 - metadata
0x8 - ?
0x10 - array size
0x18 - ?
0x20 - 0x41
0x28 - 0x42
0x30 - 0x43
0x38 - VWT
0x40 - PWT
0x48 - PTR TO HEAP WITH THE CONTENTS //if we inspect this we'll see the values
0x50 - 0
0x58 - 0
0x60 - VWT
0x68 - PWT
Now as you can see, even though both structs are different size, they are adapted to fit using Existential Containers :)
NOTE: If we were to interact with the ValueBuffer we would make use of the VWT. If we were to iterate over this array and call functions on the array elements, we would go look for them in the PWT.
Protocol conformances are the act of a class, struct, or enum adopting and implementing the requirements specified by a protocol.
protocol MyProtocol {
// protocol requirements
func myMethod()
class MyClass: MyProtocol {
func myMethod() {
NOTE: Remember that a class, enum or struct can conform to more than one Protocol.
So, yes, you are right, we'll find them referenced at swift5_proto
as a list of relative pointers.
The swift runtime keeps a record for every used type. This type metatdata is then used for RTTI, template methods, allocate the object's space, etc. For further information please read:
Many of the global swift objects are stored globally in the __common
section. When initializing a global of any type, the following snippet is generated (assuming we allocate the global globalVar
of type globalVar_t
// repalce TYPE with the actual type
void *typeMetadata = __swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName(&demangling cache variable for type metadata for globalVar_t);
__swift_allocate_value_buffer(typeMetadata, &globalVar);
__swift_project_value_buffer(typeMetadata, &globalVar);
These two functions, __swift_allocate_value_buffer
and __swift_project_value_buffer
are basically to allocate the variable memory space and get a pointer to it, after consulting with the type metadata, if it allows the actual data to be in-place or use a pointer to an external space.
NOTE: Sometimes IDA cannot parse the pointer
is referring to. That is due the fact it's an int32 relative pointer as we discussed earlier, so you'll just have to fix it manually to discover the actual type.
Also, on many occasions, these allocations will be used on the stack dynamically. In that case you'll see a lot of calls to __chkstk_darwin()
, whereas the spaces between them are the used local variables.
When calling a function which receives a variadic length of arguments, such as print
, the compiler will use _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
to create an array of type Array<Any>
to create this as a single parameter. We represent this datatype as Swift_ArrayAny
Let's examine now a call to print(_:separator:terminator:)
We'll need to make this function signature as:
void __fastcall print___separator_terminator__(Swift_ArrayAny *printString, Swift_String seperator, Swift_String terminator);
In addition, if the function receives multiple protocols in the form of: <A, B, C>
, then multiple type metadata are passed.
Many of the Swift functions often handle tempaltes. This is usually seen in method signature as: doSomething<A>()
. In order to trigger the correct method to handle such invocations, the compiler adds an additional argument as the last one which acts the "type metadata" - from which the witness table is extracted. While reversing, assuming we are only focused on understanding the code-flow, this parameter is usually not very important.
The templates signatures usually look something like this:
// _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
Swift_ArrayAny *__fastcall _allocateUninitializedArray_A(u64 count, void *arrayType);
And triggering these functions looks like this:
// typeAny = &type metadata for Any + 8
// The type witness is located at offset 8 from the actual type information
_finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)(array, typeAny);
If a method raises an error, it will write its error object into X21
. It is then raised using swift_unexpectedError()
If the user raised an error explicitly, it will instead use swift_allocError()
to allocate the error using the corresponding type metadata.
- /~
- /~