A flexible and robust TypeScript library for converting objects from one type to another with bidirectional support, hooks, and error handling.
- Type-safe conversions: Full TypeScript support for mapping between different object shapes
- Bidirectional conversion: Support for converting objects in both directions
- Pre and post hooks: Execute code before or after conversion
- Field-level and object-level transformations: Granular control over conversion
- Comprehensive error handling: Detailed error types and configurable error strategies
- Validation: Support for required fields and custom validation
- Multiple output objects: Create related objects during conversion
- Built-in transformers: Common transformation operations included
- Flexible context passing: Share context between transformations
- Customizable logging: Detailed logs of the conversion process
- Result helpers: Type-safe utilities for working with converter results
import { createConverter } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
// Define source and target types
interface ApiUser { user_id: string; user_name: string; }
interface AppUser { id: string; name: string; }
// Create a converter
const converter = createConverter<ApiUser, AppUser>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.user_id);
field('name', from => from.user_name);
// Use the converter
async function example() {
const apiUser = { user_id: '123', user_name: 'JohnDoe' };
const appUser = await converter(apiUser);
console.log(appUser); // { id: '123', name: 'JohnDoe' }
npm install @doeixd/create-converter
# or
yarn add @doeixd/create-converter
# or
bun install @doeixd/create-converter
# or
pnpm install @doeixd/create-converter
Converters are the core of the library. They define how to transform objects from one shape to another, handling field mappings, validations, and related operations.
// Basic converter
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
field('targetField', from => from.sourceField);
// Usage
const result = await converter({ sourceField: 'value' });
// result: { targetField: 'value' }
Field functions specify how to transform individual properties of an object, allowing for targeted conversion logic.
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
// Simple field mapping
field('id', from => from.id);
// Transform field content
field('name', from => from.firstName + ' ' + from.lastName);
// Conditional transformation
field('status', from => from.isActive ? 'Active' : 'Inactive');
Object functions allow transforming the entire object at once, useful for complex transformations that can't be handled with field-by-field conversion.
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj) => {
// Transform multiple fields at once
obj(from => ({
id: from.id,
name: from.firstName + ' ' + from.lastName,
status: from.isActive ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'
Pre-hooks and post-hooks execute before and after conversion, allowing for setup, validation, or creation of additional objects.
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj, pre, post) => {
// Pre-hook for validation
pre((ctx, from) => {
if (!from.id) throw new Error('ID is required');
field('id', from => from.id);
field('name', from => from.name);
// Post-hook for logging or additional processing
post((ctx, from, to) => {
console.log(`Converted object with ID: ${to.id}`);
Context objects pass information through the conversion process and can be used to influence how conversion happens.
interface MyContext {
userId: string;
timezone: string;
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, MyContext>((field) => {
// Use context in field conversion
field('createdBy', (from, ctx) => ctx.userId);
field('time', (from, ctx) => formatInTimezone(from.time, ctx.timezone));
}, {
context: { userId: 'system', timezone: 'UTC' }
// Pass additional context when using converter
const result = await converter(source, { userId: 'user-123' });
Comprehensive error handling with specific error types and configurable strategies (throw, warn, or ignore).
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
field('requiredField', from => {
if (!from.value) throw new Error('Value is required');
return from.value;
}, {
// Choose error handling strategy
errorHandling: 'warn', // Options: 'throw', 'warn', 'ignore'
// Custom logger
logger: console
Here's a simple example of converting between API and domain models:
import { createConverter, transforms } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
// API model from an external source
interface UserApiModel {
id: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
email_address: string;
created_at: string;
// Domain model used in application
interface UserDomainModel {
id: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
createdAt: Date;
fullName: string; // Derived field
// Create a converter from API to domain model
const apiToDomain = createConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel>((field, obj, pre, post) => {
// Field mappings
field('id', from => from.id);
field('firstName', from => from.first_name);
field('lastName', from => from.last_name);
field('email', from => from.email_address);
field('createdAt', from => new Date(from.created_at));
// Calculate derived field
field('fullName', from => `${from.first_name} ${from.last_name}`);
// Add a post-hook for logging
post((ctx, from, to) => {
console.log(`Converted user: ${to.fullName}`);
}, {
// Required fields
requiredFields: ['id', 'email'],
// Default values
defaults: {
fullName: ''
// Usage:
async function convertUser() {
const apiUser = {
id: '12345',
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Doe',
email_address: 'john.doe@example.com',
created_at: '2023-01-15T12:00:00Z'
try {
const domainUser = await apiToDomain(apiUser);
// {
// id: '12345',
// firstName: 'John',
// lastName: 'Doe',
// email: 'john.doe@example.com',
// createdAt: 2023-01-15T12:00:00.000Z,
// fullName: 'John Doe'
// }
} catch (error) {
console.error('Conversion failed:', error);
Create converters that can transform in both directions:
import { createConverter, BidirectionalConverter } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
// Create a bidirectional converter
function createUserConverter(): BidirectionalConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel> {
// API to Domain
const forward = createConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('firstName', from => from.first_name);
field('lastName', from => from.last_name);
field('email', from => from.email_address);
field('createdAt', from => new Date(from.created_at));
field('fullName', from => `${from.first_name} ${from.last_name}`);
// Domain to API
const reverse = createConverter<UserDomainModel, UserApiModel>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('first_name', from => from.firstName);
field('last_name', from => from.lastName);
field('email_address', from => from.email);
field('created_at', from => from.createdAt.toISOString());
return {
const userConverter = createUserConverter();
// Using the bidirectional converter
async function example() {
// Convert API model to domain
const apiUser = { /* ... */ };
const domainUser = await userConverter.forward(apiUser);
// Convert domain model back to API
const updatedUser = { ...domainUser, firstName: 'Jane' };
const apiUserUpdated = await userConverter.reverse(updatedUser);
Use the add
function to create multiple related objects during conversion:
import { createConverter, Many, getPrimary, getAdditional } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
interface OrderAPI {
id: string;
customer_id: string;
items: Array<{ product_id: string; quantity: number; price: number }>;
interface Order {
id: string;
customerId: string;
totalAmount: number;
interface OrderItem {
orderId: string;
productId: string;
quantity: number;
price: number;
const orderConverter = createConverter<OrderAPI, Order>((field, obj, pre, post, add) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('customerId', from => from.customer_id);
field('totalAmount', from => from.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + (item.quantity * item.price), 0));
// Create order items as additional objects
post((ctx, from, to) => {
const orderItems = from.items.map(item => ({
orderId: to.id,
productId: item.product_id,
quantity: item.quantity,
price: item.price
async function processOrder(apiOrder: OrderAPI) {
const result = await orderConverter(apiOrder);
// Using helper functions for type-safe access
const order = getPrimary(result);
const orderItems = getAdditional(result);
console.log('Order:', order);
console.log('Order Items:', orderItems);
Configure how errors are handled during conversion:
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
field('name', from => {
if (!from.name) {
throw new Error('Name is required');
return from.name.toUpperCase();
}, {
// Options: 'throw', 'warn', 'ignore'
errorHandling: 'warn',
// Custom logger
logger: {
debug: console.debug,
info: console.info,
warn: console.warn,
error: console.error
Pass context through the conversion process:
interface ConversionContext {
currentUser: { id: string; roles: string[] };
tenantId: string;
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, ConversionContext>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
// Use context in field functions
field('tenantId', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenantId);
// Use context in pre-hooks
pre((ctx, from, to) => {
console.log(`Converting with tenant: ${ctx.tenantId}`);
// Check permissions in post-hooks
post((ctx, from, to) => {
if (!ctx.currentUser.roles.includes('admin')) {
delete to.sensitiveField;
}, {
// Default context values
context: {
currentUser: { id: '', roles: [] },
tenantId: 'default'
// Pass additional context at conversion time
const result = await converter(sourceObject, {
currentUser: { id: 'user123', roles: ['admin'] },
tenantId: 'tenant456'
The library provides common transforms to simplify common operations:
import { createConverter, transforms } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
// String transforms
field('upperName', from => transforms.toUpperCase(from.name));
field('lowerEmail', from => transforms.toLowerCase(from.email));
field('trimmedAddress', from => transforms.trim(from.address));
// Number transforms
field('quantity', from => transforms.toInteger(from.quantity));
field('price', from => transforms.toFloat(from.price));
// Boolean transforms
field('isActive', from => transforms.toBoolean(from.active));
// Date transforms
field('createdDate', from => transforms.toISODate(from.created));
// Object transforms
field('userInfo', from => transforms.pick(['id', 'name', 'email'])(from.user));
field('publicData', from => transforms.omit(['password', 'ssn'])(from.userData));
// Default values
field('status', from => transforms.defaultValue('pending')(from.status));
// Array transforms
field('doubledPrices', from => transforms.mapArray((price: number) => price * 2)(from.prices));
field('inStockItems', from => transforms.filterArray((item: any) => item.stock > 0)(from.items));
field('tagList', from => transforms.joinArray(', ')(from.tags));
function createConverter<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx = GenericObject>(
fn?: ConverterDefinition<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx>,
options?: ConverterOptions<ToObj, Ctx>
): (fromObj: FromObj, additionalCtx?: Partial<Ctx>) => Promise<ToObj | Many<ToObj>>
Creates a reusable converter function that transforms objects from one type to another.
: Configuration function for defining field functions, object functions, and hooksoptions
: Additional configuration options
: Default values for the target objectcontext
: Default context objectmergeStrategy
: Strategy for merging objects (default: deep merge)logger
: Logger for logging messagesrequiredFields
: List of required fieldserrorHandling
: Error handling strategy ('throw', 'warn', 'ignore')
Returns: A converter function that accepts a source object and optional additional context
function getPrimary<T>(result: T | Many<T>): T
Gets the primary object from a converter result, regardless of return type.
: The converter result (either a single object or Many)
Returns: The primary converted object
function hasAdditional<T>(result: T | Many<T>): boolean
Checks if the converter result has additional objects beyond the primary one.
: The converter result
Returns: True if the result has additional objects
function getAdditional<T>(result: T | Many<T>): T[]
Gets any additional objects from a converter result.
: The converter result
Returns: Array of additional objects (empty if none)
A specialized Array class for holding multiple converted objects, ensuring the primary object is valid and allowing additional objects to be stored.
Custom error class for converter-related errors, providing additional context such as error type and affected field.
: The type of error (from ConverterErrorType)source
: The source object that caused the errorfieldName
: The field name related to the errororiginalError
: The original error that triggered this one
Function type used to configure a converter, registering field converters, object transformers, and hooks.
Function type for converting a single field from source to target object.
Function type for transforming an entire object at once.
Function type for pre/post-processing hooks.
Interface for converters that can transform between two object types in both directions.
Interface for validating partial objects, with methods to check for required fields.
Object containing built-in transformers for common operations.
Default strategy for merging objects using deep merge.
Default no-op logger implementation.
Enum defining possible error types that may occur during conversion.
Handle nested objects by creating separate converters and composing them:
// Create a converter for an address
const addressConverter = createConverter<AddressAPI, AddressDomain>((field) => {
field('street', from => from.street_address);
field('city', from => from.city);
field('state', from => from.state_or_province);
field('postal', from => from.postal_code);
field('country', from => from.country);
// Use the address converter in a user converter
const userConverter = createConverter<UserAPI, UserDomain>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('name', from => from.name);
field('email', from => from.email);
// Convert nested address using the address converter
field('address', async from => {
if (!from.address) return null;
// Use getPrimary to handle potential Many return
const result = await addressConverter(from.address);
return getPrimary(result);
Convert arrays of objects:
// Create a converter for a single item
const itemConverter = createConverter<ItemAPI, ItemDomain>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('name', from => from.name);
field('price', from => from.price);
// Use it to convert an array of items
const orderConverter = createConverter<OrderAPI, OrderDomain>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id);
field('date', from => new Date(from.date));
// Convert array of items
field('items', async from => {
if (!from.items || !from.items.length) return [];
// Convert each item one by one using getPrimary for type safety
const items: ItemDomain[] = [];
for (const item of from.items) {
const result = await itemConverter(item);
return items;
// Or using Promise.all and getPrimary for parallel conversion
// return await Promise.all(from.items.map(async item => {
// const result = await itemConverter(item);
// return getPrimary(result);
// }));
Perform validation during conversion:
const userConverter = createConverter<UserInput, User>((field, obj, pre) => {
// Validate in pre-hook
pre((ctx, from) => {
if (!from.email || !from.email.includes('@')) {
throw new ConverterError(
'Invalid email address',
{ source: from, fieldName: 'email' }
if (from.password && from.password.length < 8) {
throw new ConverterError(
'Password must be at least 8 characters',
{ source: from, fieldName: 'password' }
// Fields
field('email', from => from.email.toLowerCase());
field('name', from => from.name);
field('createdAt', from => new Date());
}, {
requiredFields: ['email', 'name'],
errorHandling: 'throw'
Remember that field functions can be asynchronous, but you need to handle this properly:
// This will work
field('user', async from => {
const user = await userService.findById(from.userId);
return user;
// This will NOT work - missing await
field('user', from => {
const userPromise = userService.findById(from.userId);
return userPromise; // Returns Promise<User>, not User
TypeScript will enforce that field functions return the correct type for each field:
interface Target {
id: number;
name: string;
// This will cause a TypeScript error - returning string for number field
createConverter<Source, Target>((field) => {
field('id', from => from.id.toString()); // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'
// Fix by ensuring correct type returns
createConverter<Source, Target>((field) => {
field('id', from => parseInt(from.id, 10));
When using the add
function, the converter will return a Many
instance instead of a single object. The library provides helper functions to make working with these results easier:
import { getPrimary, hasAdditional, getAdditional } from '@doeixd/create-converter';
// If add() is called in hooks or functions
const result = await converter(source);
// Type-safe way to get the primary object
const primary = getPrimary(result);
// Check if there are additional objects
if (hasAdditional(result)) {
// Get all additional objects as an array
const additionalObjects = getAdditional(result);
// Process additional objects
These helper functions make it easier to work with converter results without having to use type assertions or instanceof checks throughout your code.
When using a converter inside another converter (such as for nested objects), use the helper functions to ensure proper type handling:
field('nestedObject', async from => {
if (!from.nested) return null;
const result = await nestedConverter(from.nested);
// Use getPrimary to handle possible Many return type
return getPrimary(result);
To get proper type inference with context objects, specify all generic types:
interface MyContext {
userId: string;
tenant: string;
// Best practice - specify all generics
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, MyContext>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
// ctx is properly typed as MyContext
field('tenant', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenant);
// This still works but ctx type is inferred as GenericObject
const converter2 = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
// ctx is typed as GenericObject, losing specific properties
field('tenant', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenant); // Error: Property 'tenant' does not exist on type 'GenericObject'
Consider the appropriate error handling strategy for your use case:
: Stops conversion immediately on error (default)'warn'
: Logs errors but continues conversion'ignore'
: Silently continues conversion
// Development environment - throw errors
const devConverter = createConverter<Source, Target>(definitionFn, { errorHandling: 'throw' });
// Production environment - log warnings but continue
const prodConverter = createConverter<Source, Target>(definitionFn, { errorHandling: 'warn' });
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request, and update tests as appropriate.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.