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πŸ”„ TypeScript library for type-safe object conversion


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πŸ”„ Create Converter

npm version TypeScript License: MIT

A flexible and robust TypeScript library for converting objects from one type to another with bidirectional support, hooks, and error handling.

βš™οΈ Features

  • Type-safe conversions: Full TypeScript support for mapping between different object shapes
  • Bidirectional conversion: Support for converting objects in both directions
  • Pre and post hooks: Execute code before or after conversion
  • Field-level and object-level transformations: Granular control over conversion
  • Comprehensive error handling: Detailed error types and configurable error strategies
  • Validation: Support for required fields and custom validation
  • Multiple output objects: Create related objects during conversion
  • Built-in transformers: Common transformation operations included
  • Flexible context passing: Share context between transformations
  • Customizable logging: Detailed logs of the conversion process
  • Result helpers: Type-safe utilities for working with converter results

πŸ” Quick Example

import { createConverter } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

// Define source and target types
interface ApiUser { user_id: string; user_name: string; }
interface AppUser { id: string; name: string; }

// Create a converter
const converter = createConverter<ApiUser, AppUser>((field) => {
  field('id', from => from.user_id);
  field('name', from => from.user_name);

// Use the converter
async function example() {
  const apiUser = { user_id: '123', user_name: 'JohnDoe' };
  const appUser = await converter(apiUser);
  console.log(appUser); // { id: '123', name: 'JohnDoe' }

πŸ“¦ Installation

npm install @doeixd/create-converter
# or
yarn add @doeixd/create-converter
# or
bun install @doeixd/create-converter
# or
pnpm install @doeixd/create-converter

🧩 Key Concepts


Converters are the core of the library. They define how to transform objects from one shape to another, handling field mappings, validations, and related operations.

// Basic converter
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
  field('targetField', from => from.sourceField);

// Usage
const result = await converter({ sourceField: 'value' });
// result: { targetField: 'value' }

Field Functions

Field functions specify how to transform individual properties of an object, allowing for targeted conversion logic.

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
  // Simple field mapping
  field('id', from =>;
  // Transform field content
  field('name', from => from.firstName + ' ' + from.lastName);
  // Conditional transformation
  field('status', from => from.isActive ? 'Active' : 'Inactive');

Object Functions

Object functions allow transforming the entire object at once, useful for complex transformations that can't be handled with field-by-field conversion.

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj) => {
  // Transform multiple fields at once
  obj(from => ({
    name: from.firstName + ' ' + from.lastName,
    status: from.isActive ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'


Pre-hooks and post-hooks execute before and after conversion, allowing for setup, validation, or creation of additional objects.

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj, pre, post) => {
  // Pre-hook for validation
  pre((ctx, from) => {
    if (! throw new Error('ID is required');
  field('id', from =>;
  field('name', from =>;
  // Post-hook for logging or additional processing
  post((ctx, from, to) => {
    console.log(`Converted object with ID: ${}`);


Context objects pass information through the conversion process and can be used to influence how conversion happens.

interface MyContext {
  userId: string;
  timezone: string;

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, MyContext>((field) => {
  // Use context in field conversion
  field('createdBy', (from, ctx) => ctx.userId);
  field('time', (from, ctx) => formatInTimezone(from.time, ctx.timezone));
}, {
  context: { userId: 'system', timezone: 'UTC' }

// Pass additional context when using converter
const result = await converter(source, { userId: 'user-123' });

Error Handling

Comprehensive error handling with specific error types and configurable strategies (throw, warn, or ignore).

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
  field('requiredField', from => {
    if (!from.value) throw new Error('Value is required');
    return from.value;
}, {
  // Choose error handling strategy
  errorHandling: 'warn', // Options: 'throw', 'warn', 'ignore'
  // Custom logger
  logger: console

πŸš€ Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of converting between API and domain models:

import { createConverter, transforms } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

// API model from an external source
interface UserApiModel {
  id: string;
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  email_address: string;
  created_at: string;

// Domain model used in application
interface UserDomainModel {
  id: string;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  email: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  fullName: string; // Derived field

// Create a converter from API to domain model
const apiToDomain = createConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel>((field, obj, pre, post) => {
  // Field mappings
  field('id', from =>;
  field('firstName', from => from.first_name);
  field('lastName', from => from.last_name);
  field('email', from => from.email_address);
  field('createdAt', from => new Date(from.created_at));
  // Calculate derived field
  field('fullName', from => `${from.first_name} ${from.last_name}`);
  // Add a post-hook for logging
  post((ctx, from, to) => {
    console.log(`Converted user: ${to.fullName}`);
}, {
  // Required fields
  requiredFields: ['id', 'email'],
  // Default values
  defaults: {
    fullName: ''

// Usage:
async function convertUser() {
  const apiUser = {
    id: '12345',
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Doe',
    email_address: '',
    created_at: '2023-01-15T12:00:00Z'
  try {
    const domainUser = await apiToDomain(apiUser);
    // {
    //   id: '12345',
    //   firstName: 'John',
    //   lastName: 'Doe',
    //   email: '',
    //   createdAt: 2023-01-15T12:00:00.000Z,
    //   fullName: 'John Doe'
    // }
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Conversion failed:', error);

πŸ› οΈ Advanced Usage

Bidirectional Converters

Create converters that can transform in both directions:

import { createConverter, BidirectionalConverter } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

// Create a bidirectional converter
function createUserConverter(): BidirectionalConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel> {
  // API to Domain
  const forward = createConverter<UserApiModel, UserDomainModel>((field) => {
    field('id', from =>;
    field('firstName', from => from.first_name);
    field('lastName', from => from.last_name);
    field('email', from => from.email_address);
    field('createdAt', from => new Date(from.created_at));
    field('fullName', from => `${from.first_name} ${from.last_name}`);
  // Domain to API
  const reverse = createConverter<UserDomainModel, UserApiModel>((field) => {
    field('id', from =>;
    field('first_name', from => from.firstName);
    field('last_name', from => from.lastName);
    field('email_address', from =>;
    field('created_at', from => from.createdAt.toISOString());
  return {

const userConverter = createUserConverter();

// Using the bidirectional converter
async function example() {
  // Convert API model to domain
  const apiUser = { /* ... */ };
  const domainUser = await userConverter.forward(apiUser);
  // Convert domain model back to API
  const updatedUser = { ...domainUser, firstName: 'Jane' };
  const apiUserUpdated = await userConverter.reverse(updatedUser);

Creating Related Objects

Use the add function to create multiple related objects during conversion:

import { createConverter, Many, getPrimary, getAdditional } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

interface OrderAPI {
  id: string;
  customer_id: string;
  items: Array<{ product_id: string; quantity: number; price: number }>;

interface Order {
  id: string;
  customerId: string;
  totalAmount: number;

interface OrderItem {
  orderId: string;
  productId: string;
  quantity: number;
  price: number;

const orderConverter = createConverter<OrderAPI, Order>((field, obj, pre, post, add) => {
  field('id', from =>;
  field('customerId', from => from.customer_id);
  field('totalAmount', from => from.items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + (item.quantity * item.price), 0));
  // Create order items as additional objects
  post((ctx, from, to) => {
    const orderItems = => ({
      productId: item.product_id,
      quantity: item.quantity,
      price: item.price

async function processOrder(apiOrder: OrderAPI) {
  const result = await orderConverter(apiOrder);
  // Using helper functions for type-safe access
  const order = getPrimary(result);
  const orderItems = getAdditional(result);
  console.log('Order:', order);
  console.log('Order Items:', orderItems);

Custom Error Handling

Configure how errors are handled during conversion:

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
  field('name', from => {
    if (! {
      throw new Error('Name is required');
}, {
  // Options: 'throw', 'warn', 'ignore'
  errorHandling: 'warn',
  // Custom logger
  logger: {
    debug: console.debug,
    warn: console.warn,
    error: console.error

Using Context

Pass context through the conversion process:

interface ConversionContext {
  currentUser: { id: string; roles: string[] };
  tenantId: string;

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, ConversionContext>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
  // Use context in field functions
  field('tenantId', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenantId);
  // Use context in pre-hooks
  pre((ctx, from, to) => {
    console.log(`Converting with tenant: ${ctx.tenantId}`);
  // Check permissions in post-hooks
  post((ctx, from, to) => {
    if (!ctx.currentUser.roles.includes('admin')) {
      delete to.sensitiveField;
}, {
  // Default context values
  context: {
    currentUser: { id: '', roles: [] },
    tenantId: 'default'

// Pass additional context at conversion time
const result = await converter(sourceObject, {
  currentUser: { id: 'user123', roles: ['admin'] },
  tenantId: 'tenant456'

πŸ”§ Built-in Transforms

The library provides common transforms to simplify common operations:

import { createConverter, transforms } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field) => {
  // String transforms
  field('upperName', from => transforms.toUpperCase(;
  field('lowerEmail', from => transforms.toLowerCase(;
  field('trimmedAddress', from => transforms.trim(from.address));
  // Number transforms
  field('quantity', from => transforms.toInteger(from.quantity));
  field('price', from => transforms.toFloat(from.price));
  // Boolean transforms
  field('isActive', from => transforms.toBoolean(;
  // Date transforms
  field('createdDate', from => transforms.toISODate(from.created));
  // Object transforms
  field('userInfo', from => transforms.pick(['id', 'name', 'email'])(from.user));
  field('publicData', from => transforms.omit(['password', 'ssn'])(from.userData));
  // Default values
  field('status', from => transforms.defaultValue('pending')(from.status));
  // Array transforms
  field('doubledPrices', from => transforms.mapArray((price: number) => price * 2)(from.prices));
  field('inStockItems', from => transforms.filterArray((item: any) => item.stock > 0)(from.items));
  field('tagList', from => transforms.joinArray(', ')(from.tags));

πŸ“ API Documentation

Core Functions


function createConverter<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx = GenericObject>(
  fn?: ConverterDefinition<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx>,
  options?: ConverterOptions<ToObj, Ctx>
): (fromObj: FromObj, additionalCtx?: Partial<Ctx>) => Promise<ToObj | Many<ToObj>>

Creates a reusable converter function that transforms objects from one type to another.


  • fn: Configuration function for defining field functions, object functions, and hooks
  • options: Additional configuration options


  • defaults: Default values for the target object
  • context: Default context object
  • mergeStrategy: Strategy for merging objects (default: deep merge)
  • logger: Logger for logging messages
  • requiredFields: List of required fields
  • errorHandling: Error handling strategy ('throw', 'warn', 'ignore')

Returns: A converter function that accepts a source object and optional additional context

Result Helper Functions


function getPrimary<T>(result: T | Many<T>): T

Gets the primary object from a converter result, regardless of return type.


  • result: The converter result (either a single object or Many)

Returns: The primary converted object


function hasAdditional<T>(result: T | Many<T>): boolean

Checks if the converter result has additional objects beyond the primary one.


  • result: The converter result

Returns: True if the result has additional objects


function getAdditional<T>(result: T | Many<T>): T[]

Gets any additional objects from a converter result.


  • result: The converter result

Returns: Array of additional objects (empty if none)



A specialized Array class for holding multiple converted objects, ensuring the primary object is valid and allowing additional objects to be stored.


Custom error class for converter-related errors, providing additional context such as error type and affected field.


  • type: The type of error (from ConverterErrorType)
  • source: The source object that caused the error
  • fieldName: The field name related to the error
  • originalError: The original error that triggered this one

Types and Interfaces

ConverterDefinition<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx>

Function type used to configure a converter, registering field converters, object transformers, and hooks.

FieldFunction<FromObj, Ctx, ToObj, T>

Function type for converting a single field from source to target object.

ObjectFunction<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx>

Function type for transforming an entire object at once.

HookFunction<FromObj, ToObj, Ctx>

Function type for pre/post-processing hooks.

BidirectionalConverter<A, B>

Interface for converters that can transform between two object types in both directions.


Interface for validating partial objects, with methods to check for required fields.

Utility Types and Constants


Object containing built-in transformers for common operations.


Default strategy for merging objects using deep merge.


Default no-op logger implementation.


Enum defining possible error types that may occur during conversion.

✨ Common Patterns

Nested Object Conversion

Handle nested objects by creating separate converters and composing them:

// Create a converter for an address
const addressConverter = createConverter<AddressAPI, AddressDomain>((field) => {
  field('street', from => from.street_address);
  field('city', from =>;
  field('state', from => from.state_or_province);
  field('postal', from => from.postal_code);
  field('country', from =>;

// Use the address converter in a user converter
const userConverter = createConverter<UserAPI, UserDomain>((field) => {
  field('id', from =>;
  field('name', from =>;
  field('email', from =>;
  // Convert nested address using the address converter
  field('address', async from => {
    if (!from.address) return null;
    // Use getPrimary to handle potential Many return
    const result = await addressConverter(from.address);
    return getPrimary(result);

Array Field Conversion

Convert arrays of objects:

// Create a converter for a single item
const itemConverter = createConverter<ItemAPI, ItemDomain>((field) => {
  field('id', from =>;
  field('name', from =>;
  field('price', from => from.price);

// Use it to convert an array of items
const orderConverter = createConverter<OrderAPI, OrderDomain>((field) => {
  field('id', from =>;
  field('date', from => new Date(;
  // Convert array of items
  field('items', async from => {
    if (!from.items || !from.items.length) return [];
    // Convert each item one by one using getPrimary for type safety
    const items: ItemDomain[] = [];
    for (const item of from.items) {
      const result = await itemConverter(item);
    return items;
    // Or using Promise.all and getPrimary for parallel conversion
    // return await Promise.all( item => {
    //   const result = await itemConverter(item);
    //   return getPrimary(result);
    // }));

Validation Pattern

Perform validation during conversion:

const userConverter = createConverter<UserInput, User>((field, obj, pre) => {
  // Validate in pre-hook
  pre((ctx, from) => {
    if (! || !'@')) {
      throw new ConverterError(
        'Invalid email address',
        { source: from, fieldName: 'email' }
    if (from.password && from.password.length < 8) {
      throw new ConverterError(
        'Password must be at least 8 characters',
        { source: from, fieldName: 'password' }
  // Fields
  field('email', from =>;
  field('name', from =>;
  field('createdAt', from => new Date());
}, {
  requiredFields: ['email', 'name'],
  errorHandling: 'throw'

⚠️ Gotchas & Troubleshooting

Asynchronous Field Functions

Remember that field functions can be asynchronous, but you need to handle this properly:

// This will work
field('user', async from => {
  const user = await userService.findById(from.userId);
  return user;

// This will NOT work - missing await
field('user', from => {
  const userPromise = userService.findById(from.userId);
  return userPromise; // Returns Promise<User>, not User

TypeScript and Field Types

TypeScript will enforce that field functions return the correct type for each field:

interface Target {
  id: number;
  name: string;

// This will cause a TypeScript error - returning string for number field
createConverter<Source, Target>((field) => {
  field('id', from =>; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'

// Fix by ensuring correct type returns
createConverter<Source, Target>((field) => {
  field('id', from => parseInt(, 10));

Objects vs Many Return Type

When using the add function, the converter will return a Many instance instead of a single object. The library provides helper functions to make working with these results easier:

import { getPrimary, hasAdditional, getAdditional } from '@doeixd/create-converter';

// If add() is called in hooks or functions
const result = await converter(source);

// Type-safe way to get the primary object
const primary = getPrimary(result);

// Check if there are additional objects
if (hasAdditional(result)) {
  // Get all additional objects as an array
  const additionalObjects = getAdditional(result);
  // Process additional objects

These helper functions make it easier to work with converter results without having to use type assertions or instanceof checks throughout your code.

Using Helper Functions in Recursive Converters

When using a converter inside another converter (such as for nested objects), use the helper functions to ensure proper type handling:

field('nestedObject', async from => {
  if (!from.nested) return null;
  const result = await nestedConverter(from.nested);
  // Use getPrimary to handle possible Many return type
  return getPrimary(result);

Context Type Inference

To get proper type inference with context objects, specify all generic types:

interface MyContext {
  userId: string;
  tenant: string;

// Best practice - specify all generics
const converter = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType, MyContext>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
  // ctx is properly typed as MyContext
  field('tenant', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenant);

// This still works but ctx type is inferred as GenericObject
const converter2 = createConverter<SourceType, TargetType>((field, obj, pre, post, add, defaults, ctx) => {
  // ctx is typed as GenericObject, losing specific properties
  field('tenant', (from, ctx) => ctx.tenant); // Error: Property 'tenant' does not exist on type 'GenericObject'

Error Handling Strategies

Consider the appropriate error handling strategy for your use case:

  • 'throw': Stops conversion immediately on error (default)
  • 'warn': Logs errors but continues conversion
  • 'ignore': Silently continues conversion
// Development environment - throw errors
const devConverter = createConverter<Source, Target>(definitionFn, { errorHandling: 'throw' });

// Production environment - log warnings but continue
const prodConverter = createConverter<Source, Target>(definitionFn, { errorHandling: 'warn' });

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request, and update tests as appropriate.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.