This project provides a library to accelerate the development of SIP Media Applications (SMA) in Java. These apps allow for the deployment of multi-region and fault-tolerant self-service applications. Some benefits of using Chime SDK versus Amazon Connect for self-service applications are:
- SIP Ingress
- Bring your own carrier.
- Load balance across regions if desired.
- SIP Egress
- Transfer calls to PBXs or other destinations via SIP for handling (PSTN bypass).
- Use your preferred carrier to route calls or Amazon.
- Built from the ground up to be carrier-class and multi-region.
- Amazon Chime PSTN numbers can span regions in the US (us-east-1 and us-west-2).
- Deployed as code versus Connect Flows.
- Source control to manage and track changes.
- Integrates into DevOps processes already in place.
- Central call control
- Route calls to multiple Connect instances (many organizations have several instances and other groups on legacy systems).
- Don't wrap/trombone calls through Connect instances when calls need to be transferred.
The library provides two approaches: a JSON event mapping model and, on top of that, a flow-based library that allows programmers to develop call flows without having to deal with event handling and flow optimization. The latter enables developers to quickly build applications with minimal coding.
AWS Lambda is excellent at handling events in JSON. AWS provides the Lambda Java Events library, which handles most of the services that directly integrate with Lambda and provides a full Java Object model for the requests and responses. However, the Chime SMA events are not included in this package. This library follows a similar approach and is used as follows:
- You define your Lambda to implement RequestHandler<SMARequest, SMAResponse>.
- Process the incoming request and respond as necessary. Refer to for an example.
- Note that you are responsible for handling the SMA state machine, and this quickly becomes unmanageable as the complexity of your application increases.
- Use this low-level approach when you need to control every aspect of the state machine.
- For more in-depth information about using the library and writing applications, please refer to the Library README.
Building upon the above, the "Action Flow Model" maps each of the supported actions for the PSTN Audio service to Java Objects that you can dynamically connect to each other to create flows. These objects are easily extensible, allowing for the creation of complex interactions and routing. This part of the library provides:
- A flow-based approach that makes developing applications easier to understand compared to an event-driven model.
- The flow is built statically in memory during initialization (SNAP Start Init), enabling very low latency responses.
- Strong Java typing and a builder approach for creating action objects.
- Sensible defaults for most of the action parameters, which can be set or passed into the Lambda (e.g., BOT_ALIAS_ARN to start bot conversations).
- Derived values whenever possible to reduce lines of code.
- Speak actions require you to set SSML or Text for operations. The flow action takes only a text parameter and determines and sets the correct value when sending back the JSON.
- Response optimization by sending multiple actions at once (SMA supports up to 10).
- Each action is evaluated to determine whether it can be chained with another before sending the action list.
- Example: Pause -> Speak -> Pause -> StartRecording -> SpeakAndGetDigits, when sent one by one, would require 4 Lambda calls without optimization.
- Actions like SpeakAndGetDigits require a result before proceeding and cannot be chained with another action.
- Java Locale support across all relevant actions to easily build multilingual interactions (Prompts, Speak, and Bots).
- Easy extension of existing actions. See, which extends the standard CallAndBridge action to write call information to a DynamoDB table that can be used in a Connect flow to implement take-back and transfer. See the use case later in this document.
To use the Flow Model:
- Simply create a Java Object that inherits from AbstractFlow.
- Implement the
method, which returns the start of the flow. - Refer to the flow-based example.
- For more in-depth information about using the library and writing applications, please refer to the Library README.
- Please see Square Retail ChatGPT IVR for a full working example deployment.
- Also related is Priovisioning Chime PSTN SDK resources with Java CDK.
This use case demonstrates sending calls to Amazon Connect and then later moving the call to another destination, such as a PSTN number (which could be another Connect instance), SIP destination, or continuing a flow at the SMA Application. Calls are released from the Connect instance (call leg disconnected by the SMA Application) and moved to another destination.
The general steps are as follows:
- The CallAndBridgeActionTBTDiversion action writes call data to a DynamoDB table prior to actually moving the call.
- The Connect Script executes a Lambda function to transfer calls.
In your Connect flow, let's assume you have the destination number set on the contact attribute "TransferNumber". Normally, you would pass that directly to the "Transfer to phone number" step to place the outbound call. For this use case, we simply insert an "Invoke AWS Lambda function" and "Wait" step into the flow. The original transfer step can be left in place as a failsafe. The wait condition gives the Lambda function time to contact the Chime SDK API to signal the SMA app to disconnect the call. Typically, this entire process executes within a sub-second timeframe.
When invoking the Lambda from Connect, we pass both the Diversion header (referred to as "Call-Forwarding-Indicator" in Connect) and the TransferNumber.
Diversion: <key>, TransferNumber: <destination>
The Lambda function then performs the following steps:
- Extracts the key from the Diversion header (which is a random E164 number).
- Executes a DynamoDB call to retrieve the call information, which consists of:
- AWS Region
- sipMediaApplicationId
- transactionId
- Finally, the Lambda function executes a Chime SDK API call to UpdateSipMediaApplicationCall:
- The AWS Region is used to initialize the Chime SDK client properly to support calls ingressing from either region.
- The TransferNumber is passed as a parameter to inform the SMA Handler where to transfer the call.
Sample Lambda code in NodeJS.
const {ChimeClient, UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallCommand} = require("@aws-sdk/client-chime");
const {DynamoDBClient, GetItemCommand} = require("@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb")
const ddb = new DynamoDBClient();
const regex = /(\+[0-9]+)/;
const table_name = process.env.CALLS_TABLE_NAME;
exports.handler = async function (event) {
let match = event.Details.Parameters.Diversion.match(regex);
console.log('Extracted phone is ' + match[1] );
const dparams = {
Key : {
phoneNumber : {
S: match[1]
TableName: table_name
const dresponse = await ddb.send(new GetItemCommand(dparams));
const cparams = {
SipMediaApplicationId: dresponse.Item.sipMediaApplicationId.S,
TransactionId: dresponse.Item.transactionId.S,
Arguments: {
phoneNumber: event.Details.Parameters.TransferNumberD
// We need to know region before initializing client
const chime = new ChimeClient({ region: dresponse.Item.region.S, });
const cresponse = await chime.send(new UpdateSipMediaApplicationCallCommand(cparams));
return {status: 'OK'};
The Example Flow exercises several Actions provided by the Chime SDK. The Connect use case mentioned above is also incorporated into the Demo app.
Twilio SIP Trunking can be used to send calls into your SMA or the SIP carrier of your choice. When configuring the Twilio Origination Settings, you can make use of the "edge" setting to optimize the SIP traffic.
In this case, the first SIP URI references a Voice Connector in the us-east-1 region. By adding the "edge=ashburn" parameter in Twilio's configuration, the call will be egressed into AWS within us-east-1. The same applies for the "edge=umatilla" parameter, which is Twilio's edge in Oregon (us-west-2). It's recommended to minimize the traversal of traffic over the internet if possible.
After provisioning a phone number in Chime, you need to create a SIP Rule for the phone number. Chime does not support load balancing, so you must set up an ordered priority. When you call +1-320-200-2007, you will always be routed to the SMA in the us-east-1 region. Only if that region or the Lambda associated with the SMA goes down will you fail over to the us-west-2 region.
Please note that Chime currently provides PSTN numbers only in the United States and not in all countries. If you are deploying in Europe or other regions, you will need to use a SIP carrier like Twilio, as mentioned above. I have tested these configurations in the Frankfurt and London regions without any issues. For a complete list of available regions for Chime SDK PSTN numbers, refer to the PSTN section in the Available Regions documentation.
For testing apps there certainly is no reason to incur PSTN charges, so I use an IP Phone connected to Asterisk to place calls into SMA's. Like Twilio above, in the pjsip_wizzard.conf you can create trunks for each region endpoint:
You can observe no less than 12 endpoints are ready to take your call in each region !!!
Asterisk*CLI> pjsip show endpoint aws-chime-oregon
Endpoint: aws-chime-oregon Not in use 0 of inf
Aor: aws-chime-oregon 0
Contact: aws-chime-oregon/sip:dnpz57kzlmo6uvhb1anu3 228c75f425 Created 0.000
Transport: transport-udp udp 0 0
Identify: aws-chime-oregon-identify/aws-chime-oregon
In the extensions.conf you configure a number you can dial to route to the trunks in question. The number +1-703-555-0122 is a Chime Call in number than can be used to route to SMA's. This allows you to call into connectors and your SMA with a sip rule without provisioning a phone number at all !
- 290 will try us-east-1 first and if it fails, you hear a prompt (so you know the first region was down) and then it tries the next region
- 291 will call only us-east-1
- 292 will call only us-west-2
exten => 290,1,NoOP(Call to AWS Chime with ordered failover)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/+17035550122@aws-chime-east)
same => n,Playback(sorry-youre-having-problems)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/+17035550122@aws-chime-oregon)
exten => 291,1,NoOP(Call to AWS Chime East)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/+17035550122@aws-chime-east)
exten => 292,1,NoOP(Call to AWS Chime Oregon)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/+17035550122@aws-chime-oregon)
The demo flow is divided into two main parts to demonstrate moving up and down menu levels:
- The main menu to handle top-level functions.
- The recording sub-menu to handle recording and playback of audio.
The initial action is to play a static prompt and proceed to the main menu.
public class ExampleFlow extends AbstractFlow {
private final static Action MAIN_MENU = getMainMenu();
private final static Action CALL_RECORDING_MENU = getCallRecordingMenu();
protected Action getInitialAction() {
// Start with a welcome message and then main menu with region static prompt
return PlayAudioAction.builder()
.withKey(System.getenv("AWS_REGION") + "-welcome.wav") // This is always in english
public static Action getMainMenu() {
// Main menu will be locale specific prompting
final var menu = PlayAudioAndGetDigitsAction.builder()
.withNextActionF(a -> {
switch (a.getReceivedDigits()) {
case "1":
return lexBotEN;
case "2":
return lexBotES;
case "3":
return connect;
case "4":
return goodbye;
The initial response will make use of the PlayAudio and PlayAudioAndGetDigits actions. Both actions utilize static prompts stored in S3. The main menu prompt is locale-specific and can be played in both English and Spanish, as we will see later. These two actions are chainable, so the library will send them both in the initial response.
"SchemaVersion": "1.0",
"Actions": [
"Type": "PlayAudio",
"Parameters": {
"CallId": "be23f6a9-66f0-4d55-b6d9-b9e614a729ac",
"ParticipantTag": "LEG-A",
"AudioSource": {
"Type": "S3",
"BucketName": "chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1sr9bfy6k3k30",
"Key": "us-west-2-welcome.wav"
"Type": "PlayAudioAndGetDigits",
"Parameters": {
"CallId": "be23f6a9-66f0-4d55-b6d9-b9e614a729ac",
"ParticipantTag": "LEG-A",
"InputDigitsRegex": "^\\d{1}$",
"AudioSource": {
"Type": "S3",
"BucketName": "chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1sr9bfy6k3k30",
"Key": "main-menu-en-US.wav"
"FailureAudioSource": {
"Type": "S3",
"BucketName": "chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1sr9bfy6k3k30",
"Key": "try-again-en-US.wav"
"MinNumberOfDigits": 1,
"MaxNumberOfDigits": 1,
"Repeat": 2,
"RepeatDurationInMilliseconds": 3000
"TransactionAttributes": {
"CurrentActionId": "6",
"locale": "en-US",
"CurrentActionIdList": "18,6"
The main menu presents the caller with 4 choices:
- Press 1 for Chat GPT Bot in English.
- Press 2 for Chat GPT Bot in Spanish.
- Press 3 for Connect Take Back and Transfer.
- Press 4 for Audio Recording Menu.
- Any other key ends the call.
After the caller enters a digit (or no input and the timeout occurs), the following code is executed to move the call to the next action.
.withNextActionF(a -> {
switch (a.getReceivedDigits()) {
case "1":
return lexBotEN;
case "2":
return lexBotES;
case "3":
return connect;
case "4":
return goodbye;
Handing control over to a Lex Bot in Chime is similar to how it's done in Amazon Connect. We could have used a Bot to handle the main menu function instead of collecting digits and further delegating intents to other bots or flows. In this example, our Bot defined in the CloudFormation template has 3 intents:
- "Quit": The caller is done talking to ChatGPT and wants to move on.
- "Transfer": The caller wants to speak with a real person.
- "FallbackIntent": Anything else the caller asks is passed to ChatGPT for a response, with context maintained in a DynamoDB table.
When the user presses:
- One: Control is passed to our Bot with the locale set to English (en-US), and the welcome prompt is played in English.
- Two: Control is passed to our Bot with the locale set to Spanish (es-US), and the welcome prompt is played in Spanish.
Anytime ".withLocale()" is used on an action, that state is maintained by the library. You can observe this by:
- Pressing Two to go to the Spanish Bot.
- Saying "adiĂłs" to indicate that you're done.
- The next action will then be to go to the main menu, but you will hear the main menu in Spanish because the locale was set in a prior action.
- If you then pressed One, it would set the locale back to English, and when you return to the main menu, it would be in English once again.
Your Lex session is tied to the call ID, so you can do the following:
- Press One for ChatGPT.
- Ask, "What is the biggest lake in Minnesota?"
- ChatGPT: "Lake Superior, anything else?"
- Say, "That's all."
- Back at the main menu now.
- Press One for ChatGPT again.
- Ask, "How deep is that lake?"
- ChatGPT: "Lake Superior is XXX feet deep, etc."
The Bot still retains the context of your conversation with ChatGPT during the call, so it knows that when you come back, you are still referring to Lake Superior. If you tell the Bot that you want to speak with a person, it will return the "Transfer" intent, and the next action will be the Connect use case of take back and transfer, which is the same as pressing 3 at the main menu.
final var lexBotEN = StartBotConversationAction.builder()
.withDescription("ChatGPT English")
.withContent("What can Chat GPT help you with?")
final var lexBotES = StartBotConversationAction.builder()
.withDescription("ChatGPT Spanish")
.withContent("¿En qué puede ayudarte Chat GPT?")
// Two invocations of the bot, so create one function and use for both
Function<StartBotConversationAction, Action> botNextAction = (a) -> {
switch (a.getIntentName()) {
// The Lex bot also has intent to speak with someone
case "Transfer":
return connect;
case "Quit":
return MAIN_MENU;
// Both bots are the same, so the handler is the same
When pressing 3 or asking the Bot to speak with a person, the call will be transferred to an Amazon Connect instance in us-east-1. This functionality is achieved by extending the base CallAndBridge action. The details of this use case are described in a prior section.
Using this action in the library is no different from using the base CallAndBridgeAction. In this case, we are sending the call to a static number ("+15052162949") that points to a sample call flow. The flow executes the transfer Lambda and then transfers the call to "+18004444444," which is a carrier test number (Old MCI number). This is a terminal step, so once you have been transferred, you can simply hang up to release the call resources in Chime.
// Send call to Connect to demo Take Back and Transfer
final var connect = CallAndBridgeActionTBTDiversion.builder()
.withDescription("Send Call to AWS Connect")
.withRingbackToneKeyLocale("transfer") // If the Spanish locale is set, the caller will hear transferring in Spanish
This action could be further extended to save the Locale in the DynamoDB table. When the call lands at Connect, a Lambda function could be used to retrieve this information and set the language in the Connect flow or any other data collected in the Chime SMA app, such as caller account number, etc.
When pressing 4 at the main menu, we go to a sub-menu that uses Speak instead of static prompts like the main menu. The menu options are as follows:
- Pressing one allows you to record audio, which is saved to the default RECORD_BUCKET.
- Pressing two plays back your recorded audio or a message indicating that you have not recorded audio yet.
- Any other key returns you back to the main menu.
Here is an example code snippet that represents the actions and their configuration:
// This menu is just in English, we will use Speak instead of static prompts like the main menu
final var menu = SpeakAndGetDigitsAction.builder()
.withText("Call Recording Menu. Press One to record an Audio File. Press Two to listen to your recorded Audio File. Press any other key to return to the Main Menu.").build())
.withText("Please try again.").build())
menu.setNextActionF(a -> {
switch (a.getReceivedDigits()) {
case "1":
return recordPrompt;
case "2":
final var key = a.getTransactionAttribute(RecordAudioAction.RECORD_AUDIO_KEY);
if (key != null) {
// Some Audio has been recorded
return playAudio;
} else {
// No Audio has been recorded
return noRecording;
return MAIN_MENU;
The RecordAudio action does not provide an indication to start recording, so a beep WAV file is played to indicate that recording is active. Once again, the library optimizes the interaction by sending all the actions at once to create a fluid flow for the caller.
When pressing one to record audio, the SMA response would look like this:
"SchemaVersion": "1.0",
"Actions": [
"Type": "Speak",
"Parameters": {
"Text": "At the beep, record up to 30 seconds of Audio. Press any key to stop the recording.",
"CallId": "f085191e-c647-4503-9d3a-3cba41aead2e",
"LanguageCode": "en-US",
"TextType": "text",
"VoiceId": "Joanna"
"Type": "PlayAudio",
"Parameters": {
"CallId": "f085191e-c647-4503-9d3a-3cba41aead2e",
"AudioSource": {
"Type": "S3",
"BucketName": "chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1sr9bfy6k3k30",
"Key": "beep.wav"
"Type": "RecordAudio",
"Parameters": {
"CallId": "f085191e-c647-4503-9d3a-3cba41aead2e",
"DurationInSeconds": 30,
"SilenceDurationInSeconds": 5,
"RecordingTerminators": [
"RecordingDestination": {
"Type": "S3",
"BucketName": "chime-voicesdk-sma-recordbucket-rfr6d796zj6i"
"TransactionAttributes": {
"CurrentActionId": "13",
"locale": "en-US",
"CurrentActionIdList": "15,14,13"
This response includes the Speak action to prompt the user, the PlayAudio action to play the beep sound, and the RecordAudio action to record the audio. The transaction attributes maintain the current action and locale information for future references.
This library, in combination with the CloudFormation template, demonstrates the following capabilities:
- Deployment of resilient multi-region voice applications.
- Creation of static prompts with Polly at deploy time to save costs on Polly usage.
- Deployment of static prompt files with the application.
- Easy integration with source control and pipeline deployment using "sam deploy".
- Programming flows in Java that are easy to understand compared to the SMA Event handling model.
- Extensibility of actions to keep flows concise and easy to understand.
- Utilization of Lambda SNAP Start to improve latency and performance.
- Locale support for multi-lingual applications.
- Leveraging the full power of Java for routing decisions and input/output to the actions.
In the future, some additions that could be made to the demo include:
- Transfer action that uses a global DynamoDB table to map logical names to transfer destinations, such as SIP or PSTN, with additional information like "Queue" or "Skill" names for Connect to pick up.
- Time of Day action that retrieves hours from an API or DynamoDB table, allowing for outputs such as Open/Closed status and support for holiday/special hours.
- Utilizing Function Calling to enhance the capabilities of the ChatGPT bot.
These enhancements would further expand the functionality and flexibility of the library.
The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications.
Before proceeding, it is assumed you have valid AWS credentials setup with the AWS CLI and permissions to perform CloudFormation stack operations.
To use the SAM CLI, you need the following tools.
- SAM CLI - Install the SAM CLI
- Java21 - Install the Java 21
- Maven - Install Maven
If you have brew installed then
brew install aws-sam-cli
brew install corretto@21
brew install maven
To build and deploy, run the following in your shell. Note: you must edit the samconfig.toml and change the parameteres to taste before running the build like the Connect Instance ID and SMA ID to ones that exist within that region.
git clone /~
cd java-chime-voicesdk-sma
sam build
sam deploy --config-env east
sam deploy --config-env west
The commands perform the follwoing operations:
- Clones the repository into your local directory
- Change directory into the cloned repository
- Set up required libraries and install the parent POM used by Lambda functions.
- Build the components that will be deployed by SAM
- Package and deploy the project to us-east-1
- Package and deploy the project to us-west-2
You will see the progress as the stack deploys. As metntioned earlier, you will need to put your OpenAI API Key into parameter store or the deploy will error, but it will give you an error message that tells you there is no value for "OPENAI_API_KEY" in the Parameter Store.
To simplify troubleshooting, SAM CLI has a command called sam logs
. sam logs
lets you fetch logs generated by the deployed Lambda functions from the command line. In addition to printing the logs on the terminal, this command has several nifty features to help you quickly see what's going on with the demo.
sam logs --tail
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.013000 RESTORE_START Runtime Version: java:11.v21 Runtime Version ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:156ab0dc268a6b4a8dedcbcf0974795cafba2ee8760fe386062fffdbb887b971
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.376000 RESTORE_REPORT Restore Duration: 511.25 ms
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.379000 START RequestId: b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 Version: 56
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.565000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 DEBUG AbstractFlow:214 - SMARequest(schemaVersion=1.0, sequence=1, invocationEventType=NEW_INBOUND_CALL, callDetails=SMARequest.CallDetails(transactionId=6600de06-fc5a-4a57-8c11-420ccae6f93b, transactionAttributes=null, awsAccountId=364253738352, awsRegion=us-east-1, sipMediaApplicationId=cf3e17cd-f4e5-44c3-ab04-325e6b3a6709, participants=[SMARequest.Participant(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, to=+17035550122, from=+16128140714, direction=Inbound, startTime=2023-07-05T10:16:33.239Z, status=null)]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null, actionData=null)
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.566000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 DEBUG AbstractFlow:219 - New Inbound Call, starting flow
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.567000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 INFO AbstractFlow:149 - Adding action PlayAudio key=[us-east-1-welcome.wav] bucket=[chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.567000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 INFO AbstractFlow:157 - Chaining action PlayAudioAndGetDigits [^\d{1}$]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.595000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 INFO AbstractFlow:238 - New Call Handler Code Here
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.682000 b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 DEBUG AbstractFlow:314 - {"SchemaVersion":"1.0","Actions":[{"Type":"PlayAudio","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1","ParticipantTag":"LEG-A","AudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"us-east-1-welcome.wav"}}},{"Type":"PlayAudioAndGetDigits","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1","ParticipantTag":"LEG-A","InputDigitsRegex":"^\\d{1}$","AudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"main-menu-en-US.wav"},"FailureAudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"try-again-en-US.wav"},"MinNumberOfDigits":1,"MaxNumberOfDigits":1,"Repeat":2,"RepeatDurationInMilliseconds":3000}}],"TransactionAttributes":{"CurrentActionId":"6","locale":"en-US","CurrentActionIdList":"18,6"}}
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.686000 END RequestId: b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:34.686000 REPORT RequestId: b771fecc-1b53-4faf-922d-1d74357b1676 Duration: 306.34 ms Billed Duration: 610 ms Memory Size: 3009 MB Max Memory Used: 155 MB Restore Duration: 511.25 ms Billed Restore Duration: 303 ms
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:43.928000 START RequestId: 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b Version: 56
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.025000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b DEBUG AbstractFlow:214 - SMARequest(schemaVersion=1.0, sequence=2, invocationEventType=ACTION_SUCCESSFUL, callDetails=SMARequest.CallDetails(transactionId=6600de06-fc5a-4a57-8c11-420ccae6f93b, transactionAttributes={CurrentActionId=6, locale=en-US, CurrentActionIdList=18,6}, awsAccountId=364253738352, awsRegion=us-east-1, sipMediaApplicationId=cf3e17cd-f4e5-44c3-ab04-325e6b3a6709, participants=[SMARequest.Participant(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, to=+17035550122, from=+16128140714, direction=Inbound, startTime=2023-07-05T10:16:33.239Z, status=Connected)]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null, actionData=ResponsePlayAudioAndGetDigits(type=PlayAudioAndGetDigits, parameters=ResponsePlayAudioAndGetDigits.Parameters(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, inputDigitsRegex=^\d{1}$, audioSource=ResponsePlayAudio.AudioSource(type=S3, bucketName=chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve, key=main-menu-en-US.wav), failureAudioSource=ResponsePlayAudio.AudioSource(type=S3, bucketName=chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve, key=try-again-en-US.wav), minNumberOfDigits=1, maxNumberOfDigits=1, terminatorDigits=null, inBetweenDigitsDurationInMilliseconds=3000, repeat=2, repeatDurationInMilliseconds=3000), receivedDigits=1, errorType=null, errorMessage=null))
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.029000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b DEBUG AbstractFlow:207 - Current Action is PlayAudioAndGetDigits [^\d{1}$] with ID 6
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.030000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b DEBUG Action:180 - This Action has a locale set to en_US
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.031000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b INFO AbstractFlow:149 - Adding action StartBotConversation desc=[ChatGPT English] da=[ElicitIntent] content=[What can Chat GPT help you with?]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.045000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b INFO AbstractFlow:340 - Moving to next action: StartBotConversation desc=[ChatGPT English] da=[ElicitIntent] content=[What can Chat GPT help you with?]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.065000 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b DEBUG AbstractFlow:314 - {"SchemaVersion":"1.0","Actions":[{"Type":"StartBotConversation","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1","BotAliasArn":"arn:aws:lex:us-east-1:364253738352:bot-alias/GDGCNIR2DC/NMJJX2WV6A","LocaleId":"en_US","Configuration":{"SessionState":{"DialogAction":{"Type":"ElicitIntent"}},"WelcomeMessages":[{"Content":"What can Chat GPT help you with?","ContentType":"PlainText"}]}}}],"TransactionAttributes":{"CurrentActionId":"4","locale":"en-US","CurrentActionIdList":"4"}}
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.067000 END RequestId: 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:44.067000 REPORT RequestId: 7667964c-05ac-4891-b28c-56f1282ebc1b Duration: 138.27 ms Billed Duration: 139 ms Memory Size: 3009 MB Max Memory Used: 159 MB
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:55.980000 START RequestId: c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a Version: 56
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.025000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a DEBUG AbstractFlow:214 - SMARequest(schemaVersion=1.0, sequence=3, invocationEventType=ACTION_SUCCESSFUL, callDetails=SMARequest.CallDetails(transactionId=6600de06-fc5a-4a57-8c11-420ccae6f93b, transactionAttributes={CurrentActionId=4, locale=en-US, CurrentActionIdList=4}, awsAccountId=364253738352, awsRegion=us-east-1, sipMediaApplicationId=cf3e17cd-f4e5-44c3-ab04-325e6b3a6709, participants=[SMARequest.Participant(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, to=+17035550122, from=+16128140714, direction=Inbound, startTime=2023-07-05T10:16:33.239Z, status=Connected)]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null, actionData=ActionDataStartBotConversation(callId=null, type=StartBotConversation, parameters=ResponseStartBotConversation.Parameters(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, botAliasArn=arn:aws:lex:us-east-1:364253738352:bot-alias/GDGCNIR2DC/NMJJX2WV6A, localeId=en_US, configuration=ResponseStartBotConversation.Configuration(sessionState=ResponseStartBotConversation.SessionState(sessionAttributes=null, dialogAction=ResponseStartBotConversation.DialogAction(type=ElicitIntent), intent=null), welcomeMessages=[ResponseStartBotConversation.WelcomeMessage(content=What can Chat GPT help you with?, contentType=PlainText)])), intentResult=ActionDataStartBotConversation.IntentResult(sessionId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, sessionState=ResponseStartBotConversation.SessionState(sessionAttributes={}, dialogAction=null, intent=ResponseStartBotConversation.Intent(name=Quit, Slots={}, state=ReadyForFulfillment, confirmationState=None)), interpretations=[ActionDataStartBotConversation.Interpretation(intent=ResponseStartBotConversation.Intent(name=Quit, Slots={}, state=ReadyForFulfillment, confirmationState=None), nluConfidence=ActionDataStartBotConversation.NluConfidence(score=1.0)), ActionDataStartBotConversation.Interpretation(intent=ResponseStartBotConversation.Intent(name=FallbackIntent, Slots={}, state=null, confirmationState=null), nluConfidence=null), ActionDataStartBotConversation.Interpretation(intent=ResponseStartBotConversation.Intent(name=Transfer, Slots={}, state=null, confirmationState=null), nluConfidence=ActionDataStartBotConversation.NluConfidence(score=0.42))]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null))
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.026000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a DEBUG Action:180 - This Action has a locale set to en_US
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.026000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a DEBUG AbstractFlow:207 - Current Action is StartBotConversation desc=[ChatGPT English] da=[ElicitIntent] content=[What can Chat GPT help you with?] with ID 4
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.026000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a DEBUG Action:99 - Lex Bot has finished and Intent is Quit
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.027000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a INFO AbstractFlow:149 - Adding action PlayAudioAndGetDigits [^\d{1}$]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.027000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a INFO AbstractFlow:340 - Moving to next action: PlayAudioAndGetDigits [^\d{1}$]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.028000 c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a DEBUG AbstractFlow:314 - {"SchemaVersion":"1.0","Actions":[{"Type":"PlayAudioAndGetDigits","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1","ParticipantTag":"LEG-A","InputDigitsRegex":"^\\d{1}$","AudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"main-menu-en-US.wav"},"FailureAudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"try-again-en-US.wav"},"MinNumberOfDigits":1,"MaxNumberOfDigits":1,"Repeat":2,"RepeatDurationInMilliseconds":3000}}],"TransactionAttributes":{"CurrentActionId":"6","locale":"en-US","CurrentActionIdList":"6","LexLastMatchedIntent":"Quit"}}
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.031000 END RequestId: c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:56.031000 REPORT RequestId: c5617d6b-3eff-409b-bff8-7f6ed83c319a Duration: 50.76 ms Billed Duration: 51 ms Memory Size: 3009 MB Max Memory Used: 159 MB
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.051000 START RequestId: 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 Version: 56
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.054000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 DEBUG AbstractFlow:214 - SMARequest(schemaVersion=1.0, sequence=4, invocationEventType=ACTION_SUCCESSFUL, callDetails=SMARequest.CallDetails(transactionId=6600de06-fc5a-4a57-8c11-420ccae6f93b, transactionAttributes={CurrentActionId=6, LexLastMatchedIntent=Quit, locale=en-US, CurrentActionIdList=6}, awsAccountId=364253738352, awsRegion=us-east-1, sipMediaApplicationId=cf3e17cd-f4e5-44c3-ab04-325e6b3a6709, participants=[SMARequest.Participant(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, to=+17035550122, from=+16128140714, direction=Inbound, startTime=2023-07-05T10:16:33.239Z, status=Connected)]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null, actionData=ResponsePlayAudioAndGetDigits(type=PlayAudioAndGetDigits, parameters=ResponsePlayAudioAndGetDigits.Parameters(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, inputDigitsRegex=^\d{1}$, audioSource=ResponsePlayAudio.AudioSource(type=S3, bucketName=chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve, key=main-menu-en-US.wav), failureAudioSource=ResponsePlayAudio.AudioSource(type=S3, bucketName=chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve, key=try-again-en-US.wav), minNumberOfDigits=1, maxNumberOfDigits=1, terminatorDigits=null, inBetweenDigitsDurationInMilliseconds=3000, repeat=2, repeatDurationInMilliseconds=3000), receivedDigits=8, errorType=null, errorMessage=null))
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.054000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 DEBUG AbstractFlow:207 - Current Action is PlayAudioAndGetDigits [^\d{1}$] with ID 6
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.054000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 INFO AbstractFlow:149 - Adding action PlayAudio desc=[Say Goodbye] keyL=[goodbye] bucket=[chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.055000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 INFO AbstractFlow:157 - Chaining action Hangup desc=[This is my last step]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.057000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 INFO AbstractFlow:340 - Moving to next action: PlayAudio desc=[Say Goodbye] keyL=[goodbye] bucket=[chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve]
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.060000 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 DEBUG AbstractFlow:314 - {"SchemaVersion":"1.0","Actions":[{"Type":"PlayAudio","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1","ParticipantTag":"LEG-A","AudioSource":{"Type":"S3","BucketName":"chime-voicesdk-sma-promptbucket-1p1tvnc4izve","Key":"goodbye-en-US.wav"}}},{"Type":"Hangup","Parameters":{"CallId":"6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1"}}],"TransactionAttributes":{"CurrentActionId":"1","LexLastMatchedIntent":"Quit","locale":"en-US","CurrentActionIdList":"2,1"}}
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.061000 END RequestId: 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:16:58.061000 REPORT RequestId: 09cea32b-12e6-4283-9092-15e3fd5eabf8 Duration: 10.09 ms Billed Duration: 11 ms Memory Size: 3009 MB Max Memory Used: 160 MB
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.009000 START RequestId: 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 Version: 56
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.014000 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 DEBUG AbstractFlow:214 - SMARequest(schemaVersion=1.0, sequence=5, invocationEventType=HANGUP, callDetails=SMARequest.CallDetails(transactionId=6600de06-fc5a-4a57-8c11-420ccae6f93b, transactionAttributes={CurrentActionId=1, LexLastMatchedIntent=Quit, locale=en-US, CurrentActionIdList=2,1}, awsAccountId=364253738352, awsRegion=us-east-1, sipMediaApplicationId=cf3e17cd-f4e5-44c3-ab04-325e6b3a6709, participants=[SMARequest.Participant(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, to=+17035550122, from=+16128140714, direction=Inbound, startTime=2023-07-05T10:16:33.239Z, status=Disconnected)]), errorType=null, errorMessage=null, actionData=ResponseHangup(type=Hangup, parameters=ResponseHangup.Parameters(callId=6cbd7153-b1cd-48b1-8598-9687f6903db1, participantTag=LEG-A, sipResponseCode=null)))
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.015000 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 DEBUG AbstractFlow:270 - Call Was disconnected by [Application], sending empty response
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.015000 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 DEBUG AbstractFlow:207 - Current Action is Hangup desc=[This is my last step] with ID 1
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.015000 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 INFO AbstractFlow:243 - Hangup Handler Code Here
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.016000 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 DEBUG AbstractFlow:314 - {"SchemaVersion":"1.0","Actions":[]}
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.017000 END RequestId: 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72
2023/07/05/[56]374cd7798d2a4e36a494a23d658b9741 2023-07-05T10:17:00.017000 REPORT RequestId: 010f6002-d185-4e96-9971-5360a2c6aa72 Duration: 8.31 ms Billed Duration: 9 ms Memory Size: 3009 MB Max Memory Used: 160 MB
^C CTRL+C received, cancelling...
You can find more information and examples about filtering Lambda function logs in the SAM CLI Documentation.
To delete the demo, use the SAM CLI.
You can run the following:
sam delete --config-env east
sam delete --config-env west
java-chime-voicesdk-sma$ sam deploy --config-env west
Managed S3 bucket: aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-13jnbeuzx2
A different default S3 bucket can be set in samconfig.toml
Or by specifying --s3-bucket explicitly.
Uploading to chime-voicesdk-sma/0934badf714b3b6d4be6b4716f73d980 17401808 / 17401808 (100.00%)
File with same data already exists at chime-voicesdk-sma/0934badf714b3b6d4be6b4716f73d980, skipping upload
Uploading to chime-voicesdk-sma/3dd27d8c98d6bee8bdcca98c26123f26 14703860 / 14703860 (100.00%)
Uploading to chime-voicesdk-sma/2eac5038f204c6de13a836fb2da6efb9 22977524 / 22977524 (100.00%)
Deploying with following values
Stack name : chime-voicesdk-sma
Region : us-west-2
Confirm changeset : False
Disable rollback : False
Deployment s3 bucket : aws-sam-cli-managed-default-samclisourcebucket-13jnbug4euzx2
Capabilities : ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
Parameter overrides : {"SMAID": "f6fb2553-e7e0-4900-866b-1b51b91f575a", "CONNECTID": "e8fac445-d291-407e-8fd7-c6296395c2ab"}
Signing Profiles : {}
Initiating deployment
Uploading to chime-voicesdk-sma/93e0edbe536d96ab0deced939610d637.template 22349 / 22349 (100.00%)
Waiting for changeset to be created..
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation LogicalResourceId ResourceType Replacement
+ Add BotAliasGPT AWS::Lex::BotAlias N/A
+ Add BotRuntimeRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add BotVersionGPT AWS::Lex::BotVersion N/A
+ Add ChatGPTAliasSNAPSTART AWS::Lambda::Alias N/A
+ Add ChatGPTRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add ChatGPTVersion3d508bab8c AWS::Lambda::Version N/A
+ Add ChatGPT AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add ChimeCallLexGPT AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy N/A
+ Add ChimePolicy AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy N/A
+ Add ChimeSMAPerm AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add ChimeSMARole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add ChimeSMA AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add GoodbyePromptEN Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add GoodbyePromptES Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add LexBotGPT AWS::Lex::Bot N/A
+ Add LexToChatGPTPerm AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add LexToChatGPTSnapPerm AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add MainMenuEN Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add MainMenuES Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add MainPromptEast Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add MainPromptWest Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add PromptBucketPolicy AWS::S3::BucketPolicy N/A
+ Add PromptBucket AWS::S3::Bucket N/A
+ Add PromptCopierRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add PromptCopier AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add PromptCreatorRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add PromptCreator AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add RecordBucketPolicy AWS::S3::BucketPolicy N/A
+ Add RecordBucket AWS::S3::Bucket N/A
+ Add SessionTable AWS::DynamoDB::Table N/A
+ Add StaticPrompts Custom::PromptCopier N/A
+ Add TansferPromptEN Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add TansferPromptES Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add TransferCallConnectIntegration AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociat N/A
+ Add TransferCallRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add TransferCall AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add TryAgainEN Custom::PromptCreator N/A
+ Add TryAgainES Custom::PromptCreator N/A
Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:changeSet/samcli-deploy1688419429/b28c26d0-12a8-4efc-a9af-aa49d9c404c9
2023-07-03 16:24:07 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete
CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus ResourceType LogicalResourceId ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::DynamoDB::Table SessionTable -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::Bucket RecordBucket -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy ChimePolicy -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::Bucket PromptBucket -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role BotRuntimeRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy ChimePolicy Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role ChimeSMARole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::Bucket RecordBucket Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::Bucket PromptBucket Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::DynamoDB::Table SessionTable Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::DynamoDB::Table SessionTable -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role ChatGPTRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy ChimePolicy -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role TransferCallRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role TransferCallRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::Bot LexBotGPT Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::S3::Bucket RecordBucket -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::S3::Bucket PromptBucket -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::BucketPolicy RecordBucketPolicy -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role PromptCreatorRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role PromptCopierRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role PromptCreatorRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::BucketPolicy PromptBucketPolicy -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role PromptCopierRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::BucketPolicy RecordBucketPolicy Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::S3::BucketPolicy RecordBucketPolicy -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::S3::BucketPolicy PromptBucketPolicy Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::S3::BucketPolicy PromptBucketPolicy -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role TransferCallRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function ChatGPT -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function ChatGPT Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function TransferCall -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function TransferCall Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role PromptCreatorRole -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role PromptCopierRole -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function ChatGPT -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCopier -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCreator -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function TransferCall -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Version ChatGPTVersion3d508bab8c -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTPerm -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCopier Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTPerm Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCreator Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Version ChatGPTVersion3d508bab8c Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociat TransferCallConnectIntegration -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociat TransferCallConnectIntegration Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Connect::IntegrationAssociat TransferCallConnectIntegration -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCopier -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function PromptCreator -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::BotVersion BotVersionGPT -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCopier StaticPrompts -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptES -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptWest -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainES -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuES -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptEast -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptES -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::BotVersion BotVersionGPT Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTPerm -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainEN Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptEN Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainEN -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptEN Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptES Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptWest Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuEN Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptEN -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator TansferPromptES -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptWest -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuES Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainES Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuEN -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptEast Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCopier StaticPrompts Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptES Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator MainMenuES -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator TryAgainES -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator MainPromptEast -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCopier StaticPrompts -
CREATE_COMPLETE Custom::PromptCreator GoodbyePromptES -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lex::BotVersion BotVersionGPT -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Version ChatGPTVersion3d508bab8c -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Alias ChatGPTAliasSNAPSTART Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTSnapPerm -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTSnapPerm Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::BotAlias BotAliasGPT Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function ChimeSMA -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy ChimeCallLexGPT -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function ChimeSMA Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy ChimeCallLexGPT Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy ChimeCallLexGPT -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission LexToChatGPTSnapPerm -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function ChimeSMA -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission ChimeSMAPerm -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission ChimeSMAPerm Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission ChimeSMAPerm -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::CloudFormation::Stack chime-voicesdk-sma -
Successfully created/updated stack - chime-voicesdk-sma in us-west-2