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code name: sssssssssss

tests codecov

because i am not sure what to call this yet other than yet another static site generator.

example output can be seen here


the cli tool accepts the path to an options.json file, in this format:

  "baseFolder": "./example" // Where your posts/templates/static files are located
  "baseUrl": "/", //subdomain if required
  "outputPath": "./docs", //Where to put the generated html files
  "pageTemplate": "page.ejs", //The name of your page template, this is used for every markdown file in your "basePath"
  "baseTemplate": "base.ejs", // The base template that will be used by both index+page views
  "metadata": { //The metadata object is provided to each rendered view
    "blogTitle": "Test Blog"

You can run it using sssssssssss my-options-file.json


Each page stored in your basePath will be generated into it's own html file. Each entry allows for a header in this format:

title: Some blog post
date: 2022-01-01

You can provide any additional values in the header and they will be available for use within the template.

Markdown Assets

If you require the use of additional assets in your markdown files, you can include them using the @asset For example: @asset(script, "public/js/script.js") This file maps to your /static folder. This will be converted to the proper html tag at compile time, and ensure your baseUrl has been included.

Index Page

The index is a special template that recieves an array of pages found in the basePath directory. This can be used to list links to each blog post.

The page structure is:

  title: 'the blog title in a url friendly format'
  date: '2022-01-01'
  ...headers, // any additional headers provided
  content: 'html string of template content',
  slug: 'the-blog-title-in-a-url-friendly-format',
  path: '/qualified/path/to/the-blog-title-in-a-url-friendly-format.html'


When you clone this repo, you can use the directories provided to generate an example using: node debug.js example-options.json. This will create an output directory where you can see the outputted files.


sssssssssss is broken down into three main components:


responsible for parsing all of the page files within the /posts directory. It renders the markdown, as well as applies the transformation to @asset tags. The return value from the extractor is an array of pages in the following structure:

  title: '',
  date: '',
  //...another other header metadata
  content: 'html content of markdown page',
  slug: '<date>-slugified-version-of-title',
  path: 'url html path to file'


responsible for converting each of the processed pages through the ejs compiler. This is a two step process. First the page is rendered to the /templates/page.ejs, then the /templates/base.ejs. Each of these templates receive the page object from the ContentExtractor in their view.

The TemplateRenderer is also called to render the index page. This page uses the /templates/index.ejs and recieves all of the pages, as well as the full options metadata in it's view.


responsible for taking the rendered pages and outputting them to the options.outputPath. It will write all index, and pages. As well as copy over any static files it finds in the /statics directory.








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