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Project for converting KGs to PGs using SHACL shapes schema and PG-Schemas.


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1. Getting the code

Codebase to transform RDF graph data models to Property Graph (PG) data models is available at /~

Start by cloning the code using the following command:

git clone /~

2. Getting the data

Before using the S3PG transformation algorithm, ensure you have the necessary prerequisites in place.

2.1. RDF Datasets

To begin, download the required datasets, i.e., DBpedia and Bio2RDF Clinical Trials Dataset

1. DBpedia

We downloaded two versions of DBpedia. The first version is from 2020 and the second version is from 2022. The folder dbpedia contains the files and scripts used to download each of the dataset.

For convenience, we have made the datasets used for experiments available online. You can download the DBpedia-2020 from this link and DBpedia-2022 from this link.

2. Bio2RDF Clinical Trials Dataset

We downloaded this dataset from the official link:

For convenience, we have made the datasets used for experiments available online. You can download the Bio2rdf dataset from this link.

2.2. SHACL shapes

Utilize QSE (Quality Shapes Extractor) to extract SHACL shapes from your datasets. QSE GitHub repository contains the codebase and instructions to extract SHACL shapes from a given dataset.

You can download the SHACL shapes for all of the above datasets using this link: S3PG-SHACL-SHAPES

3. Transforming KGs to PGs using S3PG

Once you have downloaded the datasets (RDF knowledge graphs) and SHACL shapes for them, next step is to use S3PG transformation algorithm to transform them into property graphs.

We used Docker and shell scripts to build and run the code on different datasets. We allow users to specify the configuration parameters in the config files depending on the dataset and user's requirement.

3.1. Requirements

The experiments run on a single machine. To reproduce the experiments the software used are a GNU/Linux distribution (with git, bash, make, and wget), Docker, and Java version 15.0.2.fx-zulu having a machine with 256 GB (minimum required 16GB) and CPU with 16 cores (minimum required 1 core).

We have prepared shell scripts and configuration files for each dataset to make the process of running experiments as much easy as possible.

3.2. Configuration Parameters

Please update the configuration file for each dataset available in the config directory, i.e., dbpedia2020, dbpedia2022, and bio2rdf to set the correct paths for your machine.

3.3. Shell Scripts

Assuming that you are in the project's directory, you have updated the configuration file(s), and docker is installed on your machine, move into scripts directory using the command cd scripts and then execute one of the following shell scripts files: ./ , ./ , ./

You will see logs and the output will be stored in the path of the output directory specified in the config file.

*Note: You may have to execute chmod +rwx for each script to solve the permissions issue.

3.4. S3PG Output

S3PG will output PG in CSV and JSON format.

The output contains the following files. We have showed the content of each file with example used in the paper.

`PG_SCHEMA.txt` A text file which contains PG-Schema for the graph (in same syntax as in published paper)
// Node Types
(courseType: Course { id: 7, iri: "http://x.y/Course",  name : STRING })
(undergraduatestudentType: UnderGraduateStudent { id: 4, iri: "http://x.y/UnderGraduateStudent" })
(professorType: Professor { id: 12, iri: "http://x.y/Professor" })
(addressType: Address { id: 20, iri: "http://x.y/Address",  zip : STRING,  street : STRING,  state : STRING,  country : STRING,  city : STRING })
(gYearType: gYear { id: 33, iri: "" })
(universityType: University { id: 2, iri: "http://x.y/University",  OPTIONAL name : STRING ARRAY {1, 100} })
(personType: Person { id: 10, iri: "http://x.y/Person",  OPTIONAL age : INTEGER,  name : STRING })
(studentType: Student { id: 14, iri: "http://x.y/Student" })
(undergradcourseType: UnderGradCourse { id: 8, iri: "http://x.y/UnderGradCourse" })
(graduatecourseType: GraduateCourse { id: 18, iri: "http://x.y/GraduateCourse" })
(graduatestudentType: GraduateStudent { id: 27, iri: "http://x.y/GraduateStudent" })
(departmentType: Department { id: 0, iri: "http://x.y/Department",  name : STRING })
(stringType: string { id: 6, iri: "" })
(dateType: date { id: 32, iri: "" })
(lecturerType: Lecturer { id: 11, iri: "http://x.y/Lecturer" })
(countryType: Country { id: 25, iri: "http://x.y/Country",  isoCode : STRING,  name : STRING })

 // Edge Types
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:UniversityType)-[addressType: address { iri: "http://x.y/address" }]->(:addressType | :stringType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:departmentType)-[subOrgOfType: subOrgOf { iri: "http://x.y/subOrgOf" } ]->(:universityType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:UnderGraduateStudentType)-[takesCourseType: takesCourse { iri: "http://x.y/takesCourse" }]->(:stringType | :courseType | :undergradcourseType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:studentType)-[studiesAtType: studiesAt { iri: "http://x.y/studiesAt" } ]->(:universityType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:graduatecourseType)-[offeredByType: offeredBy { iri: "http://x.y/offeredBy" } ]->(:departmentType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:addressType)-[countryType: country { iri: "http://x.y/country" } ]->(:countryType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:professorType)-[worksForType: worksFor { iri: "http://x.y/worksFor" } ]->(:departmentType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:UnderGraduateStudentType)-[advisedByType: advisedBy { iri: "http://x.y/advisedBy" }]->(:personType | :lecturerType | :professorType | :facultyType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:lecturerType)-[worksForType: worksFor { iri: "http://x.y/worksFor" } ]->(:departmentType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:ProfessorType)-[teacherOfType: teacherOf { iri: "http://x.y/teacherOf" }]->(:graduatecourseType | :courseType | :undergradcourseType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:LecturerType)-[teacherOfType: teacherOf { iri: "http://x.y/teacherOf" }]->(:courseType | :undergradcourseType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:GraduateStudentType)-[takesCourseType: takesCourse { iri: "http://x.y/takesCourse" }]->(:graduatecourseType | :courseType | :undergradcourseType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:undergradcourseType)-[offeredByType: offeredBy { iri: "http://x.y/offeredBy" } ]->(:departmentType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:GraduateStudentType)-[advisedByType: advisedBy { iri: "http://x.y/advisedBy" }]->(:personType | :professorType | :facultyType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:professorType)-[docDegreeFromType: docDegreeFrom { iri: "http://x.y/docDegreeFrom" } ]->(:universityType)
CREATE EDGE TYPE (:PersonType)-[dobType: dob { iri: "http://x.y/dob" }]->(:dateType | :gyearType | :stringType)

 // Cardinalities of Edges
FOR (u: University) COUNT 0..1 OF T WITHIN (u)-[:address]->(T: {Address | String})
FOR (d: Department) COUNT 1..1 OF u WITHIN (d)-[:subOrgOf]->(u: University)
FOR (u: UnderGraduateStudent) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (u)-[:takesCourse]->(T: {String | Course | UnderGradCourse})
FOR (s: Student) COUNT 1..1 OF u WITHIN (s)-[:studiesAt]->(u: University)
FOR (g: GraduateCourse) COUNT 1..1 OF d WITHIN (g)-[:offeredBy]->(d: Department)
FOR (a: Address) COUNT 1..1 OF c WITHIN (a)-[:country]->(c: Country)
FOR (p: Professor) COUNT 1..1 OF d WITHIN (p)-[:worksFor]->(d: Department)
FOR (u: UnderGraduateStudent) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (u)-[:advisedBy]->(T: {Person | Lecturer | Professor | Faculty})
FOR (l: Lecturer) COUNT 1..1 OF d WITHIN (l)-[:worksFor]->(d: Department)
FOR (p: Professor) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (p)-[:teacherOf]->(T: {GraduateCourse | Course | UnderGradCourse})
FOR (l: Lecturer) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (l)-[:teacherOf]->(T: {Course | UnderGradCourse})
FOR (g: GraduateStudent) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (g)-[:takesCourse]->(T: {GraduateCourse | Course | UnderGradCourse})
FOR (u: UnderGradCourse) COUNT 1..1 OF d WITHIN (u)-[:offeredBy]->(d: Department)
FOR (g: GraduateStudent) COUNT 0.. OF T WITHIN (g)-[:advisedBy]->(T: {Person | Professor | Faculty})
FOR (p: Professor) COUNT 1..1 OF u WITHIN (p)-[:docDegreeFrom]->(u: University)
FOR (p: Person) COUNT 0..3 OF T WITHIN (p)-[:dob]->(T: {Date | GYear | String})
`PG_NODES_LITERALS.csv` A CSV file containing literal nodes with their values
| id:ID | object_value | object_type | type | object_iri | :LABEL |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 0 | \\ | | STRING | http://x.y/UsaCountry | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 1 | po\ns | | STRING | http://x.y/UsaCountry | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 2 | *C. polyandra "sensu Miq., nonRoxb." | | STRING | http://x.y/MIT | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 3 | This is a "quote" inside the description. | | STRING | http://x.y/Math101 | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 4 | STANFORD UNIVERSITY USA | | STRING | http://x.y/Stanford | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | | STRING | http://x.y/MIT | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 6 | | IRI | STRING | http://x.y/MIT | IRI;Node;KG2PG |
| 7 | Web Engineering | | STRING | http://x.y/Bob | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 8 | 1995-01-01 | | DATE | http://x.y/Bob | date;Node;KG2PG |
| 9 | 1994 | | INT | http://x.y/John | gYear;Node;KG2PG |
| 10 | 05-05 | | STRING | http://x.y/John | string;Node;KG2PG |
| 11 | 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 | | STRING | http://x.y/Stanford | string;Node;KG2PG |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
`PG_NODES_PROPS_JSON.json` A JSON file containing key value properties of nodes
    "iri": "http://x.y/Marry",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Marry Donaldson\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/Bob",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Bob\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/MIT",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Massachusetts Institute of Technology\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/CompSciDept",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Department of Computer Science\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/CompSci202",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Computer Science 202\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/Math101",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Math 101\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/UsaCountry",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"United States of America\"",
      "ns2_isoCode": "\"US\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/alice",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Alice Smith\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/Stanford",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Stanford University\"",
      "ns2_country": "\"USA\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/MitsAddress",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_state": "\"MA\"",
      "ns2_city": "\"\"\"Chuck Versus the Intersect\"\"\"",
      "ns2_zip": "\"02139-12\"",
      "ns2_street": "\"77 Massachusetts Avenue\""
    "iri": "http://x.y/John",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"John\"",
      "ns2_age": "20-2"
    "iri": "http://x.y/MathDept",
    "properties": {
      "ns2_name": "\"Department of Mathematics\""
`PG_NODES_WD_LABELS.csv` A CSV file containing nodes with labels only (no properties, properties associated with these nodes are in the json file )
| iri:ID | :LABEL |
| --- | --- |
| http://x.y/Marry | Person;Professor;Faculty;Node |
| http://x.y/Bob | UnderGraduateStudent;Person;Student;Node |
| http://x.y/MIT | University;Node |
| http://x.y/CompSciDept | Department;Node |
| http://x.y/CompSci202 | Course;UnderGradCourse;Node |
| http://x.y/Math101 | GraduateCourse;Course;Node |
| http://x.y/UsaCountry | Country;Node |
| http://x.y/alice | Person;Lecturer;Professor;Faculty;Node |
| http://x.y/Stanford | University;Node |
| http://x.y/MitsAddress | Address;Node |
| http://x.y/John | Person;GraduateStudent;Student;Node |
| http://x.y/MathDept | Department;Node |
`PG_RELATIONS.csv` A CSV file containing [Node] -(relationship) → (node) data
| :START_ID | property | :END_ID | :TYPE |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| http://x.y/UsaCountry | | 0 | ns0_wrong |
| http://x.y/UsaCountry | | 1 | ns1_label |
| http://x.y/MIT | | 2 | ns0_synonym |
| http://x.y/Math101 | | 3 | ns1_label |
| http://x.y/Stanford | | 4 | ns1_label |
| http://x.y/MIT | | 5 | ns1_label |
| http://x.y/MIT | | 6 | ns1_seeAlso |
| http://x.y/Bob | http://x.y/takesCourse | http://x.y/CompSci202 | ns2_takesCourse |
| http://x.y/Bob | http://x.y/takesCourse | 7 | ns2_takesCourse |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/takesCourse | http://x.y/Math101 | ns2_takesCourse |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/takesCourse | http://x.y/CompSci202 | ns2_takesCourse |
| http://x.y/Bob | http://x.y/advisedBy | http://x.y/alice | ns2_advisedBy |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/advisedBy | http://x.y/Marry | ns2_advisedBy |
| http://x.y/Bob | http://x.y/studiesAt | http://x.y/MIT | ns2_studiesAt |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/studiesAt | http://x.y/MIT | ns2_studiesAt |
| http://x.y/alice | http://x.y/worksFor | http://x.y/CompSciDept | ns2_worksFor |
| http://x.y/Marry | http://x.y/worksFor | http://x.y/MathDept | ns2_worksFor |
| http://x.y/alice | http://x.y/docDegreeFrom | http://x.y/MIT | ns2_docDegreeFrom |
| http://x.y/Marry | http://x.y/docDegreeFrom | http://x.y/Stanford | ns2_docDegreeFrom |
| http://x.y/alice | http://x.y/teacherOf | http://x.y/CompSci202 | ns2_teacherOf |
| http://x.y/Marry | http://x.y/teacherOf | http://x.y/Math101 | ns2_teacherOf |
| http://x.y/Bob | http://x.y/dob | 8 | ns2_dob |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/dob | 9 | ns2_dob |
| http://x.y/John | http://x.y/dob | 10 | ns2_dob |
| http://x.y/MathDept | http://x.y/subOrgOf | http://x.y/MIT | ns2_subOrgOf |
| http://x.y/CompSciDept | http://x.y/subOrgOf | http://x.y/MIT | ns2_subOrgOf |
| http://x.y/Stanford | http://x.y/address | 11 | ns2_address |
| http://x.y/MIT | http://x.y/address | http://x.y/MitsAddress | ns2_address |
| http://x.y/MitsAddress | http://x.y/country | http://x.y/UsaCountry | ns2_country |
| http://x.y/Math101 | http://x.y/offeredBy | http://x.y/MathDept | ns2_offeredBy |
| http://x.y/CompSci202 | http://x.y/offeredBy | http://x.y/CompSciDept | ns2_offeredBy |
|  |  |  |  |
`PG_PREFIX_MAP.csv` A CSV file which shows a prefix map, i.e., prefix to namespace
| --- | --- |
| | ns0 |
| | ns1 |
| http://x.y/ | ns2 |
|  |  |
  • Graph_RUNTIME_LOGS.csv Logs of runtime for each step of transformation

4. Loading transformed Graphs into Neo4j

Use neo4j admin import to load the files into Neo4j.

Getting started with Neo4j using Docker
  • Start Neo4J instance using Docker


    cd home/ubuntu/neo4j/
    mkdir data_enterprise
    mkdir logs
    mkdir conf
    mkdir plugins
    mkdir import
    cd plugins
    wget /~
    wget /~
    chmod +x
    # Define your container name (change as needed)
    # Define your Neo4j image version
    # Define the paths to host directories
    # Run the Neo4j container
    docker run \
        --detach \
        --name $CONTAINER_NAME \
        --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
        --volume=$DATA_DIR:/data \
        --volume=$LOGS_DIR:/logs \
        --volume=$CONF_DIR:/conf \
        --volume=$PLUGINS_DIR:/plugins \
        --volume=$IMPORT_DIR:/var/lib/neo4j/import \
        --env NEO4J_dbms_memory_pagecache_size=30G \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size=10G \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size=120G \
        --env NEO4J_dbms.unmanaged_extension_classes=n10s.endpoint=/rdf \
        --env=NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true \
Load Nodes and Relationships in Neo4j using Admin Import
#info: name of container running neo4j database is neo4j

# **Run the following command to import nodes and relationships:**

docker exec --interactive --tty neo4j_dbp22_s3pg neo4j-admin database import full --delimiter="|" --array-delimiter=";" --nodes=import/dbpedia2022/PG_NODES_LITERALS.csv --nodes=import/dbpedia2022/PG_NODES_WD_LABELS.csv --relationships=import/dbpedia2022/PG_RELATIONS.csv  dbp22s3pg &> dbp22s3pg.log

# Then run the following command, if it exits, remove it and run shell script again (mentioned in previous step)

docker restart neo4j_dbp22_s3pg

# then run the following to enter into cypher-shell

docker exec --interactive --tty neo4j_dbp22_s3pg cypher-shell

# enter username and credentials

# execute the following



CTRL + D; # exit cypher shell;
# Now visit where your neo4j browser is running 
Load Key Value Properties of Nodes
CREATE INDEX node_range_index_iri FOR (n:Node) ON (n.iri)

CREATE TEXT INDEX node_text_index_iri FOR (n:Node) ON (n.iri)

CALL apoc.load.json("file:///import/dbpedia2022/PG_NODES_PROPS_JSON.json") 
YIELD value
MATCH (n:Node) USING INDEX n:Node(iri)
WHERE n.iri = value.iri
SET n +=;
Execute the following script to load key value props in batches.

# Set the directory containing JSON files

# Set the Cypher query template
query_template='CALL apoc.load.json("file:///import/dbpedia2022/splitted_json/%s") YIELD value MATCH (n:Node) USING INDEX n:Node(iri) WHERE n.iri = value.iri SET n +=;'

# Set the Neo4j credentials and database

# Log file

# Remove existing log file
rm -f "$log_file"

# Initialize a variable to track total execution time

# Loop through JSON files and execute the query for each file
for json_file in "${json_directory}"split_file_*.json; do
    file_name=$(basename "$json_file")
    query=$(printf "$query_template" "$file_name")
    # Print the query before execution
    echo "$query"
    start_time=$(date +%s)
    docker exec --interactive --tty neo4j_db cypher-shell -u "$neo4j_user" -p "$neo4j_password" -d "$neo4j_database" "$query" >> "$log_file" 2>&1
    end_time=$(date +%s)
    execution_time=$((end_time - start_time))
    echo "Query executed on $json_file in $execution_time seconds." >> "$log_file"
    # Add the execution time to the total execution time
    total_execution_time=$((total_execution_time + execution_time))

# Calculate total execution time in minutes
total_execution_time_minutes=$((total_execution_time / 60))

echo "All queries executed and logged in $log_file."
echo "Total execution time for all queries: $total_execution_time seconds ($total_execution_time_minutes minutes)."

5. Running Queries

Queries are available in the resources directory.

Once you have loaded PG into Neo4j. Next step is to run queries, use the benchmark() method in the Main file to run the queries.



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.



Project for converting KGs to PGs using SHACL shapes schema and PG-Schemas.







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