Releases: djtimca/harocketlaunchlive
Releases · djtimca/harocketlaunchlive
Update to fix async_forward_entry_setup error in 2024.7
Remove unused Units of Measure
Remove units of measure that are no longer used and are deprecated in Home Assistant.
Add Launch Site US State to Attributes
Thanks to @cody0303 - add the launch site state for US launches as an attribute to allow further filtering in HA.
Fix launch target for SpaceX launches
SpaceX launches now including data for T-0 instead of 'win_open'. Using that data by default and falling back to win_open to handle both cases.
Fix device_state_attributes deprecated function.
Replace deprecated device_state_attributes.
Added version key to manifest file
Added version key to manifest file.
Update to handle invalid data better with UpdateFailed
More graceful handling of situations where invalid data is returned from the RocketLaunchLive API.