Paper - SS-SFDA: Semi Supervised Source Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments (ICCV Workshops 2021)
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title={SS-SFDA: Self-Supervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments},
author={Kothandaraman, Divya and Chandra, Rohan and Manocha, Dinesh},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.08939},
- Paper - SS-SFDA: Semi Supervised Source Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments
- Repo Details and Contents
- Our network
- Acknowledgements
Python version: 3.7
Dataset | Dataloader | List of images |
Clear weather CityScapes | dataset/ | dataset/cityscapes_list (train_images, val_images, train_labels, val_images) |
Synthetic Fog | dataset/ | dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog) |
Synthetic Rain | dataset/ | dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog) |
Synthetic Rain | dataset/ | dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog) |
Real Fog - Foggy Zurich | dataset/foggy_zurich/train(test).py | dataset/foggy_zurich/lists_file_names |
Real, Night Driving - Dark Zurich | dataset/dark_zurich/train(test).py | dataset/dark_zurich/lists_file_names |
Heterogeneous Real, Rain + Night - Raincouver | dataset/raincouver/ | dataset/raincouver (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog) |
Heterogeneous Real, Berkeley Deep Drive | dataset/bdd/bdd_{train,val}.py | dataset/bdd/bdd_list |
model/ - DRN-D-38 model
model/ - DRN-D-38 model with self-attention
The pretrained models can be found here. Use to test them.
Stage 1: The network is pre-trained on a clear weather dataset such as CityScapes.
Stage 2: SS-SFDA
I. Arrange the images in the increasing order of intensity (of rain/fog/snow/light), and divide into minibatches - provided by the dataset in most cases.
II. For each minibatch:
a. Initialize the network with weights from the minibatch (For the first minibatch, initialize from Stage 1)
b. python
c. python
Stage 3: Further finetuning for heterogeneous real datasets.
I. Pick a small subset (random) of images (of the order of 5-10).
II. Initialize the network with Stage 2 weights.
III. Finetune the network with knowledge distillation
Make sure to set appropriate paths to the folders containing the datasets, and the models in the training and evaluation files.
- Clear weather: CityScapes
- Synthetic: Rain and Fog
- Real dataset (night): Dark Zurich
- Real dataset (fog): Foggy Zurich
- Heterogeneous Real dataset (rain+night): Raincouver
- Heterogeneous Real dataset (multiple weather, lighting conditions): Berkeley Deep Drive
This code is heavily borrowed from AdaptSegNet, and SAGAN