- Access to safe and clean drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people around the world lack access to it.
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working towards providing clean water to communities face a number of challenges in maintaining their websites.
- This includes keeping their website content up-to-date, highlighting their projects and impact, and ensuring their website is secure from cyber threats.
- For an NGO working towards providing pure water, it is crucial to have a well-maintained and informative website.
- The website needs to showcase the organization's work, provide information about the communities it serves, and offer opportunities for donations and volunteerism.
- Additionally, the website must be updated regularly to reflect the latest developments and achievements of the NGO's pure water projects.
- Freshwater is a critical resource for life, and yet it is often taken for granted. With this in mind, we set out to create a platform that would raise awareness about the importance of freshwater, and provide resources and information to help individuals and communities take action to protect and conserve this vital resource.
- Our webpage includes information about our organization and our mission, as well as resources for individuals and communities to get involved in freshwater conservation efforts.
- We have also included features such as interactive maps to help users identify freshwater resources in their area, and a forum for discussion and collaboration among individuals and organizations working towards the same goal.
- We believe that our webpage has the potential to make a real impact in promoting access to freshwater resources, and we are excited to share it with you today. Thank you for considering our project, and we look forward to answering any questions you may have.
- In the above of the home page there is a theme video are given.
- A donate section are present there. Through that you can pay 100 or above amount by card.
- Through the overview, some of information about the organization are present in this page.
- All the works of the organization is given in this our work page.
- By a attractive map, the projects areas and the water crisis areas are point out briefly.
- Apart from that some of team members details are given there.
- Here the donation option are present.
- Some of default donation amount are given.
- Users can also choose you donate amount by click the Other option (Donate amount must be 100 or above).
- Some other donate options template are present there (Bitcoin, Check, Special Gift etc)
- All the past events organized by the organization are visible here in this page.
- A upcoming event also showing here with count down timer.
- By hovering the event's image, user can able to see the event sub-details.
- In this page the details description about the water is given.
- How did the organization tackle the water crisis, is briefly describe here.
- Donation amount uses process, every project details etc templetes are visible here.
- In the below portion, the founder of the orgazination profile are given.
- Basic contacts(Email, Mobile number etc) of the organization are provide here.
- In the bottom section there are some of social media links of the organization are also provide.
- From this page user can sign in there account.
- If the user's have not account yet then they can register first.
- Just the below of the login form register page's button are also given.
- Here user can able to join the organization by registration.
- Only valid name, email, password should be taken in this form.
- If user are already register before, then a error show above.
- This page is visible if the user try to finding the any other page which is not present at the organization site.
- From this page user can direct able to go to the Why Water page.
- React JS
- Bootstrap