COBOL port (partial) of the Python Faker project - used to generate or anonymize test data requiring names, addresses, etc.
The project was ported to COBOL for use on platforms that don't support the currently available projects: primarily mainframes. It was, however, developed and tested on a Windows 10 machine using GnuCOBOL and Visual Studio Code, but it should be very easy to upload to other platforms and compile and run there.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local Windows machine for development and testing purposes.
- Your favorite IDE (mine is the free Visual Studio Code)
Download GnuCOBOL: See the options at For Windows 64 bit, a real easy way to go is, and the following instructions assume this.
Rename the '.7z' to '.exe' and run it, or use 7-Zip to extract all folders/files to C:\GnuCOBOL (or your desired location). Your folder structure should look like this:
GnuCOBOL bin etc include lib share x86_64-w64-mingw32
If you do not already have VS Code, download and install it from here:
Download the COB-FAKER project, e.g. to C:\COB-FAKER. Your folder structure should look something like this:
COB-FAKER .vscode Bin CopyBooks Data Listings
- Run VS Code and select File/Open Folder..., and open the above COB-FAKER folder to get started.
FAKER: This subroutine generates random fake names, addresses, tax ids, etc. To compile it from VS Code, click on FAKER.cob and select Terminal/Run Task.../Compile Selected Subroutine. That will create FAKER.dll in the BIN folder. Use the parameter copybook FAKERLNK.cpy when calling FAKER.
FAKER calls one or more of the following subroutines from this project, as appropriate:
FAKER also uses the following subroutines from the GC-Utilities project (the DLLs have been copied to the BIN folder of this project):
- CRC32
FAKERGEN: this program generates 1000 random names and addresses and outputs the results to "FAKERGEN Output.txt". To compile and run it from VS Code, click on FAKERGEN.cob and select Terminal/Run Task.../Compile and Run Selected Main Program.
FAKERTST: this program reads "FAKERTST Input.txt", calls FAKER for each of the specified commands, and writes the results to "FAKERTST Output.txt". To compile and run it from VS Code, click on FAKERTST.cob and select Terminal/Run Task.../Compile and Run Selected Main Program.
- Brian D Pead - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Many thanks to the following:
- Arnold Trembley for the GnuCOBOL builds and instructions - see
- The many developers of GnuCOBOL and its predecessors - see
- Those who developed the Python Faker and its predecessors - see /~