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Beta 24.07.2020

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@mpscholten mpscholten released this 24 Jul 06:56
· 4340 commits to master since this release

It's time for the next release of IHP: v24072020 🎉 Since the last release we have merged 85 commits by 8 contributors..

Major Changes

  • Improved DEFAULT support in createRecord: Previously createRecord was always using the sql default value when a column had a default value defined in the database schema. This means that calling project |> set #name "My new project" |> createRecord would do a INSERT INTO projects (id, name, user_id) VALUES (DEFAULT, DEFAULT, ...); instead of using the given My new project name for the project. The sql default value is now only used when it's not overriden. Thanks to @ruhatch 🎉
  • updateRecord only updates changes fields: Previously updateRecord was always doing an UPDATE query where it was setting all fields. Now the UPDATE query will only update columns that have been changed using |> set #someField someValue on the record. Thanks to @ruhatch 🎉
  • Inline JS and CSS in HSX: Previously code like [hsx|<style>h1 { color: blue}</style>|] would trigger a parser error. This is now fixed and the inline <style> tag is rendered as expected. Same with the <script> tag.
  • Void tags like <br>, <input>, <hr> supported in HSX: Previously void tags (tags without a closing tag </tag>) needed to be written in xhtml style (<br /> instead of <br>). By @ruhatch
  • Troubleshooting Guide: Our GitHub Wiki got a new section on Troubleshooting. This might help people to find solutions to IHP problems faster when googling the error message.

Minor Changes

  • In rendered date times the string Uhr (german for "time") has been removed (by @nghamilton)
  • Optional param functions like paramOrNothing now return Nothing when the param parser fails to parse an empty string (by @nghamilton)
  • Code Generators offer a select box to chose the application when working with multiple applications in a single project
  • Previously when a form was submitted in IHP, but the server rendered a server error, the error page was not shown to the user. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed controller generator generating code without table fields when there is an "_" in the table name
  • New documentation section: How to update IHP?
  • The IHP setup process has now improved support for dealing with PATH variables that have spaces in the PATH string. This improves the situation a lot for windows users. Thanks @adithyaov 🎉
  • The api docs have been improved: The haddock quickjump index is now working as expected :)
  • HSX now works with HTMX and Ionicons (by @ruhatch)
  • Lots of grammar and spelling mistakes have been fixed in the documentation (by @chrislf)
  • Missing InputValue and ParamReader instances for Day type have been added
  • A new function includes has been added to IHP.HaskellSupport as an alias for elem
  • A new function didChangeRecord has been added that returns True when a record has unsaved changes
  • A new function didChange #someField someRecord has been added that returns True when a field of record has unsaved changes


To update the IHP version of your project, open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "75ea02f8520f4fe1ca02ddfa6901dda8ca246955";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'

In case nix starts rebuilding IHP (might take a while), make sure cachix is set up as expected:

cachix use digitallyinduced

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on Gitter.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 07.08.2020.