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National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy

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National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy

About us

The National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy (NCELP) is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and co-managed by The University of York and The Cam Academy Trust.

We work in partnership with university researchers, teacher educators and expert practitioners, and with 18 Specialist Teachers in nine Leading Schools across the country acting as language hubs, to improve language curriculum design and pedagogy, leading to a higher take up and greater success at GCSE.

Our substantial package of support includes professional development tools, teaching resources, and workshops, and takes forward the recommendations made in the Teaching Schools Council’s Modern Foreign Languages Pedagogy Review led by headteacher and linguist Ian Bauckham, and ensures they are achievable and effective in schools.

Quick start

  1. Assume that Docker is available
❯ docker-compose --version                                                                 ═
docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b

Generate local ssh key

ssh-keygen -i rsa docker/ncelp_id_rsa
  1. Set .env with Docker variables. Use .env.template as starting point
cp .env.template .env

Customise as required

  1. Set config/application.yml
ncelp_host: http://localhost:3000
  application_database_adapter: postgresql
  application_database_name: ncelp
  application_database_host: postgresdb
  # application_database_host:
  application_database_username: ncelp
  application_database_password: ncelp
  #derivatives_path: tmp/ncelp-derivatives
  fedora_base_path: /ncelp-development
  # fedora_url:
  fedora_url: http://fcrepo:8080/fcrepo/rest
  # fits_path: /fits/${FITS_VERSION}/
  fits_path: /fits/fits-1.0.5/
  log_level: error
  redis_namespace: ncelp-public
  realtime_notifications: 'false'
  redis_host: redis
  redis_port: '6379'
  # solr_url:
  solr_url: http://solr:8983/solr/hyrax_production
  # Generate and add secrets `rails secrets`   
  # secret_key_base: 

  1. Build docker images. Note this will take up to 1h depending on network and laptop speed.
❯ docker-compose build 

# Check if images exists
❯ docker-compose images                                                                  ═ ✹
      Container                  Repository              Tag        Image Id      Size  
ncelp-mac_app_1          ncelp-mac_app                latest      ebe2e4e5e2db   3 GB   
ncelp-mac_fcrepo_1       ualbertalib/docker-fcrepo4   4.7         15806dadb895   575 MB 
ncelp-mac_postgresdb_1   postgres                     11-alpine   da01ecfbabe1   68.5 MB
ncelp-mac_redis_1        redis                        5           de25a81a5a0b   93.7 MB
ncelp-mac_solr_1         solr                         7-alpine    64cb096f9679   286 MB 
ncelp-mac_web_1          ncelp-mac_web                latest      ebe2e4e5e2db   3 GB   
  1. Start your docker stack
❯ docker-compose up
lots of logs

# Check status from an other terminal
❯ docker-compose ps                                                                  ⏎ ═ ✹ ✚
         Name                       Command                   State                Ports         
ncelp-mac_app_1          irb                              Exit 0                                 
ncelp-mac_fcrepo_1 run                  Up     >8080/tcp
ncelp-mac_postgresdb_1 postgres    Up (unhealthy)>5432/tcp
ncelp-mac_redis_1 redis ...   Up (healthy)>6379/tcp
ncelp-mac_solr_1         solr-precreate hyrax_produ ...   Up (healthy)>8983/tcp
ncelp-mac_web_1          /bin/    Up     >3000/tcp
  1. How to modify application code

The local source code is shared with Docker ${APP_DIR} volume. Refresh browser to see any changes to .erb files (Note, this is only while RAILS_ENV=development). Restart web service to reload all changes to .rb files docker-compose restart web.

If you make changes Compose file to try out some different configurations, you need to rebuild. Run docker-compose up --build.

If you need update rails patches or other gems. Change version in Genfile than run bundle lock --update to update Gemfile.lock. Follow with docker-compose build. A full rebuild requires a re-run of docker-compose run web bundle install to sync changes in the Gemfile.lock to the host.

# Example: Bump up rack and nokogiri gems
docker-compose run web bundle lock --update rack nokogiri 
docker-compose build
  1. Clean start Hyrax data are stored in various location. Occassionally Fedora, Solr and Hyrax DB are not synchronised. In this case a full refresh of stored data is required. Follow those commands:
# remove images
docker-compose rm
# prune all data volumes
docker volume prune
  1. Avaiable web services NCELP app Sign in as admin user with at

Access Fedora store

Access Solr admin interface

  1. Direct acces to stored data If you need access to a data volume, one approach will be mounting a volume to ad hoc busybox container. For example, to remove a flag that indicates that application was installed during the first build $APP_WORKDIR/shared/state/.initialized, use this command
docker run --rm -i -v=ncelp-mac_state:/tmp/ncelp-mac_state busybox rm /tmp/ncelp-mac_state/.initialized

The container will be removed (--rm) after completing this opperation.

  1. Know issus

Solr data re not store at external volume. Remove Solr container to start fresh.

Upgrading hyrax application requires to rung DB migration, run docker-compose web run bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development. The command will be executed on stoping web service with Control+C as web container starts rails server.

Hyrax app creates application PID at /var/run/hyrax/ Occasionally, restarting docker will not clean the file. On this occassion web service fails to start. Simply stop docker and start it again. Ultimetly, this can be also solved by removing web container with volumes and rebuild it.

In order to use Pry for debuging, add Pry bindig and restart docker. Visit relevant application section. Application will stop, however, access to terminal is not allowed. Connect to web service with attach command ````docker attach #Container ID``` and press enter to see Pry CMD prompt.