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Releases: digital-preservation/droid


10 Feb 12:11
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This release offers the following improvements:

#1148 Improvement: Update the internal database to the latest version to address security vulnerability
#1148 Improvement: Drop support for Java versions below 21. Updated the bundled java version to 21.0.5
#1151 Improvement: Replace javax.xml with jakarta.xml. This will allow us to upgrade other libraries to later versions
Various library updates.

What's Changed

  • 6.8.x release by @sparkhi in #1119
  • build(deps): bump com.github.junrar:junrar from 7.5.4 to 7.5.5 by @dependabot in #1061
  • dependency check plugin updated by @sparkhi in #1137
  • DR2-2038 Upate Derby database by @MancunianSam in #1148
  • Upgrade spring and remove suppressions. by @MancunianSam in #1149
  • Migrate from javax.xml to jakarta by @MancunianSam in #1151
  • Fix Implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment alert by @MancunianSam in #1154
  • build(deps-dev): bump org.dbunit:dbunit from 2.7.3 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #1150
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.2.3 to 3.5.2 by @dependabot in #1135
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.5 to 3.8.0 by @dependabot in #1134
  • build(deps): bump log4j2.version from 2.22.1 to 2.23.1 by @dependabot in #1124
  • build(deps): bump org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.6.0 by @dependabot in #1109
  • build(deps): bump flying-saucer.version from 9.1.22 to 9.7.2 by @dependabot in #1099
  • build(deps): bump joda-time:joda-time from 2.10.14 to 2.12.7 by @dependabot in #1066
  • build(deps): bump org.netbeans.api:org-netbeans-swing-outline from RELEASE130 to RELEASE240 by @dependabot in #1145

Full Changelog: droid-6.8.0...droid-6.8.1


26 Jun 13:53
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This release offers the following features, improvements and bugfixes


  • Feature: Export Templates - Ability to customise the Droid CSV export by defining templates


  • #932 Improvement: Prompt for a new profile creation on closing the preferences dialog
  • #938 Improvement: The Windows distributable now includes a 64 bit Java 17 JRE
  • #1063 Improvement: Updated commons-httpclient dependecy used for signature download
  • Updated documentation for CSV columns in export
  • Increased the default maximum memory to 1024MB in startup scripts


  • #561 Bugfix: On Windows, when a profile is closed, the associated profile folder is not deleted
  • #1072 Bugfix: Empty columns are not populated with a blank when a file has more than one format identification
  • #1011 Bugfix: Mismatch in the format name between GUI and API when identification method is 'Container'
  • #1100 Bugfix: Cancelling the preferences dialog still makes changes to the preferences
  • #1072 Fewer elements in data row when exporting profiles per file when some of them have more than one identification

Additional Changes

What's Changed

  • Merging changes from 6.7.0 into master by @sparkhi in #1002
  • build(deps): bump jaxws-ri from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot in #981
  • Added a suppression for derby database by @sparkhi in #1038
  • build(deps): bump com.mycila:license-maven-plugin from 4.1 to 4.3 by @dependabot in #1008
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.2.3 by @dependabot in #1033
  • build(deps): bump commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.2 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #1039
  • build(deps-dev): bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.15.1 by @dependabot in #1026
  • build(deps): bump com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8 from 2.35.0 to 2.35.1 in /droid-parent by @dependabot in #1001
  • build(deps): bump org.owasp:dependency-check-maven from 8.1.2 to 9.0.7 by @dependabot in #1037
  • build(deps): bump maven-gpg-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #974
  • build(deps): bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11 by @dependabot in #1044
  • build(deps): bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.15 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #1042
  • build(deps): bump commons-cli:commons-cli from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #1045
  • build(deps): bump log4j2.version from 2.20.0 to 2.22.1 by @dependabot in #1048
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.poi:poi from 5.2.3 to 5.2.5 by @dependabot in #1049
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1052
  • Issue 932 prompt for new profile creation by @sparkhi in #1053
  • closing the profile database when profile closes by @sparkhi in #1057
  • Updated to use 64 bit JRE by @sparkhi in #1058
  • Add CLI examples to README by @marhop in #1056
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1 by @dependabot in #1055
  • Issue 1011 format name difference between api and UI by @sparkhi in #1064
  • Made the org.tukaani dependency explicit by @sparkhi in #1070
  • Issue 1011 format name difference between api and UI by @sparkhi in #1075
  • Migrated the signature file download client from obsolete version to current by @sparkhi in #1086
  • Implementation for the export template work. by @sparkhi in #1081
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.2.3 by @dependabot in #1034
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1088
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.3 by @dependabot in #1047
  • build(deps): bump com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:download-maven-plugin from 1.6.8 to 1.9.0 by @dependabot in #1089
  • build(deps): bump from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 by @dependabot in #1090
  • Updated the version number in line with potential release by @sparkhi in #1092
  • Added tooltip text and removed the text prompt from config dialog by @sparkhi in #1096
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #1097
  • UI minor bugs by @sparkhi in #1101
  • A small correction when the changes do not affect "new profile creation" by @sparkhi in #1102
  • Include new pronom signature files by @sparkhi in #1103
  • Java 17 JRE bundled for the Windows build by @sparkhi in #1108
  • Export dialog minimum size reduced and tooltip made multiline by @sparkhi in #1110
  • Improved the validation error messages on export template parsing by @sparkhi in #1113
  • Updated to latest JRE, increased max memory and updated docs to reflect the changes by @sparkhi in #1115

New Contributors

Full Changelog: droid-6.7.0...droid-6.8.0


24 Jun 14:32
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6.8.0-RC4 Pre-release

Improvements over 6.8.0-RC3

  • Updated to the latest version of the bundled JRE for Windows
  • Corrections in documentation about the Java version requirements
  • Increased the default maximum memory to 1024MB in startup scripts


16 Jun 20:03
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6.8.0-RC3 Pre-release

Improvements over 6.8.0-RC2

  • Improved error messages for syntax errors in Export template
  • Updated documentation for CSV columns in export


23 May 20:09
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6.8.0-RC2 Pre-release

Improvements over 6.8.0-RC1

  1. Minimum size of export dialog is changed
  2. Export template tooltip made multiline


16 May 13:44
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6.8.0-RC1 Pre-release

This release offers the following features, improvements and bugfixes

#932 Feature: Export Templates - Ability to customise the Droid CSV export by defining templates

#932 Improvement: Prompt for a new profile creation on closing the preferences dialog
#938 Improvement: The Windows distributable now includes a 64 bit Java 17 JRE
#1063 Improvement: Updated commons-httpclient dependecy used for signature download

#561 Bugfix: On Windows, when a profile is closed, the associated profile folder is not deleted
#1072 Bugfix: Empty columns are not populated with a blank when a file has more than one format identification
#1011 Bugfix: Mismatch in the format name between GUI and API when identification method is 'Container'
#1100 Bugfix: Cancelling the preferences dialog still makes changes to the preferences
#1072 Fewer elements in data row when exporting profiles per file when some of them have more than one identification

Additional Changes

What's Changed

  • build(deps): bump jaxws-ri from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot in #981
  • build(deps): bump com.mycila:license-maven-plugin from 4.1 to 4.3 by @dependabot in #1008
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.2.3 by @dependabot in #1033
  • build(deps): bump commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.2 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #1039
  • build(deps-dev): bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.15.1 by @dependabot in #1026
  • build(deps): bump com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8 from 2.35.0 to 2.35.1 in /droid-parent by @dependabot in #1001
  • build(deps): bump org.owasp:dependency-check-maven from 8.1.2 to 9.0.7 by @dependabot in #1037
  • build(deps): bump maven-gpg-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #974
  • build(deps): bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11 by @dependabot in #1044
  • build(deps): bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.15 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #1042
  • build(deps): bump commons-cli:commons-cli from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #1045
  • build(deps): bump log4j2.version from 2.20.0 to 2.22.1 by @dependabot in #1048
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.poi:poi from 5.2.3 to 5.2.5 by @dependabot in #1049
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1052
  • Issue 932 prompt for new profile creation by @sparkhi in #1053
  • closing the profile database when profile closes by @sparkhi in #1057
  • Updated to use 64 bit JRE by @sparkhi in #1058
  • Add CLI examples to README by @marhop in #1056
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1 by @dependabot in #1055
  • Issue 1011 format name difference between api and UI by @sparkhi in #1064
  • Made the org.tukaani dependency explicit by @sparkhi in #1070
  • Issue 1011 format name difference between api and UI by @sparkhi in #1075
  • Migrated the signature file download client from obsolete version to current by @sparkhi in #1086
  • Implementation for the export template work. by @sparkhi in #1081
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.2.3 by @dependabot in #1034
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot in #1088
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.3 by @dependabot in #1047
  • build(deps): bump com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:download-maven-plugin from 1.6.8 to 1.9.0 by @dependabot in #1089
  • build(deps): bump from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 by @dependabot in #1090
  • Updated the version number in line with potential release by @sparkhi in #1092
  • Added tooltip text and removed the text prompt from config dialog by @sparkhi in #1096
  • build(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #1097
  • UI minor bugs by @sparkhi in #1101
  • A small correction when the changes do not affect "new profile creation" by @sparkhi in #1102
  • Include new pronom signature files by @sparkhi in #1103
  • Java 17 JRE bundled for the Windows build by @sparkhi in #1108

New Contributors

Full Changelog: droid-6.7.0...droid-6.8.0-RC1

6.7.0 Release

11 Sep 13:39
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This release has following fixes and improvements

#898 Improvement: Sigtool uses the version of java bundled with Droid on the Windows OS
#938 Improvement: Internal API result includes whether there is an extension mismatch in identification
#861 Improvement: CSV export has column headers when there is more than one PUID per file
#952 Improvement: SHA512 is available as an option for checksums
#977 Improvement: Added an About Droid dialog to the GUI
Improvement: Moved to using a different zip library for opening the zip archives

#953 Bugfix: On CLI, -At and -Wt options without any arguments do not analyse archives or web archives

Additional Changes

  • build(deps): bump junrar from 7.5.2 to 7.5.4 by @dependabot in #836
  • build(deps): bump poi from 5.2.2 to 5.2.3 by @dependabot in #834
  • build(deps): bump slf4j-api from 1.7.36 to 2.0.7 by @dependabot in #909
  • build(deps): bump maven-site-plugin from 3.12.0 to 3.12.1 by @dependabot in #829
  • build(deps): bump log4j2.version from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0 by @dependabot in #911
  • build(deps): bump dependency-check-maven from 7.1.1 to 8.1.2 by @dependabot in #894
  • build(deps): bump wiremock-jre8 from 2.33.2 to 2.35.0 by @dependabot in #830
  • removed uploading to github as it does it for all combinations of OS … by @sparkhi in #926
  • build(deps): bump spring-core from 5.3.20 to 5.3.26 in /droid-parent by @dependabot in #925
  • For GUI and profile, moved the header writing closer to data writing … by @sparkhi in #933
  • build(deps): bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 by @dependabot in #919
  • build(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #918
  • build(deps): bump spring-core from 5.3.26 to 5.3.27 in /droid-parent by @dependabot in #937
  • build(deps): bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #920
  • build(deps): bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 by @dependabot in #915
  • build(deps): bump maven-scm-provider-gitexe from 1.13.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #947
  • build(deps): bump maven-scm-api from 1.13.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #948
  • build(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #957
  • build(deps): bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.10 by @dependabot in #941
  • build(deps): bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #960
  • build(deps): bump org-openide-util from RELEASE150 to RELEASE180 by @dependabot in #961
  • bugfix: suffix for additional format headers to start with 1 by @sparkhi in #968
  • build(deps): bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.2 to 3.4.5 by @dependabot in #962
  • build(deps): bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #963
  • build(deps): bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.4.2 to 3.6.0 by @dependabot in #970
  • Prep for new release - signature files and skeleton suite by @sparkhi in #984
  • build(deps): bump maven-release-plugin from 2.5.3 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #976
  • About box by @sparkhi in #987
  • Logging update for slf4j 2.0 by @sparkhi in #992
  • Added latest pronom signature files and associated skeleton suite. by @sparkhi in #998

Full Changelog: droid-6.6.0...droid-6.7.0

6.7.0 Release Candidate 5

31 Aug 11:33
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This release includes the latest released binary and container signature files from Pronom.

6.7.0 Release Candidate 4

17 Aug 11:57
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This release candidate fixes the UI toolbar issue present in the last release candidate, where the toolbar could be undocked from the main window.

6.7.0 Release Candidate 3

01 Aug 13:40
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This pre-release fixes the issue present in last release candidate relating to logs not being generated. Other than that, this pre-release is identical to Droid 6.7.0-RC2