This package provides an expressive and convenient way to interact with the Velvpay API.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require digikraaft/velvpay-php
All APIs documented in Velvpay's Developer Reference are currently supported by this package.
You must first authenticate with Velvpay before any of the endpoints and available methods can be used. To do so, set your secret, public and encryption keys:
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\VelvPay;
VelvPay::setKeys('SK_123456', 'PK_23456', 'digikraaft234');
VelvPay requires that each request made to their endpoint has a unique reference. This package automatically generates this unique reference for each request. If you need to access the reference that is generated, do this after each call:
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\VelvPay;
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\Bank;
VelvPay::setKeys('SK_123456', 'PK_23456', 'digikraaft234');
$bankDetails = Bank::accountDetails('0123456789', '003');
$requestReference = VelvPay::getRequestReference();
If you however want to generate your own unique reference, just call the setRequestReference
method like this before calling the endpoint:
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\VelvPay;
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\Bank;
VelvPay::setKeys('SK_123456', 'PK_23456', 'digikraaft234');
$requestReference = VelvPay::setRequestReference("REQF_12345add");
$bankDetails = Bank::accountDetails('0123456789', '003');
Some endpoints also require an Idempotency key. This package automatically generates this for you. You can get the key that was generated for the request by calling the getIdempotencyKey
function immediately after making the request like this:
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\VelvPay;
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\Payment;
// set keys
$parameters = [
'transaction_id' = 'FR-IM5N2MKNJ40H'
$paymentDetails = Payment::details($parameters);
$idempotencyKey = Payment::getIdempotencyKey();
This package returns exact responses from the Velvpay API but as the stdClass
type such that responses can be accessed like this:
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\VelvPay;
use Digikraaft\VelvPay\Bank;
VelvPay::setKeys('SK_123456', 'PK_23456', 'digikraaft234');
$bankDetails = Bank::accountDetails('0123456789', '003');
if ($bankDetails->status == 'success') {
echo $bankDetails->data->accountName;
Please check the API documentation at VelvPay to know what response values are returned. Each of the available methods below have been linked to the exact documentation page on their site.
A list of the available methods are documented below:
accountDetails(string $bankAccountNumber, string $bankCode) : Array|Object
list() : Array|Object
categoryList(string $bankAccountNumber, string $bankCode) : Array|Object
details(string $category = null) : Array|Object
list(string $billerId, string $divisionId, string $productId) : Array|Object
pay(string $billerId, string $amount, string $productId, string $paymentItem, string $category, string $billId, string $division) : Array|Object
status(string $reference) : Array|Object
confirmFee() : Array|Object
details(string $transactionId) : Array|Object
initiate(string $amount, string $email, array $beneficiaries, string $description, int $validityTime = 20, bool $isNaira = false) : Array|Object
manualResolve(string $transactionId) : Array|Object
createVirtualAccount(int|float $amount, string $customerEmail, int $validityTime = 20, bool $isNaira = false) : Array|Object
details(array $parameters) : Array|Object
requestFund(int|float $amount, string $type, string $senderEmail, string $receiverEmail, string $paymentName, string $description, array $metadata = null, string $idempotencykey = null, bool $isNaira = false) : Array|Object
requestFundStatus(string $reference) : Array|Object
balance() : Array|Object
resolveStatus(string $transactionId) : Array|Object
transfer(int|float $amount, string $bankCode, string $bankName, string $accountNumber, string $accountName, string $description, int $transactionPin, string $idempotencykey = null, bool $isNaira = false) : Array|Object
authorizationToken() : string
getEncryptionKey() : string
getPublicKey() : string
getRequestReference() : string
getSecretKey() : string
setEncryptionKey(string $encryptionKey) : void
setKeys(string $secretKey, string $publicKey, string $encryptionKey) : void
setPublicKey(string $publicKey) : void
setRequestReference(string $requestReference) : void
setSecretKey(string $secretKey) : void
accountDetails(string $accountId) : Array|Object
create(string $email, string $bvn, string $username, string $gender, string $dateOfBirth, bool $referralCode = false) : Array|Object
customers(array $parameters = null) : Array|Object
transactions(array $parameters = null) : Array|Object
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