Script written in python 2.7 to download the entire NASA's Project Apollo Archive hosted in flickr, with the original resolution.
The script creates number_of_threads asynchronous threads and each one downloads one picture. The pictures are stored in destination_folder. By default 4 threads are used, and the pictures are stored in the ~/Desktop/NASA_Apollo_Project/ folder, with ~ being expanded by the os module.
The file photo_links contains url and name of the pictures. Before initiates the download the script checks the destination folder for pictures and only get the remainig.
python destination_folder number_of_threads
Nevertheless, it detects if you only change the number of threads or the destination folder, so it would run with or without any parameter.
It's a MASSIVE download (57 GB), by October 12th there are 13602 pictures. So click, relax, and get ready to enjoy the views.