Docker image to build and run the SIPI (Simple Image Presentation Interface ) Server: /~
- latest Dockerfile
The Sipi docker image needs to be build by hand, as it requires the Kakadu distribution. To build the image, and push it to the docker hub, follow the following steps:
$ git clone /~
(copy the Kakadu distribution ```` to the ``docker-sipi`` directory)
$ docker build -t dhlabbasel/sipi .
(run a container with the newly build image and do some tests)
$ docker run --name sipi --rm -it --add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }') -p 1024:1024 dhlabbasel/sipi
(Ctrl-c out of terminal will stop and delete container)
$ docker push dhlabbasel/sipi
Pushing the image to the docker hub requires prior authentication with $ docker login
. The user needs to be
registered on Also, the user needs to be allowed to push to the dblabbasel
To use the docker image stored locally or on the docker hub repository type:
$ docker run --name sipi -d --add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }') -p 1024:1024 dhlabbasel/sipi
This will create and start a docker container with the dhlabbasel/sipi
image in the background. The default
behaviour is to start Sipi by calling the following command:
$ /sipi/local/bin/sipi --add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }') -config /sipi/config/sipi.knora-test-docker-config.lua
To override this default behaviour, start the container by supplying another config file:
$ docker run --name sipi \
-d \
--add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }')
-p 1024:1024 \
dhlabbasel/sipi \
/sipi/local/bin/sipi -config /sipi/config/sipi.config.lua
You can also mount a directory (the local directory in this example), and use a config file that is outside of the docker container:
$ docker run --name sipi \
-d \
--add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }')
-p 1024:1024 \
-v $PWD:/localdir \
dhlabbasel/sipi \
/sipi/local/bin/sipi -config /localdir/sipi.knora-test-config.lua
See SIPI Github Repo for SIPI's source code.