- Pick a language
- Learn topic
- Solve standard problems
- Try problems from online sites (codeforces, atcoder, leetcode, codechef ...)
- Participate in the contest
- Practice more (:
- https://leetcode.com/ The Best for Coding Interviews
- https://usaco.guide/
- https://cp-algorithms.com/
Coding Interview
My Sublime text setup
- Install gcc from homebrew using brew install gcc
- Copy stdc++.h file
- Put above stdc++.h named file at
- Sublime c++17 build settings https://pastebin.com/GnNN8cdL
Name | Link |
Tourist 🔥 | /~https://github.com/the-tourist/algo |
Atcoder library | /~https://github.com/atcoder/ac-library |
Leetcode questions | /~https://github.com/fterh/leetcode-curation-topical |
Algo-lib | /~https://github.com/saketh-are/algo-lib |
Coding notes | /~https://github.com/ankitpriyarup/Coding_Notes |
Alexandru Valeanu | /~https://github.com/AlexandruValeanu/Competitive-Programming |
Ashish Gupta | /~https://github.com/Ashishgup1/Competitive-Coding |