This repository will no longer be maintained. I recommend Milton instead
A Servlet that brings basic WebDAV access to any store. Only one interface (IWebdavStorage) has to be implemented, an example (LocalFileSystemStorage) which uses the local filesystem, is provided. Unlike large systems (like slide), this servlet only supports the most basic data access options. versioning or user management are not supported
This library is a fork of the WebDAV servlet library by Hendy Irawan ( GitHub: /~, which itself forked it from the original WebDAV servlet that comes with Apache Tomcat. The IWebdavStorage is inspired by BasicWebdavStore of Oliver Zeigermann's slide-WCK.
- Java 8
- A servlet container that supports at least Servlet Specification 4.0
Include the dependency:
implementation 'org.drjekyll:webdav-servlet:3.0.0'
Create a ServletRegistrationBean
for the WebDAV servlet:
public class WebdavConfig {
public ServletRegistrationBean<WebdavServlet> exampleServletBean() {
return new ServletRegistrationBean<>(new WebdavServlet(), "/webdav/*");
- Download the JAR from
- Place the webdav-servlet.jar in the /WEB-INF/lib/ of your webapp
- Open web.xml of the webapp. it needs to contain the following:
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
name of the class that implements
local filesystem storage folder of the WebDAV content
triggers debug output of the
ResourceHandlerImplementation (0 = off , 1 = on) off by default
- If you want to use the reference implementation, set the parameter
to where you want to store your files - If you have implemented your own store, insert the class name to the
and copy your .jar to /WEB-INF/lib/ - With /* as servlet mapping, every request to the webapp is handled by the servlet. change this if you want
- With the "storeDebug" parameter you can trigger the reference store implementation to spam at every method call. this parameter is optional and can be omitted
- Authentication is done by the servlet-container. If you need it, you have to add the appropriate sections to the web.xml
The webdav-filestore is reached at
http://<ip/name + port of the server>/<name of the webapp>/<servlet-maping>
- Forked and modernized the library and did an initial release
To generate the Maven site, just execute
mvn javadoc:jar site site:stage scm-publish:publish-scm