Functional programming in Python with generators and other utilities.
- Project: /~
- Documentation:
- PyPI:
- Github Actions: /~
- Functional-style methods that work with and return generators.
- Shorthand-style iteratees (callbacks) to easily filter and map data.
- String object-path support for references nested data structures.
- 100% test coverage.
- Python 3.6+
Install using pip:
pip3 install fnc
Import the main module:
import fnc
Start working with data:
users = [
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Jack', 'email': '', 'active': True},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Max', 'email': '', 'active': True},
{'id': 3, 'name': 'Allison', 'email': '', 'active': False},
{'id': 4, 'name': 'David', 'email': '', 'active': False}
Filter active users:
# Uses "matches" shorthand iteratee: dictionary
active_users = fnc.filter({'active': True}, users)
# <filter object at 0x7fa85940ec88>
active_uesrs = list(active_users)
# [{'name': 'Jack', 'email': '', 'active': True},
# {'name': 'Max', 'email': '', 'active': True}]
Get a list of email addresses:
# Uses "pathgetter" shorthand iteratee: string
emails ='email', users)
# <map object at 0x7fa8577d52e8>
emails = list(emails)
# ['', '', '', '']
Create a dict
of users keyed by 'id'
# Uses "pathgetter" shorthand iteratee: string
users_by_id = fnc.keyby('id', users)
# {1: {'id': 1, 'name': 'Jack', 'email': '', 'active': True},
# 2: {'id': 2, 'name': 'Max', 'email': '', 'active': True},
# 3: {'id': 3, 'name': 'Allison', 'email': '', 'active': False},
# 4: {'id': 4, 'name': 'David', 'email': '', 'active': False}}
Select only 'id'
and 'email'
fields and return as dictionaries:
# Uses "pickgetter" shorthand iteratee: set
user_emails = list({'id', 'email'}, users))
# [{'email': '', 'id': 1},
# {'email': '', 'id': 2},
# {'email': '', 'id': 3},
# {'email': '', 'id': 4}]
Select only 'id'
and 'email'
fields and return as tuples:
# Uses "atgetter" shorthand iteratee: tuple
user_emails = list('id', 'email'), users))
# [(1, ''),
# (2, ''),
# (3, ''),
# (4, '')]
Access nested data structures using object-path notation:
fnc.get('a.b.c[1][0].d', {'a': {'b': {'c': [None, [{'d': 100}]]}}})
# 100
# Same result but using a path list instead of a string.
fnc.get(['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 0, 'd'], {'a': {'b': {'c': [None, [{'d': 100}]]}}})
# 100
Compose multiple functions into a generator pipeline:
from functools import partial
filter_active = partial(fnc.filter, {'active': True})
get_emails = partial(, 'email')
get_email_domains = partial(, lambda email: email.split('@')[1])
get_active_email_domains = fnc.compose(
email_domains = get_active_email_domains(users)
# {'', ''}
Or do the same thing except using a terser "partial" shorthand:
get_active_email_domains = fnc.compose(
(fnc.filter, {'active': True}),
(, 'email'),
(, lambda email: email.split('@')[1]),
email_domains = get_active_email_domains(users)
# {'', ''}
For more details and examples, please see the full documentation at