Bringin heritage closer to the people.
An installation interpreting images from Collectie van de Gentenaar.
The installation places images on a unique timeline, where each image is semantically connected one way or the other.
This timeline is then printed on toilet paper.
That's about as close as it gets to the people.
Start with a 64-bit raspberry pi OS as Git lfs needs 64 bits
tip: enable SSH & setup headless wifi via raspberry pi Imager and CTRL+SHIFT+X
Install GIT-lfs:
wget -c /~ -O - | tar -xvzf -
cd git-lfs-3.2.0
sudo ./
- clone the repo with submodules and lfs:
git clone --recurse-submodules /~
cd CoGhentToiletPaper
git lfs pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
- copy
and adapt to your needs. - install graphviz:
sudo apt install graphviz
- install poetry:
curl -sSL | python3 -
- install all packages:
poetry install
- enable the environment:
poetry shell
//: # TODO: adapt
perhaps in flutter? to check the state of the statemachine