Thank you for visiting my GitHub project, Day Planner! I am an aspiring Android Application Developer with just over a year of self-directed education. My goal is to build a long career as a Mobile Application Developer with a company that maintains a passionate and positive corporate culture with an emphasis on teamwork and self-development through continuous learning.
If you would like to know more about me, please visit my LinkedIn profile:
An app that helps manage your day with current and hourly weather, storing and display your daily events, storing and displaying your "To Do" list, and giving you news from Guardian News that can also be searched!
Networking with Retrofit & Moshi, OpenWeather API, Guardian News API, Location Services, MVVM Architecture, LiveData, & Repository Pattern, View & Data Binding, Room for Data Persistence, Coroutines & Kotlin Flow, Notifications with Alarm Manager, RecyclerView with ViewDataBinding & a custom binding adapter for images, Dependency Injection with Dagger2, Espresso UI Testing, Navigation and SafeArgs, Picasso for Image Handling, Material Design Elements, Material Motion Transitions, custome launcher icon, Dialogs, Alerts, and DialogFragments, Date & Time Picker Dialogs, Intents for sharing, messaging, and driving directions.
I believe this application is an excellent representation of my current skill level, but I will continue to update it. Some of my future updates will be merge/include of layouts, improved overall theme and the inclusion of a night theme, switches to adjust between Imperial/Metric and Day/Night Themes, a rotation of randomly chosen quotes for the splash page, dependency injection for the APIs, and more testing.