Ansible Galaxy role for gvm on Debian / Ubuntu / RedHat / OSX.
Install it with the following command:
Coming soon!
List of variables in ansible-role-gvm:
# defaults gvm source
gvm_env: 'user' # use 'user' for local user installation or 'system' for global installation
gvm_repo_host: '' # use default gvm repository
gvm_repo_owner: 'moovweb' # default repo owner
gvm_repo_name: 'gvm' # default repo name
gvm_repo_branch: 'master' # default repo branch
gvm_script_installer: '{{ gvm_repo_host }}/{{ gvm_repo_owner }}/{{ gvm_repo_name }}/{{ gvm_repo_branch }}/binscripts/gvm-installer' # default manual installer script
# defaults gvm destination, use '$HOME' for local user installation or use custom global e.g: '/usr/local'
gvm_destination: '$HOME' # default use ansible user home
gvm_owner: '{{ ansible_facts.user_id }}' # default to use ansible fact user
gvm_owner_group: '{{ gvm_owner }}' # default to use ansible fact user
# use default config from gvm, refer to /~
gmv_no_update_profile: '' # if you set with any value, profile config will not auto update
# profile config if gmv_no_update_profile is true
gvm_manual_update_profile_file: '/etc/profile.d/' # create custom bash if `gmv_no_update_profile` not empty
gvm_manual_update_profile_content: '[[ -s "{{ gvm_destination }}/gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "{{ gvm_destination }}/gvm/scripts/gvm"' # create custom content to `gvm_manual_update_profile_file`
# default golang version config
gvm_go_version: 'go1.22.8'
Default installation:
- hosts: servers
- role: ansible-role-gvm
gvm_env: 'user'
Global installation:
- hosts: servers
- role: ansible-role-gvm
gvm_env: 'system'
gvm_destination: '/usr/local'
gmv_no_update_profile: 'true'
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, Ansible role Gvm is free and open source software.
Nedya Prakasa. Build roles for dPanel.