: 2020/10/03
New GitHub page is up and running for GeneSCF, /~https://github.com/genescf
: 2020/09
New GitHub page is releasing soon for GeneSCF, /~https://github.com/genescf
GeneSCF from v1.1 supports all organisms from KEGG and also from Gene Ontology. This update will have real-time funtional enrichment feature. For new updates about GeneSCF, visit hosting website: /~https://github.com/genescf/GeneSCF
Subhash S and Kanduri C. GeneSCF: a real-time based functional enrichment tool with support for multiple organisms. BMC Bioinformatics 2016, 17:365, http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/17/365
BioStars: https://www.biostars.org/p/108669/
GitHub: /~https://github.com/genescf/GeneSCF/issues
Email: santhilalsubhash@gmail.com
Correspondance: Santhilal Subhash
Last Updated: 2020/10/03