This is my personal site and in it I try some things about web publishing, standards and performance.
It's a web published with a Static Site Generator (#SSG #JamStack), HUGO, and edited throught a #Headless CMS, NetlifyCMS.
It's published in a CDN, in this case in Netlify.
It gets some dynamic content from a Google Spreadsheet that has my recent tweets, that are populated with a Google Apps Script. Then, tweets are writed into html with Hugo data template.Build hook is triggered by Google Apps Script on new tweets. Build hook is triggered on new tweets (twitter > netlify function webhook > google apps script > netlify build) -
A Netlify (AWS Lambda) Function is setup to manage Twitter Webhooks and to publish or to delete tweets in website repo. This is like I do with comments in other projects: JAMStack Lambda Comments
- Because to "pin a tweet" doesn't generate a webhook, I launch a Netlify build when I fav a tweet of my own.
The template I use is from, heavely modified without jquery and others:
To make it performant, I try to acomplish with Google LightHouse. This is my current report. This is the most complex thing: SSG, critical path CSS, inline it, uncss...
UNCSS all css into styles.css uncss.js
Get CRITICAL path CSS: critical.js -
Add all into one block to be included inline, and purge duplicated rules. -
To do that, we need to generate static web, get uncss-styles, ...
$ hugo $ node _tasks/css/uncss.js > static/assets/css/style.css $ hugo server & $ node _tasks/css/critical.js http://localhost:1313 $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-home.css $ node _tasks/css/critical.js http://localhost:1313/gallery/ $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-gallery.css $ css-purge -i $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-home.css -o $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-home.css $ css-purge -i $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-gallery.css -o $(pwd)/static/assets/css/critical-css-gallery.css $ kill $(ps aux | grep '[h]ugo' | awk '{print $2}') $ rm -R public
I make this in development stage, when I write templates for critical css and then, push to git with all the necessary.
Sample script here
$ npm i uncss crittr
- Lozad for lazy loading images (a 1px image is in src to avoid awful effect if you scroll quickly)
- Async loading of some scripts and
FontAwesomeFontello font file - On build time I convert images to webp and if browser supports them, all data-src are changed to .webp version. See "Netlify Build Command"
~~$ npm install _tasks/pinned_tweet && node _tasks/pinned_tweet/index.js && hugo --minify && npm install _tasks/webp && node _tasks/webp/index.js && npm run install && npm run build~~
$ hugo --minify && npm install _tasks/webp && node _tasks/webp/index.js && npm run install && npm run build
- npm install _tasks/pinned_tweet && node _tasks/pinned_tweet/index.js looks for pinned tweet and put it into build path as data for Hugo
- hugo --minify build and minifies assets
- npm install _tasks/webp && node _tasks/webp/index.js convert images to webp
To setup twitter webhook, best guide here: