Protect servers against crypto attacks
Use FSRM-ANTICRYPTO to protect your Windows files servers against Crypto attacks and keep the Crypto filegroup extensions up to date. A very complete list of extensions used by ransomwares is maintained by with infos gave by the community. Check-it at Configuring FSRM make impossible to users to write files with forbiden extensions. So We use FSRM to avoid encrypted files to be saved as the extension used by the Crypto Process is Known. Those scripts and how-to are given as is. Use at your own risck. I will take no responsability for that. This work is heavily based on Kinomakino and on Github. Big hug! Also Thanks to Jpelectron who gave me the idea to go further. Now list is maintained by others: /~
- Update list of banned extensions (through task manager or manually)
- Configure extensions list, template and applying on shares
- Possibility to exclure extensions from the blocked list (false positive)
- Possibility to exclude shares (excluding some specific shares like usb dongle...)
- Possibility to stop all shares when attack is detected or/and write event
- Possibility to delete passive fsrm screen
First of all You need at least Powershell V3 installed
- and check the web for other server version
Without Powershell V3 or higher, the script will end
If You want newer version of powershell You can install 5.1
Install FSRM on Yor server: Add-Role->File Service ->File Server Ressource Manager. As sometime Windows file manager is configured in Case sensitive, you have to configure it by checking HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Kernel obcaseinsensitive is set to 1
After installation of FRSM role on a VM it's important to reboot almost 2 times otherwise some Powershell commands will not be active.
Download the FSRMNOCRYPTO.ZIP and UnZip only files to C:\FSRMNOCRYPTO so C:\FSRMNOCRYPTO contain:
- FSRM_NOCRYPTO_2008.ps1 -> to be used with Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (and in some case 2012)
- FSRM_NOCRYPTO_2012_to_2022.ps1 -> to be used with Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 and 2022
- share_to_accept.txt -> used to input all shares that will bypass the filtering
- ext_to_accept.txt -> used to input all the extensions that are in the blocked list but You want to accept
- ext_to_exclude.txt -> used to input all the extensions that are NOT in the bloked list but You want to block (not working for w2008)
- -> this file
- Licence
First check that .NET and ASP.NET are installed (check fonctionnalities) Second check Set-ExecutionPolicy to acces execution of nonsigned scripts (bypass or remotesigned) Start the script in a Powershell session with admin right. First time You should see some errors. No problem it's only cause by deleting objects that are not yet created. To check if everything is ok, just empty the extensions.old and lunch the script again. This time You should See no error.
As some program use certain type of extension that are known to be ine the ransomware list, You can put the list of extensions to bypass the FSRM blocking filter in the file ext_to_accept.txt For the drive extension do the same in share_to_accept.txt.
This scripts can be add as a task to check newer version of extensions list : program: c:\windows\system32\windowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe Arguments to add: -noprofile -executionpolicy Unrestricted -file "where is this script" default "C:\FSRMNOCRYPTO\FSRM_NOCRYPTO_20XXX.ps1".
The task must be launched at least twice a day. In my case I made a task every hour.
You can check that it's works by renaming a file in a share, just change the extension for exemple test.doc -> test.tron it will be forbiden. You can also follw all attempts in the events log.
For maintenance use if you want to stop the fsrm service: Stop-Service SrmSvc
FSRM cannot be used on administrative shares. it will only publish an event in the event log. As it is just informational, i give the choice to use or not passvive FSRM screens. If you Want to ignore passive screens just change in the script line 41: $delpassive = "0" and set it to $delpassive = "1" (default is 1)
post an issue, I should know some way to make it work for You
1- make sure to launch Internet Explorer one time on the server and choose parameters when asked (default works)
2- if you just installed FSRM role, reboot the server
3- always run the script as an administrator
4- Reboot almost 2 times after FRSM installation on Windows Virtual Machine (don't ask me why!!!)