Yup, that's him to the right—the eponymous mathematician of Project Euler.
Below are Python scripts that I've submitted to HackerRank's version of the project. In keeping with spirit of the project, I kindly ask that you do not copy these solutions directly. Instead, you should use them as a reference for your own solutions, and I hope they inspire you to write even more efficient algorithms!
# | Problem | Python Solution |
1 | Multiples of 3 and 5 | code |
2 | Even Fibonacci Numbers | code |
3 | Largest Prime Factor | code |
4 | Largest Palindrome Product | code |
5 | Smallest Multiple | code |
6 | Sum Square Difference | code |
7 | 10001st Prime | code |
8 | Largest Product in a Series | code |
9 | Special Pythagorean | code |
10 | Summation of Primes | code |
11 | Largest Product in a Grid | code |
12 | Highly Divisible Triangular Number | code |
13 | Large Sum | code |