This repository contains the source code for the DataLad website:
It is built with the Python-powered static site generator Pelican
First clone the repository and install submodules:
git clone /~
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then create a virtual environment and install pelican
python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/pelican
source ~/.venvs/pelican/bin/activate
pip3 install pelican
Then run the command to serve the website locally.
pelican --autoreload --listen
The local website will update in real-time if changes are made to the source code.
Contributions are welcome! Please:
- fork this repository
- create a new branch
- add and commit your changes
- ensure that your changes render locally
- push your commits to your fork
- create a pull request to the upstream
branch, with a description of your proposed changes
If your contributions do not involve specific changes to the code, please create an issue.