FeedRetranslatorBot translates your RSS feed or news on webpage to the telegram channel/channels
Warning: all messages inside bot are in Russian (cyrillic), it's not translated to any other language.
- Get bot key via Telegram BotFather https://t.me/BotFather
- Write key into .key_newsbot file at the same directory as news2rsscmd.py file
- Run cmd 'python3 news2rsscmd.py init ' where username is your public useid in telegram (starts with @ sign but without it). Example: python3 news2rsscmd.py init ibegtin
- Run your bot as 'python3 news2rssbot.py'
- Connect your bot via telegram and use it's commands to add channels and feeds. Use '/help' command to start
- MongoDB
- mongoengine
- newsworker (/~https://github.com/ivbeg/newsworker)
- click
- python-telegram-bot