A gateway service using Zuul 2 that load balances backends without Eureka.
This application demonstrates the use of Zuul 2 to build a simple api gateway with minimal configuration. It is ispired from the Zuul 2 sample. It uses Ant style path patterns for mapping urls to backends/origins.
- <client-name>.ribbon.<property-name>=<value> // for client configuration
- <client-name>.ribbon.listOfServers=<value> // for configuring the static server list to the backends
- routes.<client-name>.path=<path-pattern> // pattern to be used for mapping clients to URL's
The path patterns are based on spring/apache implementation of the same.
/~https://github.com/Netflix/zuul https://shiro.apache.org/static/1.3.2/apidocs/org/apache/shiro/util/AntPathMatcher.html