Data Upload: Upload your own CSV files to analyze custom datasets.
Filters: Filter data by sector, event type, age group, and date range.
KPI Cards: View key performance indicators such as total customers, average age, total sales, and total countries.
- Pie Charts: Distribution of education levels and average age groups.
- Bar Charts: Analysis of marital status and spending by product category.
- Line Charts: Trends in sales and customer growth over time.
- Map: Geographic distribution of customers.
Data Table: Interactive table to view and filter detailed data.
This Shiny app provides an interactive dashboard for visualizing restaurant data.
Highest Rated Restaurants
Consumer Demographics
Demand & Supply
Restaurant Database
The following R packages must be installed:
install.packages(c("shiny", "ggplot2", "plotly", "dplyr", "readr", "leaflet", "sf", "rnaturalearth", "rnaturalearthdata", "lubridate", "tidyr", "shiny.fluent", "imola", "DT", "fontawesome", "blastula"))