Project could be tested with command (start)
from the user
Please don't forget to:
- add to root
folder or configure your XTDB connection - install npm packages, eg
before open your REPL.
Based on Clojure tools (deps.edn).
Application services | Libraries |
Database | XTDB + RocksDB |
State Management | Mount [clj/ cljs] |
Routing/ Interceptors | Pedestal |
Frontend | Shadow-cljs + Tailwind CSS |
Generate jar | Uberdeps |
Test runner | Kaocha |
What is contains:
- simple user auth/flow
- simple content at frontend
- simple tests
UML extensions:
- PlantUML, Mermaid installed for UML diags
- Extension: [puml, plantuml, puclass format] in this folder
Rocksdb Installation on Ubuntu 18.04, based on
sudo apt install liblz4-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libzstd-dev
git clone /~
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd rocksdb/
PORTABLE=1 make all
- Clone RocksDB
git clone /~ && cd rocksdb
- Build Rocks
DBDEBUG_LEVEL=0 make shared_lib
- Install RocksDB so that Desmos can access it
sudo make install-shared
- Make sure the newly built library is linked correctly
sudo ldconfig
make install DB_BACKEND=rocksdb
sudo apt install librocksdb-dev
Add to root folder in the .env XTDB_ENABLE_BYTEUTILS_SHA1="true"
OR Edit ~/.zshrc and add the line export XTDB_ENABLE_BYTEUTILS_SHA1=true
More info at: -> Environment Variables
Important: I need to start the repl from terminal (outside of IntelliJ), because that is just a simulated terminal and will not pick up the env correctly, as confirmed by Cursive's author. So, that is the "best practice" for using XTDB.
Mac M1 issue: xtdb/xtdb#1518
{org.rocksdb/rocksdbjni {:mvn/version ""}}
Documentation in details: /~
npm run postcss:build
shadow-cljs release app
java -cp target/project.jar clojure.main -m project.clj.server
Just run nix-shell
and the project dependencies are defined in shell.nix
Mermaid diagram
graph LR
A[write code] --> B{Does it work?}
B -- Yes --> C[Great!]
B -- No --> D[Google]
D --> A